"What luck for the rulers that men do not think." -Adolf Hitler
"I will bring this war to an end in 2009. So don’t be confused." -- Senator Barack Obama

"If you don't like Obama, you is a racist!" -- Kelonda

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"If the government robs Peter to pay Paul, he can count on the continued support of Paul.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Mychal Massie: There's good reason not to trust Obama

We cannot trust Obama or his congressional minions. Not even his loyal surrogates can trust him – just ask New York Gov. David Paterson. Paterson followed the Obama talking points and played the race card, only to watch Obama pretend to be above such thoughts. To further show his appreciation, Obama attempted to secretly undermine Paterson's candidacy and force him into not running – because he believed Mario Cuomo (a white candidate) has a better chance of winning.


"Obama's resorting to the tired old lines blaming Bush is simply the desperate rhetoric of an unqualified man cracking under pressure."

WND: Roman Polanski's defenders

Walter Williams: Is disagreement with Obama racism?

"Obama's presidency is truly a remarkable commentary on the goodness of Americans and how far we've come in resolving matters of race. Obama convincingly won votes in states with insignificant black populations, such as the New England states, Iowa and Minnesota. For the nation as a whole, he managed 53 percent of the popular vote and 365 of the Electoral College votes when he only needed 270 to win. So now Jimmy Carter, Dowd, Rangel and other race-carders want us to believe that the massive discontent with Obama is racism. I say nonsense!

"Speaking for the president, Robert Gibbs, White House spokesman, in no uncertain terms said that the president did not think the criticism directed at him and his policies was based on the color of his skin. President Obama refused to answer a reporter who queried him about Carter's comments. When Obama did respond, and much to his credit, he insisted that the 'biggest driver' of the vitriol was distrust of government. His response was not only correct, but the nation is better off as a result of it. We don't need the kind of divisiveness that would surely arise if Obama himself played the race card."

EDITORIAL: Sex scandal double standard

"What if Kevin Jennings were a Republican?"

Big Hollywood: Whoopi Defends Polanski: ‘It wasn’t rape-rape.’

You got to read all of the comments.

Here too: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2350662/posts

To: DogBarkTree

Little 13 year old WHITE girl= Not RAPE rape.(she was asking for it)

Little 13 year old BLACK girl= RACIAL HATE RAPE (Hang the white ba$tard)


55 posted on Tuesday, September 29, 2009 5:51:22 AM by RetSignman (Townhalls ..."We have seen the Patriots and they are us")

How Obama steals elections one at a time

Alice Palmer was a friend of mine.

Obama Superstar

Who is Watching Government Spending

Obama Mia!

Remember your HISTORY

It's Time to drill

ZoNation: SHOOT AGAIN!!!

Introducing AlfonZo Rachel as President Zo-bama

Mac vs PC_obama - PJTV Promo

Under My Bus: ZoBama's 100 Days & Throwing People Under the Bus

President ZoBama does the Tonight Show with Jay Leno

In Pursuit of Happiness: Beating Back Socialism

PJTV: Reminding Pres. Obama Where He Lives

PJTV: How Breitbart Conquered ACORN (and the MSM)

Liberal Dems seek health care access for illegals

"Sheila Jackson Lee (D - TX) proves Joe Wilson (you lie) was right about the Dems trying to insure illegals on health care reform. And she also says that she wants to back door illegals."

Harry R. Jackson, Jr.: Health Care and the Poor

"Under the proposed plan, I am concerned that others in dire straights will not be able to receive the speedy life saving care to which I was afforded. As we discuss the importance of providing affordable access to medical insurance for the millions who do not currently have it, I hope we do not lose sight of the fact that doctors and surgeons also need to be in a position to provide the best treatment measures for their patients.

"Our responsibility, as pastors, is first to preach a holistic healing message to our members and then to provide services to our broader communities that promote wellness and prevention. The message of the Gospel must enrich the mind, soul, and body.

