Friday, September 25, 2009
Buffalo Libertarian Examiner: Obama/Biden hypocrisy
"All of this just proves that real 'change' is on the way. Never before have we seen such a large group of voters get so overwhelmingly euphoric over such a blatant fraud. Obama’s articulate verbal wit along with his uncanny ability to successfully market the same failed policies of George W. Bush to millions of naïve college kids is most certainly a departure from the status quo. No longer will we have to get upset at the president for putting our grandchildren into debt, now we’ll passionately commend him as he violates all of our rights in the name of clichés like 'change' and 'hope.' Americans will now exuberantly go to the polls on Election Day to vote themselves into slavery. We’re going to passionately embark on journey down the road to serfdom; only this time it will be done to the tune of Barack Obama’s elegant charm. Believe me, change is coming. So get ready!"
Marist Poll: NY Voters to Obama, “Mind Your Business”
"The White House is urging Governor David Paterson not to run for office next year, but what do New York State voters think? 62% say the Obama Administration is wrong to suggest the governor should not run while 27% think Washington is well within its rights to get involved. 11% are unsure. Even a majority — 51% — of Democrats believes the Administration is meddling. 77% of Republicans and 64% of non-enrolled voters agree."
American Thinker: The Soros-Axelrod Axis?
"A little background might help to tease out the possibility that Soros may have established an early working relationship with Axelrod. Soros was an early and ardent supporter of Barack Obama, even using a loophole in federal campaign laws to funnel outsized donations to him for his Senate campaign. The various think tanks and 527 groups that Soros funds have provided advisers and de facto campaign help for Barack Obama. Naturally, Soros and Axelrod would have crossed paths.
"Soros and Axelrod are natural allies. For years, Axelrod ran not just a political consultancy firm (AKP & D Message and Media) but also had a lucrative business operating under the rubric of ASK Public Strategies. The latter firm specialized in creating so called astroturf groups: well-funded activist groups that have the façade of being grassroots phenomena, but are merely tools of moneyed interests. Astroturf groups are a mirror image of 527 groups, of which, to repeat, Soros is the nation's top donor. Is it possible that Soros has worked hand in hand with Axelrod to create such an astroturf group -- this time not to win elections, but to carry out Barack Obama's policies?"
"Soros and Axelrod are natural allies. For years, Axelrod ran not just a political consultancy firm (AKP & D Message and Media) but also had a lucrative business operating under the rubric of ASK Public Strategies. The latter firm specialized in creating so called astroturf groups: well-funded activist groups that have the façade of being grassroots phenomena, but are merely tools of moneyed interests. Astroturf groups are a mirror image of 527 groups, of which, to repeat, Soros is the nation's top donor. Is it possible that Soros has worked hand in hand with Axelrod to create such an astroturf group -- this time not to win elections, but to carry out Barack Obama's policies?" Health Reform Is Just Subterfuge
"First, a digression: Don't believe that '47 million uninsured' number. That canard is beyond a hoax. It is a fraud and a lie.
"For example, it includes at least 10 million illegal aliens (yes, that is the right term for those who enter our country by violating American law) and an additional five million or so legal foreign residents. Those categories are not 'uninsured Americans' because they are not Americans.
"The notorious 47 million also includes millions of wealthy people who do not purchase medical insurance — rendering themselves self-insured, not uninsured.
"The biggest deceptions of all may be counting a large cohort of the young and vigorous who make the rational cost/benefit decision not to buy medical insurance yet, and several million others who qualify for free insurance and just don't bother to sign up!
"Bottom line, subtract out the un-uninsured and other inapplicable categories and the true number of Americans without health insurance is somewhere around 7 million, maybe 10 million conservatively (compared with 15 million after Democrat 'reform'?). Google the issue for about 10 minutes to verify.
"Another way the Democrats inadvertently reveal their own national health insurance dishonesty is through infidelity to a second objective — cost control.
"Remember that one? They are hoping you don't, especially since the Congressional Budget Office has reported that the Obama-Democrat scheme would add $1 trillion to the national health tab over the next decade. Yet the Dems still want their plan. Why?
