"What luck for the rulers that men do not think." -Adolf Hitler
"I will bring this war to an end in 2009. So don’t be confused." -- Senator Barack Obama

"If you don't like Obama, you is a racist!" -- Kelonda

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"If the government robs Peter to pay Paul, he can count on the continued support of Paul.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Michael Savage Talks to Gregory Van Leer Jr. "The Infidel" - Rap "Liberalism is a Mental Disorder

Michael Savage - Obama Gets Nobel Peace Prize?!!?! Stupid Truck Chase Coverage - (10/9/09)

The False Peace Prize

Bill O'Reilly on Barack Obama 2009 Nobel Peace Prize -- "Obama is a Predator Drone Kind of Guy"

African-American Pastors Call Planned Parenthood Racist

Don't give up the fight yet!!!

President Obama awarded the Nobel Peace Prize - shazam!

"This video is meant as no criticism for President Obama. The criticism is for the brain dead at the Nobel Peace Prize committee attempting to exert political influence via this meaningless award.

"The award became meaningless in 2007 when it was awarded to that snake oil salesman Al Gore over Irena Sendler. Ms. Sendler was a Polish Catholic social worker in Nazi occupied Warsaw, Poland during World War Two Ms. Sendler was responsible for saving the lives of 2,500 Jewish infants from Nazi extermination. Irena was caught by the Nazis, beaten, and tortured. She managed to escape and live till May, 2008. The bums at the Nobel Peace Prize felt Al Gore was more deserving.

"President Obama makes the third sitting president to receive the award. First was President Theodore Roosevelt for his role in settling the Japanese / Russian war. President Woodrow Wilson received the award for his work in creating the League of Nations.

"Others nominated this year were three victims from communist led China, The Middle Kingdom:

"Wei Jingsheng, spent 17 years in commie Chinese labor camp for encouraging reforms in the commie party.
Hu Jia, democracy, environmental, AIDS activist sentenced to 3.5 years in jail for subversive activities.
Gao Zhisheng, human rights lawyer who attempted to defend Falun Gong practitioners, was kidnapped and tortured.

"From the Congo in Africa:
Dr. Denis Mukwege, Congolese doctor who treated 21,000 women over 12 years who were victim of gang rape during Congo's civil war. Performed up to 10 surgeries a day. His hospital has treated hundreds of thousands of women in the Congo

"From another Asian commie nation:
Thich Quang Do Vietnamese patriarch of the Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam, been jailed several times by the Viet commies / Vietcong thugs. In 1999 went to visit an 80 year old patriarch, was forcibly escorted back to Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City). In 2001 placed under house arrest where police maintain 24 hour cordon around this residence.

"2010 should be interesting as Michael Jackson has been nominated."

Deterioration of The Black Community

PJTV: America's Culture of Blame

"Banking Queen" - a Live Performance by Barney Frank

Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize WTF


John Nolte: The Polanski Culture: Hollywood’s Push to Normalize Sex With Children

"The vocal, sanctimonious Free-Polanski uproar is merely a symptom of an entertainment culture infected with a moral cancer – a culture that regularly practices up on the screen what we’ve heard them preach this last week on behalf of a confessed child rapist."


"I recall when Adrian Lynn remade Lolita and he and the crew were on NPR bragging about how experienced the young actress was, that she could teach them all a thing or two. It was a big laugh, chuckle, chuckle.

"Well, I made it a point to never see another of his films again. Not a big sacrifice, I admit, but something."

"For me things are completely black and white. Having sex with children is not wrong, it's evil and if you support and/or defend people who do it, then I have to wonder about the safety of your children."

"Another movie along these lines that really bugged me was the horrid and appalling "Babel" (directed by, looky here, another guy who signed that Polanski petition). It had that faux message of "we have to save the children" while disgustingly exploiting them in the film itself. The Japanese actress was in her 20s, but played a teenager whose pubic hair played an important starring role and then appears completely naked in the last several minutes of the film. Then I was absolutely appalled with the scene of a boy, who didn't look older than 10-13 years of age, masturbating because he had the hots for his sister. Really, I should have just left the room."

"Back when Polanski raped that girl, Hollywood was in another pedophilia phase. This was the same era where 13-year-old Jodie Foster played a prostitute, teenage Linda Blair got raped with a broom handle on t.v., and Brooke Shields became a 'star' because her mom had nude pics taken of her when she was 10 years old. The pedophilia chic of the 1970s died during the child sex abuse scandals of the 1980s. Now pedophilia is back in style among the elites, back out of the closet. I've always believed that child pornography and child sex trafficking could be shut down tomorrow if not for very powerful people in the background keeping them alive."