"The Encyclopedia Britannica tells us that: The modern concept of a hospital dates from AD 331 when Constantine, having been converted to Christianity, abolished all pagan hospitals and thus created the opportunity for a new start. Until that time, disease had isolated the sufferer from the community. The Christian tradition emphasized the close relationship of the sufferer to his fellow man, upon who rested the obligation for care. Illness thus became a matter for the Christian Church.

"Europe’s first medical schools came out of the Church. Not surprisingly, most cities still have hospitals that are attached to the faith community. The involvement of people of faith in this arena is both historic and pervasive. The development of hospitals in America followed a very similar path as the Christian community helped establish infirmaries that developed into hospitals. Although no biblical directive about modern healthcare, many Christians believe that concern about healthcare falls under the general principle of 'loving your neighbor.'

"With the community in mind, I would advocate a healthcare system that responsibly reaches out to the poor and needy. Unfortunately, the administration’s proposals (as it now stands) would result in lessening the overall quality of care. While this sounds acceptable in theory, it is impractical. The delay or denial of surgery or treatment for some patients would become a death sentence.

"Let’s be responsive to the needs of the poor and advocate for a healthcare plan that includes both quantity and quality."

Planned Parenthood Killing Fields: Black Genocide

Andrea Lafferty: A Tale Of Two Child Sex Crimes

"Kevin Jennings has admitted covering up the sodomizing of one of his high school students by an older man. By law, Jennings was supposed to have reported this statutory rape of a child to the proper authorities. What did he do? He 'counseled' the boy to continue engaging in sex with an older man and to use a condom. And, he's rewarded by President Obama with a key government post.

"Roman Polanski raped and sodomized a girl 32 years ago; Kevin Jennings deliberately covered up the sodomizing of a young boy. They are both criminals."

Susan Ferrechio: Democrats unable to quell health care revolt among seniors

"Outraged over Democratic plans to cut between $400 billion and $500 billion from Medicare in the next decade, voters over the age of 65 are poised to make the party suffer even steeper losses at the polls than have already been predicted for the midterm election.

"'Seniors bear the brunt of these bills as they are currently funded,' said Betsey McCaughey, a former Republican lieutenant governor of New York and conservative health care policy expert. 'It's a medical assault on seniors.'"

Lady Liberty: I Am, You Are, We All Must Be Racists

"When all somebody can think about is skin color, they're a racist. When people are treated differently because of skin color, that's racist. Isn't it racist, then, for those who want a black president to get the benefit of the doubt where his policies are concerned when they weren't inclined to do the same for a white president? In fact, isn't it racist to even consider skin color when we're talking about such color-neutral things as national security or public policy? And what about real racism? Where are all of the liberals now that a school in Arizona is actually implementing a race-based discipline policy? Apparently, they're busy in Washington calling everybody who says anything negative about Barack Obama a racist."

Jack Kelly: Sarkozy's Contempt for Obama

"What infuriated President Sarkozy was that at the time Mr. Obama said those words, Mr. Obama knew the mullahs in Iran had a secret nuclear weapons development site, and he didn't call them on it.

"‘President Obama dreams of a world without weapons...but right in front of us two countries are doing the exact opposite,' Mr. Sarkozy said.

"'Iran since 2005 has flouted five Security Council resolutions,' Mr. Sarkozy said. 'North Korea has been defying Council resolutions since 1993.'"

Richard Cohen: Time to Act Like a President

"Sooner or later it is going to occur to Barack Obama that he is the president of the United States. As of yet, though, he does not act that way, appearing promiscuously on television and granting interviews like the presidential candidate he no longer is. The election has been held, but the campaign goes on and on. The candidate has yet to become commander in chief."

Michael Collins: The G-20 Announces the "New World Order"

"The people who brought the world to this state of decline and struggle are still in charge. They're fixing the very problems they created."

Chuck Baldwin: U.S. TO BREAK UP SOON?