"Why, indeed? It must be something else, therefore. If their own action undermines their stated aims, and still they desperately favor the action, then the Democrats' real purpose must be something different, something they will not reveal. But what? Simple:
"Have you noticed how the Washington Democrats like to take control of things, particularly big things in the economy such as the major banks and the auto industry, as well as health care?
"(Obama has realized he doesn't have to literally own the banks to control them. He can, instead, achieve control through bank dependence on TARP money and through his own coercion and intimidation. Step out of line, that is, and a bank will be publicly vilified by Barney Frank and other operatives, and maybe even have its executives prosecuted.)
"When American business, American jobs and the American people become totally dependent on Obama and the Democrats for money and credit, including student loans for good measure, how much power will that give the Obama Democrats over our country?
"The portrait coming into focus is one of either totalitarian socialism or an unholy socialist hybrid with fascism. And when you are dependent on the decision of a Democrat bureaucrat for crucial medical treatment, how much power does that give the Democrats over you?
"(Do you suppose party registration or political contributions might enter the bureaucrats' calculus? Recall how, in the GM reorganization, the Dems axed profitable dealers who were known to be Republican.)
"When the Democrats achieve literal death-grip power over the lives of all our people, that is when they also achieve their long-cherished dream of absolute power and a Democrat dictatorship.
"Dictatorship in a virtual one-party state is the correct forecast because our present rulers can never be voted out of national power after they grant amnesty to the millions of illegal aliens, who would promptly be registered as mostly Democrat voters by Acorn!
"Now do you see what the real scheme is? Now does it all make sense? This is not your father's Democrat party. This is also not about health care, ultimately. It's about raw political power and the long-promised socialist takeover of the United States.
"No public option, they now suggest? Don't believe it. They'll create a public option, soon to become the only option, by stealth — a kind of Fannie-Freddie co-op, because government control, in this case medical dictatorship, is an article of theology for the lib Dems.
"We do not have a health care crisis in this country — because everyone already gets health care. It is just that some rely on the emergency room as their private medical services provider, so the system is inefficient and definitely too expensive overall.
"We do have a health insurance problem , and a health care cost crisis, but not a national health care crisis. And both real problems are readily manageable if the Dems would only allow it."
"For example, it includes at least 10 million illegal aliens (yes, that is the right term for those who enter our country by violating American law) and an additional five million or so legal foreign residents. Those categories are not 'uninsured Americans' because they are not Americans.
"The notorious 47 million also includes millions of wealthy people who do not purchase medical insurance — rendering themselves self-insured, not uninsured.
"The biggest deceptions of all may be counting a large cohort of the young and vigorous who make the rational cost/benefit decision not to buy medical insurance yet, and several million others who qualify for free insurance and just don't bother to sign up!
"Bottom line, subtract out the un-uninsured and other inapplicable categories and the true number of Americans without health insurance is somewhere around 7 million, maybe 10 million conservatively (compared with 15 million after Democrat 'reform'?). Google the issue for about 10 minutes to verify.
"Another way the Democrats inadvertently reveal their own national health insurance dishonesty is through infidelity to a second objective — cost control.
"Remember that one? They are hoping you don't, especially since the Congressional Budget Office has reported that the Obama-Democrat scheme would add $1 trillion to the national health tab over the next decade. Yet the Dems still want their plan. Why?
"Why, indeed? It must be something else, therefore. If their own action undermines their stated aims, and still they desperately favor the action, then the Democrats' real purpose must be something different, something they will not reveal. But what? Simple:
"Have you noticed how the Washington Democrats like to take control of things, particularly big things in the economy such as the major banks and the auto industry, as well as health care?
"(Obama has realized he doesn't have to literally own the banks to control them. He can, instead, achieve control through bank dependence on TARP money and through his own coercion and intimidation. Step out of line, that is, and a bank will be publicly vilified by Barney Frank and other operatives, and maybe even have its executives prosecuted.)
"When American business, American jobs and the American people become totally dependent on Obama and the Democrats for money and credit, including student loans for good measure, how much power will that give the Obama Democrats over our country?