"Wow, just reading your article makes me want to go though a decontamination chamber. Sick, Sick films. One thing left out in the article, what about the child actors who are in these films. Isn't this a form of child abuse? The directors, actors and especially the parents should be prosecuted. Hollywood is an absolute pit of depravity. One final note, I will never watch another film with Nicole Kidman or any of the other actors who appear in films of this ilk."

"As I have said for two decades now, you first make gays sound normal, then the next step is to make adult sex with kids sound normal. Leftists at the start claimed that I was just being paranoid and that would never happen. But then, looking at the fight that leftists everywhere are putting up to protect Kevin Jennings and Roman Polanski, my predictions were right on the mark."

"The sexualization of youth using education and entertainment media is classic Frankfurt School agenda using Gramscian tactics. A pair of Frankfurt School homosexuals, Theodore Adorno and Max Horkheimer, believed that sexualizing the youth would lead to radicalization and rebellion against their parents and Christian society."

"What makes these artists and Hollywood queens and kings think their work is even worth watching or listening to? I am an artists but not an abuser. These are abusers who happen to be artists and use their art to promote their self gratifying philosophies. Their movies and music are just projections of their own feelings and pathetic lives and demons. And as far as I am concerned Polanski is a rapist as was Mackenzie’s father, Jagger, and others. McCartney (who allowed Philips "to move all over his body") and other parasites seem to have some serious drug problems and issues using drugs with children."

David Sirota: Yes, You Can Oppose Obama's Nobel Prize, Be Progressive, Disagree With the GOP - and Not Be a Terrorist

"Do these facts mean Obama deserves the Nobel Peace Prize award? My opinion is no.

"I think that in light of these verifiable facts, the award proves that - like so much of society - the Nobel committee has become one (at least this year) that values celebrified politics over everything else. Obama's fame - not his actual policy or record - is what is being honored here. And that's not surprising: As I said, we are a society that is increasingly organized not around issue, cause or movement, but around celebrity - and this reflects it.

"I think you need to actually make peace (which requires lots of risks/courage/success) rather than simply talk about making peace (which requires far less risk/courage/success) - I think, for instance, that Chinese dissidents who have risked their lives taking on the most authoritarian government in the world are more deserving.

"I think a president commandeering two wars in the heart of the Muslim world doesn't deserve the award, especially as he considers an escalation, and especially as his particular policies continues to rack up carnage around the globe (see Glenn Greenwald's post for some of the grisly details). And I think the idea of giving an award to someone to 'encourage' them to be more peaceful before they actually prove to be peacemakers is ludicrous for two reasons: 1) if that's a rationale, why not give it to brutal dictators as an incentive for them to lighten up? and 2) sure, the award may encourage more peace, but it also may be used as a political shield to justify more war - if Obama escalates in Afghanistan, for example, the award will let him try to brush off the antiwar movement by simply saying, hey, you can't question me, I'm a Nobel Peace Prize winner!"

This says it all

AP: Police stop more than 1 million people on street

Newspaper Decline Traced To Widespread Illiteracy

Peace through Compromise.... and Cowardice

Gerald Celente The Demise of the Dollar 07 Oct on RT

SNL Crackin' Obama Jokes? Oh, no day d'int


Farce: Barack Obama Awarded 2009 Nobel Peace Prize -- Nobel Committee Embarrasses Itself

NewsBusted 10/9/09

Morning Joe Scarborough Mocks Barack Obama Nobel Peace Prize as Axelrod Does Phone Ramble

Barack Obama Wins 2009 Nobel Peace Prize and...

Obama Collects Bloody Nobel Peace Prize.

Kings of Africa or Mere Spear Chuckers?

"My Brothers and Sisters, you can't have it both ways.

"Blacks could NOT have been that GREAT (Astrologers, Medicine, Pyramids, etc) if they were so stupid as to allow themselves to be turned into slaves.

"Whites were NOT that Powerful as to Conquer damn near a whole Continent without the complicity of Blacks themselves.

"The Truth is They were Great, but their OWN SINS carried them into Bondage. Deal With IT!

"End of Story."

Obama Wins Nobel PEACE Prize

From Michael Moore....

"You have to end our involvement in Afghanistan now. If you don't, you'll have no choice but to return the prize to Oslo."

Klaus Rohrich: Like a deer in the headlights

"The lesson that all Americans can take away from this situation is that a President should be elected on the basis of executive experience, decisiveness and the ability to make tough decisions on the fly; not on the basis of oratory skills, the color of one’s skin or whether a candidate is 'hot'. Clearly, Barack Obama is an empty vessel and it is entirely possible that despite his good looks, his ability to speak eloquently and the vast good will with which he entered office, he could save Jimmy Carter from being the most ineffectual President the United States has had in the past of century."