"A historian and linguist from South Africa recently wrote me a fascinating letter, in which he chronicled the major world empires of history, dating the time of their rise and fall. Here is what his calculations look like:

"Assyria (859-612 B.C.): a 247-year reign.
Persia (538-330 B.C.): a 208-year reign.
Greece (331-100 B.C.): a 231-year reign.
The Roman Republic (260-27 B.C.): a 233-year reign.
The Roman Empire (27 B.C.-180 A.D.): a 207-year reign.
The Arab Empire (634-880 A.D.): a 246-year reign.
The Mameluke Empire (1250-1517 A.D.): a 267-year reign.
The Ottoman Empire (1320-1570 A.D.): a 250-year reign.
Spain (1500-1750 A.D.): a 250-year reign.
Romanov Russia (1682-1916 A.D.): a 234-year reign.
Great Britain (1700-1950 A.D.): a 250-year reign.
The USA (1790-2009 A.D.): 219 years and counting.

"My honorable historian-friend calculates America's reign using its post-Revolutionary War years. He notes that America's reign is currently at 219 years. He further notes that the average duration of every world superpower listed above is a little over 238 years.

"One does not need to be a master mathematician or possess a Ph.D. to realize that America is fast approaching the mark in which every major world power in history has either collapsed or, at a minimum, lost its world leadership and power."

Salon: Reminder: Roman Polanski raped a child

"Can we do that? Can we take a moment to think about all that, and about the fact that Polanski pled guilty to unlawful sex with a minor, before we start talking about what a victim he is? Because that would be great, and not nearly enough people seem to be doing it."


"Wow, OK, let's break that down. First, as blogger Jeff Fecke says, 'Fun fact: the age of consent in 1977 in California was 16. It's now 18. But of course, the age of consent isn't like horseshoes or global thermonuclear war; close doesn't count. Even if the age of consent had been 14, the girl wasn't 14." Also, even if the girl had been old enough to consent, she testified that she did not consent. There's that. Though of course everyone makes a bigger deal of her age than her testimony that she did not consent, because if she'd been 18 and kept saying no while he kissed her, licked her, screwed her and sodomized her, this would almost certainly be a whole different story -- most likely one about her past sexual experiences and drug and alcohol use, about her desire to be famous, about what she was wearing, about how easy it would be for Roman Polanski to get consensual sex, so hey, why would he need to rape anyone? It would quite possibly be a story about a wealthy and famous director who pled not guilty to sexual assault, was acquitted on 'she wanted it' grounds, and continued to live and work happily in the U.S. Which is to say that 30 years on, it would not be a story at all. So it's much safer to focus on the victim's age removing any legal question of consent than to get tied up in that thorny 'he said, she said' stuff about her begging Polanski to stop and being terrified of him.

"Second, Polanski was 'demonized by the press' because he raped a child, and was convicted because he pled guilty. He 'feared heavy sentencing' because drugging and raping a child is generally frowned upon by the legal system. Shore really wants us to pity him because of these things? (And, I am not making this up, boycott the entire country of Switzerland for arresting him.)"


"Drugging and raping a child, then leaving the country before you can be sentenced for it, is behavior our society should not tolerate, no matter how famous, wealthy or well-connected you are."

Wake Up America: Eugene Robinson Takes On Hollywood Pigs Uniting Behind Polanski

"Pleading guilty to unlawful sex with an underage girl — the drugging, raping and sodomizing of a 13 year-old — isn’t stopping Hollywood from ginning up an indignation campaign over the possibility of fugitive director Roman Polanski being held accountable for his crimes. Yes, these are the values of those who control the most powerful propaganda device ever created. Which begs a question: If his unspeakable deed doesn’t meet the standard, what exactly would Roman Polanski have to do in order to become a pariah in this town … I mean, besides vote for Sarah Palin?"

False Charges From Carville and Rolling Stone - Real Conflicts at AARP

NEW YORK, Sept. 29 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The following is a statement by Betsy McCaughey:

On CNN, James Carville claims that Phillip Morris paid me to "plant a story in the New Republic" on the dangers of the Clinton's health plan in 1994. Carville cites an article in Rolling Stone magazine relying on a memo written by an unknown source. He calls this "breathtaking evidence." In fact, the magazine's claim and the unidentified source on which it is based are a patent lie. Carville and CNN should check their facts before making such charges.