"The portrait coming into focus is one of either totalitarian socialism or an unholy socialist hybrid with fascism. And when you are dependent on the decision of a Democrat bureaucrat for crucial medical treatment, how much power does that give the Democrats over you?
"(Do you suppose party registration or political contributions might enter the bureaucrats' calculus? Recall how, in the GM reorganization, the Dems axed profitable dealers who were known to be Republican.)
"When the Democrats achieve literal death-grip power over the lives of all our people, that is when they also achieve their long-cherished dream of absolute power and a Democrat dictatorship.
"Dictatorship in a virtual one-party state is the correct forecast because our present rulers can never be voted out of national power after they grant amnesty to the millions of illegal aliens, who would promptly be registered as mostly Democrat voters by Acorn!
"Now do you see what the real scheme is? Now does it all make sense? This is not your father's Democrat party. This is also not about health care, ultimately. It's about raw political power and the long-promised socialist takeover of the United States.
"No public option, they now suggest? Don't believe it. They'll create a public option, soon to become the only option, by stealth — a kind of Fannie-Freddie co-op, because government control, in this case medical dictatorship, is an article of theology for the lib Dems.
"We do not have a health care crisis in this country — because everyone already gets health care. It is just that some rely on the emergency room as their private medical services provider, so the system is inefficient and definitely too expensive overall.
"We do have a health insurance problem , and a health care cost crisis, but not a national health care crisis. And both real problems are readily manageable if the Dems would only allow it."
Washington Post: White House Seeks Renewal of Surveillance Laws
"Obama's approach to electronic surveillance has been closely watched since he shifted positions during the presidential campaign last year, casting a vote to update the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act over the objections of liberals in his party. That law granted telecommunication companies immunity from lawsuits by Americans who argued that their privacy had been violated in an electronic data collection program. "
And they were afraid of McCain continuing Bush's polices.
And they were afraid of McCain continuing Bush's polices.
World Net Daily: Pelosi's willful amnesia
"'I have concerns about some of the language that is being used because I saw, I saw this myself in the late '70s in San Francisco,' said a tearful Pelosi last Friday.
"'This kind of rhetoric is just, is really frightening, and it created a climate in which we (sic), violence took place.'
"Pelosi was implying that the 1978 murder of Harvey Milk, the gay San Francisco supervisor, was spawned by the kind of right-wing rhetoric one hears at tea parties and the like.
"In reality, Milk's murder had nothing to do with anything right-wing. Indeed, left-wing violence of all sorts, the worst of it abetted by the Democratic establishment, terrorized the Bay Area from one end of the decade to the other.
"For starters, Milk's killer was a Democrat, former Supervisor Dan White. In November 1978, the emotionally troubled White abruptly resigned from the Board of Supervisors.
"On Milk's advice, Mayor George Moscone refused to reinstate White when he petitioned to get back on. White snapped. He shot and killed them both and promptly turned himself in. This was no historic moment. This was routine workplace violence prompted by Milk's double dealing.
After an absurdly lenient verdict – only in psycho San Francisco would the "Twinkie" defense have worked – the anti-death penalty coalition organized a protest march. It quickly went south on them.
How far south? How about thousands of angry gay men marching down Market Street chanting 'Kill Dan White' south – pretty rough rhetoric in anyone's book."
"'This kind of rhetoric is just, is really frightening, and it created a climate in which we (sic), violence took place.'
"Pelosi was implying that the 1978 murder of Harvey Milk, the gay San Francisco supervisor, was spawned by the kind of right-wing rhetoric one hears at tea parties and the like.
"In reality, Milk's murder had nothing to do with anything right-wing. Indeed, left-wing violence of all sorts, the worst of it abetted by the Democratic establishment, terrorized the Bay Area from one end of the decade to the other.
"For starters, Milk's killer was a Democrat, former Supervisor Dan White. In November 1978, the emotionally troubled White abruptly resigned from the Board of Supervisors.
"On Milk's advice, Mayor George Moscone refused to reinstate White when he petitioned to get back on. White snapped. He shot and killed them both and promptly turned himself in. This was no historic moment. This was routine workplace violence prompted by Milk's double dealing.
