"One of the first things sales managers taught me when I entered Advertising Sales was never put down your own product. Whether it was a right decision for him to have attended that meeting or not, the only purpose of him going to the IOC meeting was to be the closer, the heavy hitting Chief Salesman. But the President told the IOC that America's world image is 'the pits.' Hell, if your closer doesn't have confidence in the product, why should the buyer have any confidence?
"President Obama can't blame IOC politics for the loss, like David Axelrod tried to neither spin, nor can he blame his right wing radio boogey met Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck. The only one President Obama can blame is himself. He 'crapped' on his product during the final pitch. He gave the IOC a reason to say no."
Monday, October 5, 2009
Alan Caruba: Obama: Getting It Wrong
"In a Saturday Night Live skit, an Obama impersonator asks the audience what he has accomplished since taking office and answers the question proudly saying 'Nothing!'”
Fred Dardick: Sacrifice 350 Million People to Save 45,000?
"Why doesn’t Congress create legislation that specifically addresses the needs of those in imminent danger? While the actual number may be greater than 45,000, it should be possible to find a way to help these people. Currently 87.4 million receive healthcare benefits from the government and I suspect that adding few hundred thousand of the most vulnerable to the rolls would be reasonable.
"This goes to the point of what exactly Democrats wish to accomplish with their healthcare reform … is it to improve the healthcare circumstances of Americans in need, or a blatant power grab by self-important politicians who want to write their names in the history books?"
"This goes to the point of what exactly Democrats wish to accomplish with their healthcare reform … is it to improve the healthcare circumstances of Americans in need, or a blatant power grab by self-important politicians who want to write their names in the history books?"
Judi McLeod: Mmm, mmm, mmm: Humpty Dumpty takes a great fall
"The best line of all came from Drudge: 'The ego has landed'.
"The ego landed in front of all on Michelle and Barack’s big sacrifice."
"The ego landed in front of all on Michelle and Barack’s big sacrifice."
Warner Todd Huston: And Now Senator Schumer is Lying about Job Losses
"Why the media allows these guys to just tell a flat out lie without pressing them on it is beyond me… except for the fact that the Old Media wants Schumer and the President to get away with their lies?"
Dr. Tim Ball: President Obama Keeps Repeating Climate Falsehoods
"False claim that CO2 is a pollutant"
"Obama’s speeches follow a pattern. Invoke a big name from the past: here he used John F Kennedy, 'Our problems are man-made, therefore they may be solved by man.' The problem is global warming or climate changes are not man-made. Next he presents a few ‘facts’ to substantiate the threat. Then he exaggerates the situation to justify draconian intervention. Here he repeats Moon’s inaccurate message. The 'threat from climate change is serious, it is urgent, and it is growing.' Throughout he repeats a claim for emphasis; in this case it’s the false claim that CO2 is a pollutant. He makes seven references.
"The few ‘facts’ start with; 'Rising sea levels threaten every coastline.' No they don’t! Actually, there are many areas where land is rising and sea levels falling. Sea level rise is the centerpiece of Gore’s movie. It has risen steadily and naturally over the last few thousand years as we emerged from the ice age, but the rate of increase has decreased."
"Obama’s speeches follow a pattern. Invoke a big name from the past: here he used John F Kennedy, 'Our problems are man-made, therefore they may be solved by man.' The problem is global warming or climate changes are not man-made. Next he presents a few ‘facts’ to substantiate the threat. Then he exaggerates the situation to justify draconian intervention. Here he repeats Moon’s inaccurate message. The 'threat from climate change is serious, it is urgent, and it is growing.' Throughout he repeats a claim for emphasis; in this case it’s the false claim that CO2 is a pollutant. He makes seven references.
"The few ‘facts’ start with; 'Rising sea levels threaten every coastline.' No they don’t! Actually, there are many areas where land is rising and sea levels falling. Sea level rise is the centerpiece of Gore’s movie. It has risen steadily and naturally over the last few thousand years as we emerged from the ice age, but the rate of increase has decreased."
Wes Vernon: Watch what you say -- marching toward the police state?
"Enemies of free speech always are and always will be out to stifle dissent. Such is the way of dictatorships and would-be tyrants throughout history. Maybe what we need is more Townhall meetings — this time devoted specifically to the issue of free speech. Think your own congressman or senator would take to that idea? He may think he's 'above it all,' but he also knows you have the collective right to give him his walking papers."
"Regarding euthanasia, in Germany in 1920, Dr. Alfred Hoche and Karl Binding authored 'The Permission to Destroy Life Unworthy of Life' urging a national policy of assisted suicide for those terminally ill, mentally retarded, or with brain damage or psychiatric conditions. This was similar to the views of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger regarding those at the beginning of life, when she wrote in The Pivot of Civilization (1922): 'There is but one practical and feasible program in handling the great problem of the feeble-minded. That is, as the best authorities are agreed, to prevent the birth of those who would transmit imbecility to their descendents.' A little over 80 years later, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in a July 12, 2009 New York Times Magazine interview would say: 'I had thought that at the time Roe v. Wade was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of.'”