When I wrote my prize-winning essay for the New Republic, I was supported by an academic fellowship from the Olin Foundation, a not-for-profit charitable organization. I did not receive any other payment for my work. Nor did I consult with anyone at Phillip Morris.

The Manhattan Institute, where I was a senior fellow, has already issued a statement that I was in no way connected to or influenced by Phillip Morris. Therefore James Carville's claim is cruel and libelous.

The Obamacare partisans choose to attack me personally rather than addressing the issues. If they could win the public debate on the merits of their legislation, they wouldn't have to resort to personal attacks against me. Their health legislation will be dangerous to patients, especially the elderly.

Though I do not have a financial stake in the debate, another strong voice in the current debate does have financial conflicts. AARP, the organization that is supposed to advocate for the elderly is instead conducting a huge campaign for "universal coverage," which would require everyone to buy health insurance. AARP makes over $300 Million a year, from selling insurance bearing its logo. That's about 30% of its billion dollars in annual revenue. No wonder AARP wants buying insurance to be mandatory. It's a giant insurance company. For the details of where AARP gets its money, check its consolidated financial statements, audited by PMG, at www.aarp.org.

Inflation Could Spell End of U.S. Financial System

FORT LEE, N.J., Sept. 25 /PRNewswire/ -- The National Inflation Association today released the following statement to its http://inflation.us/ members:

"It's unbelievable how Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said that the U.S. recession is "very likely over", but once again this week the Federal Reserve has left interest rates at a record low of 0%. If the economy was truly rebounding, wouldn't you think now is the time for Bernanke to raise interest rates to 1% or possibly even 2%? He refuses to do so because he knows without the free money that is flooding the system, our financial markets would once again collapse to new nominal lows. While that would be the politically unpopular move, at least it would ensure the survival of our country. By giving in to political pressure and keeping interest rates at 0%, soon the flood of dollars will break the dam and collapse the U.S. financial system.

We as Americans must stand up now and express out outrage about the Federal Reserve's destruction of our nation. While we are huge supporters of the tea party movement, we must work to focus the movement on exposing the Federal Reserve. The reason why half of the nation still supports Obama is because no matter how many trillions of dollars get spent on health care reform, Obama has promised not to raise taxes for the poor and middle class. These Americans don't understand that inflation is a tax and they will get taxed to death by inflation.

Most of today's youth in America learned at an early age from their parents that back in the 1950's, it cost $0.50 for a movie ticket, $0.16 for a box of Corn Flakes, and $0.05 for a candy bar. A kid's first reaction after learning this normally is, "Wow, I wish I was alive back then when everything was so cheap! I would be able to go to the movie theater every day and eat candy all day long!" Kids were taught that prices have gone up and to be jealous of their parents. They were never taught that prices have gone up only because of the dollar going down. Instead of being taught to envy their parents for being so lucky to buy things cheap, they should've been taught to be furious at the Federal Reserve for stealing their parent's wealth through inflation.

It took 25 years for our national debt to double from $257 billion in 1950 to over $533 billion in 1975. Most recently, our national debt has more than doubled from $5.8 trillion in 2001 to its current level of $11.8 trillion in just eight years. Our national debt is now growing three times faster that it did decades ago, which means we should expect a very minimum of three times faster inflation. Therefore, if it took 60 years for a movie ticket price to rise from $0.50 to $7.50, it will most certainly rise to at least $112.50 within the next 20 years.

The U.S. government is now estimating its budget deficit over the next ten years to be $9 trillion. We all know they are trying to downplay the potential deficit and be as optimistic as possible. It wouldn't surprise us if the budget deficit reaches $9 trillion over just the next three years because as the dollar loses its purchasing power, government workers and soldiers will all demand higher wages as they did in Zimbabwe. This will lead to more money printing and further precipitate a downward spiral in the dollar.