John Lillpop: Stimulus ‘Working as Intended’?

"‘Working as intended,’ gentlemen?

"If true, that means that the Democrat Party intended to:

"•Drive unemployment to the cusp of ten percent, rather than creating millions of jobs as promised
•Increase the national debt by trillions
•Weaken the dollar, causing world leaders to call for a safer currency, and
•Force an increase in interest rates, thereby sacking any hope for recovery in the housing market and related industries

"If those were really the desired objectives of Democrats, they have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams!"

World Net Daily: 83 pastors challenge IRS to investigate

"Eighty-three pastors in churches in 30 states and the District of Columbia have challenged the Internal Revenue Service to investigate them for preaching biblically based sermons about the positions of electoral candidates or government officials."

Joseph Curl: ACORN's Lewis suggests opponents are racist


Matthew Vadum: The Nine Voting Lives of ACORN's Darnell Nash

"The activist group ACORN, which has long worked with criminals as it preys on the weak and the troubled, is on the verge of yet another public relations catastrophe.

"That's because a cross-dressing Ohio male escort whom ACORN registered multiple times to vote was convicted of full-fledged vote fraud in addition to the lesser crime of voter registration fraud. A spokesman for Cleveland prosecutor Bill Mason confirmed yesterday that a local investigation of ACORN remains wide open.

"The conviction of Darnell Nash, apparently known by several aliases including Serina 'Sexy Slay' Gibbs, is hugely significant for several reasons, not least of which is the fact that ACORN has long maintained that vote fraud, as opposed to the lesser crime of voter registration fraud, essentially never happens."

Michael Russnow: Barack Obama, Nobel Peace Laureate: Whatever Happened to Awarding for Deeds Actually Done?

And now from the Huffington Post:

"So, at the moment, I believe it is enormously premature for Obama to be getting this great tribute, which to a certain extent cheapens the prior recipients and the work all of them performed over so many years."

Comment: absurd decision on Obama makes a mockery of the Nobel peace prize

"Rarely has an award had such an obvious political and partisan intent. It was clearly seen by the Norwegian Nobel committee as a way of expressing European gratitude for an end to the Bush Administration, approval for the election of America’s first black president and hope that Washington will honour its promise to re-engage with the world.

"Instead, the prize risks looking preposterous in its claims, patronising in its intentions and demeaning in its attempt to build up a man who has barely begun his period in office, let alone achieved any tangible outcome for peace."

Susan Ferrechio: Health care tab to be paid by taxpayers, businesses, seniors

A Senate plan to expand health insurance coverage to an additional 29 million people would not come cheap, with taxpayers, businesses and the elderly poised to foot most of the bill."

Byron York: Huh???!!!!! Even pro-Obama press is stunned by Nobel decision

'Peace Prize to Obama - big mistake by Nobel committee'

'Peace Prize to Obama - big mistake by Nobel committee'

Alan Caruba: Nobel Prize Joke

"There was a time when the Nobel Peace Prize meant something. It went to men and women who earned their stature with lives of courage such as Andrei Sakharov who openly opposed the oppression of the former Soviet Union and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who gave his life for the cause of equality in which he believed.

"Giving the prize to Barack Hussein Obama has rendered it a joke."

A Peace Prize for President Obama???

It's not Obama's fault. The Nobel Committee just devalued Martin Luther King's work.

Rob Kall: Obama Wins the Nobel Peace Prize?

"Never mind that he's involved in two wars and contemplating a third, President Obama snags the big peace prize even as he snubs the Dalai Lama, another Nobel laureate".

"absurd decision on Obama makes a mockery of the Nobel peace prize"

"Ironically, I feel little pride in this awarding of the Nobel. I don't think he deserves it. Sure, it's a nice image boost for the US and the Democrats, but it is a failure by the Nobel committee. If they had waited until Obama made his decision on Afghanistan, and he did the right thing-- stand up to a General with a hard-on for un-ending war, and all his backers, then Obama would have deserved it. I pray the Nobel committee knows something we don't know about Obama and Afghanistan."

And this is from a liberal website.

Barack Obama My Personal Savior

"It is just so pathetic that these people are being used and are being enslaved by the very government they think is helping them. Yet this is exactly where the government wants them.

"For the life of me I cannot figure out how 52% of America were fooled and blinded into voting for this imbecile. I know many personally who have confided in me that they were downright stupid for voting for Mr. Obama and I am just wondering for all the others how 'hope and change' is working out for them.

"Lord help us!"