Devvy Kidd: Economic recovery underway - a cruel deception
"The usurper in the White House has pushed through the same flavor programs as FDR with the blessing of the crooks in Congress. One of the most unconstitutional New Deal swindles was the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA). This Act was passed in June 1933. It created another gigantic bureaucracy, like a fat hog giving birth, called the National Recovery Administration. Under the NRA, most manufacturing industries were abruptly and illegally forced into government-mandated cartels.[1]
"The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), passed earlier this year and dubbed the 'mother of all stimulus packages,' is just a duplication of the failed policies of FDR. Not only has it done nothing to stop the hemorrhaging of jobs, the phony 'stimulus' will make any recovery impossible for many more years to come. Why? Because we the people will be taxed into poverty to pay for it and have nothing left to spend into the economy. The only thing these unconstitutional bail outs and insane, massive spending bills have done is rob we the people of the fruits of our labor to fund nonsense, filth, more welfare and fill the coffers of Wall Street bankers and cronies of the poltroons in Congress. Here are a few examples (CNN Money):
"'The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has spent $51,500 of stimulus money on nine mascot costumes and robots, including Bobber the Water Safety Dog, Coastie the Water Safety Education Seaboat and Seamoor the Sea Serpent Robot. They'll be used in parks in Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana and Utah to teach children about safe boating and swimming.
"'The Army Corps of Engineers used $455 of Recovery Act money to rent two ice machines and 300 bags of ice for the Melvin Price Lock and Dam auxiliary gate repair modification project in East Alton, Ill.
"'The National Park Service purchased an electric golf cart for $8,223 to distribute oyster shells at the DeSoto National Memorial in Bradenton, Fla. The memorial commemorates the Spanish exploration of Florida. There are several walking trails around the site, and one happened to be made from crushed oyster shells.
"'The General Service Administration's Public Buildings Service bought a reach-in freezer for the cafeteria at the Robert J. Dole Courthouse in Kansas City, Kan., for $2,655.
"'The Department of Energy is spending $3.3 million of stimulus funds on lawyers to support the $25 billion Advanced Technology Vehicle Manufacturers Loan Program.'
"Columnist John Nolte, combed through the expenditures and found this:
"'The NEA was given $80 million of the government's $787 billion economic stimulus bill to spread around to needy artists nationwide … [I]ncluding a $50,000 infusion for the Frameline film house, which recently screened Thundercrack, 'the world's only underground kinky art porno horror film, complete with four men, three women and a gorilla.' … [T]he weekly production of 'Perverts Put Out' at San Francisco’s CounterPULSE, whose 'long-running pansexual performance series' invites guests to 'join your fellow pervs for some explicit, twisted fun.' … [A]n additional boost from a $25,000 stimulus grant [will go to] 'The Symmetry Project,' … The show depicts 'the sharing of a central axis, [as] spine, mouth, genitals, face, and anus reveal their interconnectedness and centrality in embodied experience[.]'In the flesh — and there's a lot of it — it amounts to two people writhing naked on the floor, a government-funded tango in the altogether.'
"Is this what you go to work everyday for, worrying about your job and feeding your family? To fund the above? This is the biggest rape of the American people in my life time. I've been a full time activist for twenty years; the grand larceny of we the people is breath taking.
"No 'new' jobs have been created since the lies and greed were exposed a little over a year ago when creative banking shell games finally burst at the seams. Remember the usurper's campaign promises? As I wrote nine months ago in one of my columns:
"'Oh, I know. Comrade Obama is going to create two million new jobs. Dec. 6, 2008: "President-elect Barack Obama said Saturday he has asked his economic team for a recovery plan that saves or creates more than 2 million jobs, makes public buildings more energy-efficient and invests in roads and schools."'
"Wait! It's three million new jobs with 600,000 of them paper pushers for the government. Jan. 3, 2009: "The president-elect says he wants to "create three million new jobs" -- this is a change from a few weeks ago, when he said he wanted the plan to create OR SAVE two million jobs.'
"Wait! It's 3.5 million new jobs. Jan. 10, 2009: "Facing growing criticism of his economic recovery plan, President-elect Barack Obama made public Saturday a detailed analysis by his economic advisers that estimates the $775 billion plan of tax cuts and new spending would create 3.5 million jobs over the next two years."
"Wait! It's 4.1 million new jobs. January 10, 2009: "President-elect Barack Obama countered critics with an analysis Saturday by his economic team showing that a program of tax cuts and spending like he's proposed would create up to 4.1 million jobs, far more than the 3 million he has insisted are needed to lift the country from recession." [2]
"Almost three million jobs have been lost since the usurper took office and the same Congress went back into session."