After an absurdly lenient verdict – only in psycho San Francisco would the "Twinkie" defense have worked – the anti-death penalty coalition organized a protest march. It quickly went south on them.
How far south? How about thousands of angry gay men marching down Market Street chanting 'Kill Dan White' south – pretty rough rhetoric in anyone's book."
A Deck of Cards Somewhere is Missing a Joker

Only a brain-dead idiot would take this two-year-old article seriously. Only the historical facts of genocides in Africa and the silence from "black leadership" concerning them should be taken seriously:
The New Black Order
By Brother X
EXTERMINATE ALL WHITE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They gots to go so we can establish our New Black Order.
Go to
Brother Kamau Rashidi Kambon (, a brother with an African and an Arab Muslim name together, was right! He said we have to exterminate White people off this planet! (
First thing we gotta do is learn from the best. If we want to do genocide, we gotta do it right or not do it at all. Let's research what those honky Nazis did before and during World War II. They knew what they were doing. They committed genocide with a good attitude. Shall we use deadly gas like they did? Do we need to build ovens like they did? Let's research the genocide in Sudan that has been going on for decades. Shall we use machine guns and bombs like the Jangaweed in Sudan are using on the Blacks there?( They have been very successful. Also we have to congratulate the regime of Pol Pot in Cambodia. The Khmer Rouge killed 2,000,000 people, Cambodians (their own people) along with ethnic Chinese, Thai, and Vietnamese. Good show. And of course, remember Rwanda. Black Hutus killed over 500,000 Black Tutsis and Black Hutu sympathizers:
"One such massacre occurred at Nyarubuye. Ordinary citizens were called on by local officials and government-sponsored radio to kill their neighbors and those who refused to kill were often killed themselves. "Either you took part in the massacres or you were massacred yourself," said one Hutu, rationalizing an ambivalent mixture of regret, fear, and shame at being forced to kill Tutsis.[20]
"Most of the victims were killed in their villages or in towns, often by their neighbors and fellow villagers. The militia members mostly killed their victims by chopping them up with machetes, although some army units used rifles. The victims were often hiding in churches and school buildings, where Hutu extremist gangs massacred them. On 12 April 1994, more than 1,500 Tutsis sought refuge in a Catholic church in Kivumu. Local Interahamwe then used bulldozers to knock down the church building. People who tried to escape were hacked down with machetes or shot." Go to Rwandan Genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Those were Black Africans killing other 500,000 other Black Africans. Now if White folks killed those 500,000 Black Africans? That would have qualified to have been a real tragedy. We would have marched, protested, screamed, and yelled “You White folks murdered our Black brothers!” But since Black folks murdered (genocided), with machetes too, 500,000 other Black folks, it was not a tragedy at all. No big deal. There was no need to protest that. I did not hear any of our people protest, have you? What Blacks do to other Blacks is none of our business. Blacks have the moral right to slaughter and destroy other Blacks in peace. White folks, however, do not have that right. Only when Whites do stuff to Blacks like rape, kill, pillage, apartheid, say the N-word, etc. are we supposed to get angry and call Jesse Jackson, call the NAACP, call Black talk shows, call press conferences, do marches, do protests, etc. Now that is only our business when White folks are involved. Again, we say that when Blacks rape, kill, pillage, etc. their own people, in America, Africa, etc., we are supposed to ignore it, say “Oh well…,” and not talk about it, as many of us have been doing for years.
If we cannot pin it on the White man, what sense does it make to protest?
We need to get all the Black organizations together and do a democratic plebiscite to select the very best way to kill all White people as quickly as possible. Let's put it to a vote. Machetes? Neutron bombs? Machine guns? Cyanide gas? Bird flu? Ebola virus? AIDS? Anthrax? Guillotines like from the French Revolution? Or is there a better way? Once we all vote and the majority chooses the right method, we will all commit to it and not let it go. But we have to get our reparations from them (our 40 acres and a Black Lexus) before we kill them all off. Let’s get our money from them then get rid of them. The time for talk is over!
