Sunday, January 24, 2010
James Carville: Democrats need to learn the blame game
SHERMAN FREDERICK: Earth to Obama Nation
Barack Obama looks to Bill Clinton for answers
Jill Dorson: Why I Regret Voting For President Obama
"I watched with horror as Obama followed Bush's lead in bailing out banks, auto makers, insurance companies, all of those companies deemed "too big to fail." What does that mean? My small company got thrown under the bus and my savings were ravaged - perhaps Wall Street is using them for bonuses this year.
"Not to mention President Obama is recklessly spending our country's future into oblivion.
"It was clear after just 90 days what a mistake I'd made. My taxes have gone up and my quality of life has gone down. Hope has given way to disgust and I see now that change is simply a euphemism for 'big government.'
"Like many others, my view is narrow. I vote for the candidate I think will be best for me. I often define myself as a fiscal conservative and a social liberal. But above all, I want to feel safe and I don't want to feel that I am being ripped off. I want a president who inspires me and cares about my contribution to the fabric of the country. I want a president with experience and savvy, a Commander in Chief who puts our country and its citizens first."
New York Post: End of O's cowardly lyin'
"We the people of the United States owe Scott Brown's sup porters a huge debt of gratitude. They didn't merely elect a senator. They ripped the façade off the Obama presidency.
"Just as Dorothy and Toto exposed the ordinary man behind the curtain in "The Wizard of Oz," the voters in Massachusetts revealed that, in this White House, there is no there there.
"It's all smoke and mirrors, bells and whistles, held together with glib talk, Chicago politics and an audacious sense of entitlement.
"At the center is a young and talented celebrity whose worldview, we now know, is an incoherent jumble of poses and big-government instincts. His self-aggrandizing ambition exceeds his ability by so much that he is making a mess of everything he touches."
The State of the Union Address by Barack Obama
It’s Bush’s fault.
It was always Bush’s fault. It will always be Bush’s fault. Bush, Bush, Bush. His fault, his fault, his fault. Maybe his daddy’s fault too.
It’s Bush’s fault and it’s Bush’s fault. But, my friends, it’s Bush’s fault.
The economy? It’s Bush’s fault. Healthcare? It’s Bush’s fault. The wars? It’s Bush’s fault!
Bush, Bush, Bush! (applause)
Why is it Bush’s fault? Because it’s Bush’s fault! That’s right! It’s Bush’s fault.
Lets remember where we were a year ago. It was Bush’s fault. And today, it’s still Bush’s fault.
Let us not forget, it is Bush’s fault! (applause)
George W. Bush. George W. Bush. Bush, Bush, Bush.
Let me elaborate. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault.
And I won! (applause)
Furthermore, it’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault.
Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush.
My administration will correct the errors and the policies of the previous administration? Why? It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault.
Finally, my friends, it’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault.
Let us never forget, it’s Bush’s fault.
God bless America.
Brother X says: "See? I told you!"
Obama-Loving Spammer 'Ellie Light' Dupes 42 Newspapers
"Blame George Bush."
Anti-Defamation League Blasts Limbaugh for Agreeing With Anti-Defamation League
The Barack Obama Apologists In Retreat
"We have opposed the Obama flim-flam 'stimulus' scam as well as the Bush/Obama TARP crap. Our central objection has been that the so-called 'stimulus' is not SMART. None of what Obama is doing is well thought out or coordinated with economic reality. What Obama is doing makes little economic sense but only political life-saving sense for Dimocrats in 2010 and 2012.
"Dimocrats on Big Blogs and in Congress are ignoring economic reality (and the Japanese lessons). To these Dimocrats huge spending is the solution no matter how wasteful the spending is, no matter how precarious the American economic house is. These Dimocrats will not discuss how there will be any sources of credit for the private sector as the government sucks up with massive deficits whatever credit sources are available."
Warner Todd Huston: Is This The President’s Fake Letter to the Editor
Kelly O'Connell: Joseph Stalin: Memoirs of a Leftist Madman
About Massachusetts

Let's cut the crap.
It was not "racism," "sexism," "homophobia," "self-importance," "Bush's fault" (according to Obama), etc.
The voters in Massachusetts, including 22% of Democrats, were pissed at Obama and the Democrats. Obama's change was chump change and the voters know how to count change. Deal with it.
That is why the Republican (in a Democratic state) won and the Democrat (in a Democratic state) lost.