We are at the point where our national debt simply cannot be paid back and once inflation spirals out of control in the form of rising prices, interest rates will likely rise to over 20% once again. Most of our national debt today is made up of short-term t-bills and when we reach a point where the Federal Reserve must print trillions of dollars per year just to make interest payments on our national debt, that is when the financial system will truly collapse and only those with physical gold and silver will be able to survive. The current standard of living and way of life in America is unsustainable and coming to an end. Those who thought we could continue on with increasing our budget deficits and national debt forever without ever paying for it, will feel very foolish soon."

To receive our latest articles and updates in advance, sign-up for the free NIA newsletter at: http://inflation.us/

About us:

The National Inflation Association is an organization that is dedicated to preparing Americans for hyperinflation. The NIA offers free membership at http://www.inflation.us/ and provides its members with articles about the economy and inflation, news stories, important charts not shown by the mainstream media; YouTube videos featuring Jim Rogers, Marc Faber, Ron Paul, Peter Schiff, and others; and profiles of gold, silver, and agriculture companies that we believe could prosper in an inflationary environment.

PJTV Debuts 'Medically Incorrect' Show, Puts Health Care Reform Under the Microscope

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 25 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Today Internet television media company PJTV (www.PJTV.com) is proud to announce a partnership with world-renowned doctor Peter Weiss and the premiere of his new fall program on PJTV, "Medically Incorrect."

Dr. Weiss is an OB/GYN at Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, Medical Director of Rodeo Drive Women's Health Center and Rodeo Drive Dermatology and Aesthetics, and an Assistant Clinical Professor at the UCLA School of Medicine. He has appeared on CNN, Fox News Channel, NBC's "Today Show" and "Extra," TLC's "A Baby Story," E! News, Discovery Health Channel, and more.

As the "Medically Incorrect" host, Dr. Weiss will take a straight-forward look at the real health care problems in the U.S. In addition to lively discussion of the latest health care headlines and political developments, PJTV viewers will actually see Dr. Weiss at work, interacting with patients, explaining forms and procedures, and describing what the differences would be under alternate medical systems. The show will be produced by Hollywood filmmaker and screenwriter Craig Haffner.

"The MSM is barely scratching the surface of the complex health care debate so PJTV is filling that void for concerned citizens with Dr. Weiss' in-depth, clear-cut commentary and analysis on 'Medically Incorrect,'" said PJTV CEO Roger L. Simon. "Who better to address, exhibit and offer realistic solutions to our country's key health care problems than a highly-acclaimed, board-certified, published medical doctor, consultant, and professor working on the front lines at one of America's best hospitals?"

"Medically Incorrect" is the latest component of PJTV's ongoing effort to cover all angles of the health care reform debate. For more information about "Medically Incorrect" and to view the premiere episode of the program, please visit http://pjtv.com/v/2488.

About PJTV

PJTV (www.PJTV.com) is a conservative and center-right Internet TV company. Working with conservative think tanks and bloggers, PJTV started production in September 2008 as the first online TV venture to be given a sky box at the Republican National Convention in Minneapolis. The PJTV headquarters studio is located in El Segundo, Calif., with remote studio locations in New York City and Washington, D.C. In addition, PJTV brings in many contributors via web cams.

World Vision to G20: More Influence Must Equal More Responsibility Toward Global Poor

PITTSBURGH, Sept. 25 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The move to make the G20 the world's leading economic body holds potential for broader coordination in the global fight against poverty and hunger, though it may also pose risks for achieving promises made by G8 leaders at previous summits, say aid policy experts at humanitarian agency World Vision.

The Group of Twenty's shift to prominence as a top global forum raises questions for the international development agenda and accountability for meeting goals, says World Vision, a relief and development organization working in 100 countries including most G20 nations. While a more-empowered G20 could become a stronger voice for the poor, aid policy experts note that the group's failure to prioritize the needs of the poor during this week's summit is concerning.

At the same time that the G20 affirmed a commitment to achieving Millennium Development Goals, it is crucial for the Group of Eight to also remain committed to past promises addressing poverty, the Christian humanitarian agency says. G20 leaders must make more room on the agenda to tackle development-related issues.