By the way, we have to genocide all the whitey-loving Black Uncle Tom's too, especially the ones who don’t sound like they are Black. However, President Bill Clinton is off limits. Was he not our first Black president? He will get special protection. Everyone knows he is really Black. Give the brother some slack. He is just very “high yaller." But that White woman he married? She gots to go too.
Sorry. Bill.
Then we have to put ads in the help wanted sections of papers across the country:
"WANTED: Capable men and women of color with creative minds and positive attitudes to commit genocide on an unnamed ethnic group in the world. No experience in killing necessary, but would be helpful. Must be willing to be trained in deadly weapons to be decided by plebiscite. Good pay, travel the world, get lots of respect, get a lot of people scared of you, great benefits such as taking over previously-owned homes, cars, etc. in great neighborhoods after the job is done. Blacks need only apply. This job may require exposure to lots of blood on a continual basis. (And when I say lots, I mean LOTS!) Disposal of massive amounts of corpses of same unnamed ethnic group (and Black Uncle Tom's and Aunt Tomasina's) is also required in the position. Apply in confidence. Be prepared to dress in revolutionary attire (basic black) for interviews. This job is not permanent, only temporary."
Once we buried the very last White person in the world, we need to make some changes. Since we Black folks would have the means to commit genocide on anyone in the world, we would be the only ones in power. Who would get in our way? It is time for Black Supremacy to rule! The so-called United States will be Black now and it will be the United Black States of America (UBSA). We have to rename the former White cities to reflect our culture in our New Black Order. Like Washington, DC will be renamed to Blackington, DB, 100% Black majority. Of course no more "White House." It's gonna be Black from now on. No more "Mr. President" but Brotha President. I nominate Snoop Doggy Dogg to be Secretary of Education and Rev. Ike to be Secretary of the Treasury. There will also be a new executive department called the Department of Blackness with the Secretary of Blackness as a cabinet member. This department will be responsible for determining and certifying who and what is "authentically Black" and identifying "Certified Uncle Toms." Even being from Africa does not to qualify enough to be authentically Black according to our standards. (Senator Barack Obama and Tiger Woods would not even pass the Blackness standards.) The Department will be the official Keeper of the Blackness. Since we would have genocided Condoleezza Rice along with all the rest of them honkies, we will make Lil' Kim the Secretary of State. Since we will have NASA, renamed BASA (rhymes with "massa"), we will have to get the best scientific Black minds to figure out a way to make the man on the moon Black. He has been White for way too long.
The official language of our country will be Blacklish or Blinglish. That has to be put to a vote.
We will have Black York with its 5 bouroughs: Blackhattan (no more “Great White Way”), Blacklynn, Blacken Island, The Black Queens, and The Blax. Since Harlem was originally a White name, that got to go too. It will be Blacklem, the way it should have been all along.
Also we will have Blackadelphia, Blackimore, Blackancisco in Blackifornia with the Black Gate Bridge, Black Angeles with Blackwood as the center of Black entertainment worldwide, Black Diego, Beverly Blacks, Blacktroit in Blackchigan, Blackas in Blaxas, Blackago on beautiful Lake Blackchigan in Blackinois, Blackami in Blackida, Blackingham in Blackabama, Black Louis, Blackphis in Blackensee, Black Vegas, Blackston in Blackachusetts, Blackerquerque in New Blaxico, Blacknix in Blackizona (the state with the Black Canyon), and Blackeattle in the state of Blackington. The Black Hills of Dakota had the right name from the start.
Since we will have control of the media there will be new changes. CNN, ABC, CNBC, and CBS will be BNN, BBC (not to be confused with our funny talking brothers over at the Blackish Broadcasting Company in Blackdon, Blackland. They don't talk like Black folks at all. They don’t sound like they‘re from the hood. They talk just like the White folks there we genocided. We gotta watch them brothers over there carefully. They may look Black, but it don’t mean they are Black. Oreos got to go too.), BNBC, and BBS respectively. In comics there will be no more "Superman." It will be Blackerman with a black costume with a big yellow "B" on his chest. He comes from the planet Blackton, he lives and works in Blacktropolis, and the only thing that can kill Blackerman is White Blacktonite, of course. Anything white from Blackton is deadly. There will be no more "Batman." Notice that the white racist Bruce Wayne could not find a brotha to help him fight crime. He had to pick a White boy. The Joker, who was even whiter than white, should have done us a favor and killed Bruce Wayne along with his parents. We would have given him a medal. Instead of "Batman," we have Blackman, of course! He drives the magnificent Blackmobile and works in the secret Blackcave. His partner is a brotha named Blackbird, no more Robins. Blackman and Blackbird are always alert to fight crime, especially WHITE collar crime, in Blackham City. His trusted Black butler is named Blackfred. Blackman's archenemy is "The Whitener." Same Black time, same Black channel.