"The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), passed earlier this year and dubbed the 'mother of all stimulus packages,' is just a duplication of the failed policies of FDR. Not only has it done nothing to stop the hemorrhaging of jobs, the phony 'stimulus' will make any recovery impossible for many more years to come. Why? Because we the people will be taxed into poverty to pay for it and have nothing left to spend into the economy. The only thing these unconstitutional bail outs and insane, massive spending bills have done is rob we the people of the fruits of our labor to fund nonsense, filth, more welfare and fill the coffers of Wall Street bankers and cronies of the poltroons in Congress. Here are a few examples (CNN Money):
"'The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has spent $51,500 of stimulus money on nine mascot costumes and robots, including Bobber the Water Safety Dog, Coastie the Water Safety Education Seaboat and Seamoor the Sea Serpent Robot. They'll be used in parks in Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana and Utah to teach children about safe boating and swimming.
"'The Army Corps of Engineers used $455 of Recovery Act money to rent two ice machines and 300 bags of ice for the Melvin Price Lock and Dam auxiliary gate repair modification project in East Alton, Ill.
"'The National Park Service purchased an electric golf cart for $8,223 to distribute oyster shells at the DeSoto National Memorial in Bradenton, Fla. The memorial commemorates the Spanish exploration of Florida. There are several walking trails around the site, and one happened to be made from crushed oyster shells.
"'The General Service Administration's Public Buildings Service bought a reach-in freezer for the cafeteria at the Robert J. Dole Courthouse in Kansas City, Kan., for $2,655.
"'The Department of Energy is spending $3.3 million of stimulus funds on lawyers to support the $25 billion Advanced Technology Vehicle Manufacturers Loan Program.'
"Columnist John Nolte, combed through the expenditures and found this:
"'The NEA was given $80 million of the government's $787 billion economic stimulus bill to spread around to needy artists nationwide … [I]ncluding a $50,000 infusion for the Frameline film house, which recently screened Thundercrack, 'the world's only underground kinky art porno horror film, complete with four men, three women and a gorilla.' … [T]he weekly production of 'Perverts Put Out' at San Francisco’s CounterPULSE, whose 'long-running pansexual performance series' invites guests to 'join your fellow pervs for some explicit, twisted fun.' … [A]n additional boost from a $25,000 stimulus grant [will go to] 'The Symmetry Project,' … The show depicts 'the sharing of a central axis, [as] spine, mouth, genitals, face, and anus reveal their interconnectedness and centrality in embodied experience[.]'In the flesh — and there's a lot of it — it amounts to two people writhing naked on the floor, a government-funded tango in the altogether.'
"Is this what you go to work everyday for, worrying about your job and feeding your family? To fund the above? This is the biggest rape of the American people in my life time. I've been a full time activist for twenty years; the grand larceny of we the people is breath taking.
"No 'new' jobs have been created since the lies and greed were exposed a little over a year ago when creative banking shell games finally burst at the seams. Remember the usurper's campaign promises? As I wrote nine months ago in one of my columns:
"'Oh, I know. Comrade Obama is going to create two million new jobs. Dec. 6, 2008: "President-elect Barack Obama said Saturday he has asked his economic team for a recovery plan that saves or creates more than 2 million jobs, makes public buildings more energy-efficient and invests in roads and schools."'
"Wait! It's three million new jobs with 600,000 of them paper pushers for the government. Jan. 3, 2009: "The president-elect says he wants to "create three million new jobs" -- this is a change from a few weeks ago, when he said he wanted the plan to create OR SAVE two million jobs.'
"Wait! It's 3.5 million new jobs. Jan. 10, 2009: "Facing growing criticism of his economic recovery plan, President-elect Barack Obama made public Saturday a detailed analysis by his economic advisers that estimates the $775 billion plan of tax cuts and new spending would create 3.5 million jobs over the next two years."
"Wait! It's 4.1 million new jobs. January 10, 2009: "President-elect Barack Obama countered critics with an analysis Saturday by his economic team showing that a program of tax cuts and spending like he's proposed would create up to 4.1 million jobs, far more than the 3 million he has insisted are needed to lift the country from recession." [2]
"Almost three million jobs have been lost since the usurper took office and the same Congress went back into session."
IPT News: Jasser Challenges Congressman on Reform's Value
"Ellison all but called Jasser an Islamic 'Uncle Tom.' Blacks, he said, are 'familiar with people who would seek to ingratiate themselves with powerful people in the white community and would there turn them on the rest of us and give license to attack us all. Arguing "African-Americans are criminally inclined, they're all in gangs, they're all on welfare." Black people who say stuff like this. But what they're really trying to do is win themselves individual benefit at the expense of everyone else.'"
Fred Barnes: Obama's Olympic Failure Will Test the Washington Press Corps
"Now is the time for the mainstream media to show it’s not totally in President Obama’s pocket. The Washington press corps will never fault Obama for pushing hyper-liberal policies in a moderate-to-conservative country. Ideological criticism by the press is reserved for Republican presidents.
"But the media is faced with three facts as a result of Obama’s embarrassing failure in Copenhagen. 1) The failure itself. 2) The incompetence. 3) The lack of persuasive ability. There’s nothing ideological about any of these items."
"But the media is faced with three facts as a result of Obama’s embarrassing failure in Copenhagen. 1) The failure itself. 2) The incompetence. 3) The lack of persuasive ability. There’s nothing ideological about any of these items."
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