"There is some peril, as the two groups sort out priorities between focusing on economic issues and security, that implementing targeted global assistance for the world's poorest and most vulnerable could fall through the cracks," said Robert Zachritz, World Vision's director for advocacy and government relations in the United States.

"Global poverty clearly was not a main focus of the G20 leaders in Pittsburgh this week, and that has consequences for the 1.4 billion people living in extreme poverty, including citizens these leaders represent," said Zachritz.

G20 nations together represent two thirds of the world's population and as much as 90 percent of its economic output. As such, this group of leaders has a responsibility to fuel action against the poverty-related problems of preventable disease, child and maternal deaths, malnutrition and hunger, which economic crises magnify.

While the leaders' final statement recognized the importance of food security, education and closing the development gap for the world's most vulnerable, the communique lacked urgency and a clear, specific plan of action. Meantime, one of six people in the world go to bed hungry each night, and malnutrition underlies a third of the 8.8 million preventable child deaths annually. Some 1.4 billion people are living on less than $1.25 a day.

World Vision calls on developing and industrialized countries alike to tackle the causes of extreme poverty and hunger, and boost progress in reducing child and maternal deaths. As emerging countries become more influential through the rising pace and weight of G20 summits, they must be held responsible for efforts to both meet their own country's needs and the needs of others. As World Vision has seen from its work in communities in dozens of developing countries, each nation's government and communities bear primary responsibility for addressing the rights and needs of their citizens.

Success in achieving goals to reduce hunger, preventable deaths and extreme poverty depends on countries meeting their existing aid commitments, making themselves accountable for action, and developing specific strategies and timelines for executing plans. We urge leaders to adopt these priorities as they prepare for their joint "transition" summit to be held in Canada in June 2010, as announced today

World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice. Visit worldvision.org/press.

Venezuela's Political Prisoners Join Student Hunger Strike

CARACAS, Venezuela, Sept. 28 /PRNewswire/ -- A public hunger strike being held by some 34 students on the steps of the Caracas office of the Organization of American States (OAS) was joined by six more people on Sunday night, as the political prisoners Ivan Simonovis, Lazaro Forero, Juan Guevara, Gustavo Azocar, Leocenis Garcia, and Eligio Cedeno published a statement announcing their solidarity.

The students protesting in front of the OAS have been on a hunger strike for three days now (with their numbers steadily growing), requesting that the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) send a delegation to investigate the situation and secure the release of political prisoners, including the 22-year-old student leader Julio Cesar Rivas, who was arrested in early September for participating in a protest against a new controversial education law. When the young Cesar Rivas was incarcerated in open population at a notoriously dangerous prison facility, public outrage ensued.

"It says a lot about where President Hugo Chavez's revolution has gone when he has lost all support of the youth, boasting about using tear gas against them, and now, throwing the sons and daughters of Venezuela into the most violent prisons in Latin America," said Robert Amsterdam, the international attorney for Eligio Cedeno, one of the hunger striking political prisoners. "The international community has a responsibility to act upon this hunger strike, and immediately break its silence over Venezuela's treatment of political prisoners."

According to a statement published on Cedeno's website and in the Venezuelan media, the six political prisoners have joined in solidarity with the students "to call attention of all of the Americas represented in the OAS, as well as global opinion, to the lack of rule of law in Venezuela." The statement emphasized, "Our children are not alone!"

The broad range of participants in this hunger strike shows how Chavez's repression affects all sectors of society, says Amsterdam. The police chiefs Ivan Simonovis and Lazaro Forero were arrested and tried on trumped up charges for doing nothing more than carrying out the duties of their positions during the events of April 2002. In a recent letter to the former attorney general and current ambassador to Spain, Isaias Rodriguez, Simonovis wrote, "you have manipulated evidence, changed stories, distorted witness testimonies, and using your broad political power, intimidated and manipulated judges and prosecutors to persecute, disparage, and imprison many Venezuelans."