And let us not forget the porn industry. Since Whites have always had control there will be more changes. Penthouse Magazine will be Blackhouse Magazine with 100% Black women. (I hope that won't be confused with where Brotha President lives.) Playboy Magazine will be Blackboy...oops, we gotta get another name. But those white bunnies are going to be all Black from now on.
It will be illegal to sell white milk. It will be legally mandated that dairy farmers can only use cows that produce chocolate milk. White chocolate, white meat, white bread, and egg whites will be forever banned too. Banning coconut is also being considered. It is just too white for some people. Only meat from BLACK ANGUS cattle will be allowed. And ONLY black coffee will be legal, sold at Blackbucks Coffee. Vanilla ice cream will be totally banned. Only chocolate ice cream will be legal.
Toothpaste that has "special whiteners" will also be illegal. It will be called "Uncle Tom" toothpaste. We don't want to make anything white, including teeth. Dentists better watch it or we will put them in jail for violation of our new Black Codes.
White paint? Forget it! Not in the world of our New Black Order!
Also too there will be the classic movies in theaters again from the 70's like Blacula and Blackenstein. (It is an historical fact that Black vampires have always hated white folk’s blood, by the way. For them it was like lactose intolerance. Black vampires always prey on their own people.)
I almost forgot. Ain't gonna be no more "I'm dreaming of a White Christmas." It will be illegal to sing that song and to mention the name of that white racist singer “Bing Crosby.” Anyone who says or sings "and may all your Christmases be white" will be immediately imprisoned for life or executed. We don't leave any stone unturned. We will have also gone to the North Pole to genocide that fat, bearded old White man in that ridiculous red suit. We will have genocided him and replaced him with Blackta Claus, wearing a Black suit, of course. Those White elves all got to go too. Our Black elf brothers will take over the operation.
Unfortunately now there are still White people in the world. Maybe we should do a mass fundraiser for an all-out marketing campaign to encourage White birth control and abortion. Get the White churches and pastors involved so they won't know that it is really us Black folks who want to kill them all off. We don’t want the word to go out that we are trying to exterminate them. Tell these White women they don't need children. Tell them something like “not having children is saving the planet.” The more White babies killed off the better. We need to encourage more abortion clinics in White communities. Now that is a cool way to commit genocide.
Another thing. Once we killed off all the White folks, we have to talk about planning a conference to talk about a scientific way to make snow permanently black. White snow gives Blackta Claus clinical depression. All that white stuff on the ground makes him want to slap a White person for his mental health and escape to a resort on the Black Sea in eastern Blackurope. He may have to move to Blaxas, Blackifornia, or Blackida.
(Addendumb: True story from that Uncle Tom sellout Larry Elder. A Black barber claimed that 9/11 was orchestrated to kill Black people at the World Trade Center. When he was questioned about the deaths of many White people there (Yay!), the Black barber replied that those White folks “were in the way.” People can be so stupid. That absolutely proves how dumb and stupid President George W. Bush is. He did not have sense enough to send those planes to crash in Harlem, the Black center of New York City, which is only a few miles north, even into any Black neighborhood in Washington, DC, a majority Black city. And he was a military pilot years ago himself and lives in Washington? You cannot even trust him to kill our own people correctly! He kills more of his own White people instead! Yay! What a stupid White man who did us a favor!)
ObamaCare's Calculated Deception
"President Obama said that his health overhaul plan includes no Medicare cuts, telling seniors: '[D]on't pay attention to those scary stories about how your benefits will be cut.' He continued, 'The only thing this plan would eliminate is the ... unwarranted subsidies in Medicare that go to insurance companies--subsidies that do everything to pad their profits but don't improve the care of seniors.'
"What Obama is talking about here is $177 billion in cuts for Medicare Advantage--the private insurance options that almost one-fourth of seniors have chosen for their coverage under Medicare. Republicans enacted this choice for seniors, and close to 10 million retirees have chosen one of these private insurance options because they get better benefits from it than from standard Medicare.
"At a minimum, Obama's cuts will force these plans to cut back on their benefits for seniors. Or the Medicare Advantage plans may just go out of business altogether, dumping all the seniors who have made that choice because they think they are getting a better deal from those plans. Does Obama's quote above regarding this component of his health plan honestly explain to you what is involved? Or does it seem calculated to deceive you?
"Obama's health overhaul plan also includes cuts in 'hundreds of billions of dollars in waste and fraud' in Medicare. What Obama is talking about here is over $300 billion in additional Medicare cuts, for a total of $500 billion, for payments to doctors and hospitals. In response, doctors and hospitals will cut back on the services and care they provide to seniors. This is the beginning of the health care rationing in Obama's plan. Calling these just cuts in 'waste and fraud' is again a calculated deception.
"Obama promises seniors in his speech 'not a dollar of the Medicare trust fund will be used to pay for this plan.' But what Obama doesn't tell us is that only Medicare payroll taxes are devoted to the Medicare trust fund. In addition, Medicare is heavily financed by general revenues, and Medicare cuts could provide general revenue savings that do not involve taking money out of the Medicare trust fund. Such general revenue savings wouldn't be put into the trust fund in the first place. Again, does Obama's discussion of this sound like calculated deception?
"President Obama expects credit for these Medicare cuts when promising 'I will not sign a plan that adds ... one dime to the deficit, now or in the future' and 'The plan will not add to our deficit.' But even with these Medicare cuts, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has officially scored the plan as adding hundreds of billions to the deficit.
"Obama also said during the campaign that those earning less than $250,000 per year would not pay one more dime in taxes in any form. But under Obama's health plan, individuals not covered will be forced to pay a special tax."
"What Obama is talking about here is $177 billion in cuts for Medicare Advantage--the private insurance options that almost one-fourth of seniors have chosen for their coverage under Medicare. Republicans enacted this choice for seniors, and close to 10 million retirees have chosen one of these private insurance options because they get better benefits from it than from standard Medicare.
"At a minimum, Obama's cuts will force these plans to cut back on their benefits for seniors. Or the Medicare Advantage plans may just go out of business altogether, dumping all the seniors who have made that choice because they think they are getting a better deal from those plans. Does Obama's quote above regarding this component of his health plan honestly explain to you what is involved? Or does it seem calculated to deceive you?
"Obama's health overhaul plan also includes cuts in 'hundreds of billions of dollars in waste and fraud' in Medicare. What Obama is talking about here is over $300 billion in additional Medicare cuts, for a total of $500 billion, for payments to doctors and hospitals. In response, doctors and hospitals will cut back on the services and care they provide to seniors. This is the beginning of the health care rationing in Obama's plan. Calling these just cuts in 'waste and fraud' is again a calculated deception.
"Obama promises seniors in his speech 'not a dollar of the Medicare trust fund will be used to pay for this plan.' But what Obama doesn't tell us is that only Medicare payroll taxes are devoted to the Medicare trust fund. In addition, Medicare is heavily financed by general revenues, and Medicare cuts could provide general revenue savings that do not involve taking money out of the Medicare trust fund. Such general revenue savings wouldn't be put into the trust fund in the first place. Again, does Obama's discussion of this sound like calculated deception?
"President Obama expects credit for these Medicare cuts when promising 'I will not sign a plan that adds ... one dime to the deficit, now or in the future' and 'The plan will not add to our deficit.' But even with these Medicare cuts, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has officially scored the plan as adding hundreds of billions to the deficit.
"Obama also said during the campaign that those earning less than $250,000 per year would not pay one more dime in taxes in any form. But under Obama's health plan, individuals not covered will be forced to pay a special tax."
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