Juan Guevara was arrested and imprisoned in 2004 on charges of being involved in the controversial murder of Prosecutor Danilo Anderson, which is widely denounced as a frame job to cover up the true authors of the crime. Gustavo Azocar is a journalist who has been imprisoned for more than two months accused of financial charges - three judges have already abstained from hearing his case, while most recently another was suspended by the state. Leocenis Garcia is another journalist who was imprisoned and allegedly tortured in 2008, leading the UK-based NGO International PEN to denounce his treatment.

Eligio Cedeno, accused of foreign exchange fraud, was first imprisoned in February of 2007 under pre-trial detention, though the state had not yet charged him with any offense of such grounds. His first trial was abruptly suspended the night before the final verdict once it was clear he would be acquitted of all charges. Over the course of the state's handling of the Cedeno case, most rights to defense have been denied, more than 17 prosecutors have resigned, and the only judge to issue a favorable verdict was forced to seek political asylum in the United States after an attempted kidnapping of her son. Cedeno's treatment, like that of several other political prisoners, stands in open violation to domestic and international law, as well as Venezuela's international treaties, his lawyers say.

For ongoing information and updates on the Eligio Cedeno case, please visit http://www.eligiocedeno.com/ and Robert Amsterdam's new Venezuela-focused blog, at http://www.robertamsterdam.com/venezuela

California Healthy Marriages Coalition Says Helping Couples With Marriage Can Also Help Cut the Cost of Juvenile Crime

SAN DIEGO, Sept. 29 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The LA Times recently highlighted a study from the California Dropout Research Project which identified an increase of $1.1 billion in costs associated with crime due to higher numbers of juveniles dropping out of school. Several studies now link high divorce rates with increases in juvenile delinquency and academic decline, pointing the way to an innovative marriage-strengthening solution that reduces these spiraling costs.

Pennsylvania State Professor Paul A. Amato summarized results in 2005 from 93 studies confirming that children with divorced parents are on average worse off than those with continuously married parents on measures of academic success, conduct, behavior problems, aggression, psychological well-being, self-esteem, and peer relations. Similarly, the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, Waves I and II found "20 percent of students in Grades 7-12 who lived with their married, biological parents experienced suspension or expulsion from school, in contrast with rates higher than 50 percent among adolescents who lived with a single, never-married parent." A 2005 study from the Center for Marriage and Families found "Children growing up with non-intact families engage in more adolescent misbehavior harming both grades and test scores, and concluded that "Family structure substantially influences high school dropout rates and graduation rates."

California Healthy Marriages Coalition (CHMC) President Dennis Stoica believes that Marriage and Relationship Education can reduce these problems. "If we want to reduce dropout and delinquency rates, we need to look at broad scale means for teaching parents the skills for creating healthy marriages and families. Research clearly shows that relationship skills programs help keep families together. By making these programs more widely available throughout the state, we would be able to keep more kids out of the juvenile justice system and significantly lower social services costs that our State now struggles with."

In the LA Times article, California's Dropout Research Project Director Russell Rumberger estimates that reduced crime will save the state $2 for every $1 invested. Responding to this, CHMC's Stoica says "We welcome a partnership with legislators, law enforcement officials and the Department of Education to educate the public about healthy relationships as a means for lowering juvenile delinquency rates and the cost of juvenile crime. Together we can tackle this problem with an innovative educational approach with widespread benefits."

CHMC is the recipient of the Federal government's largest Healthy Marriage Demonstration Grant. For the past four years, CHMC has taught proven relationship-building skills to California individuals and couples. Local class information is available at www.CaMarriage.com.

California Pro-Lifers Launch Human Rights Amendment Petition Campaign

WASHINGTON, Sept. 29 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- California has joined the race to recognize human rights and personhood for all human beings from the biological beginning of development.

The state's most outspoken pro-life advocates submitted the California Human Rights Amendment to Attorney General Jerry Brown following a press conference Monday in Sacramento.

"The preborn, while demonstrably alive and demonstrably human, are not protected 'persons' under our state constitution," said Lila Rose, the 21-year-old student pro-life activist, president of Live Action and cosponsor of the amendment. "Our laws must protect each person's basic human right to life, from the beginning of his or her life until the end."

The push is backed by the California Civil Rights Foundation, a coalition of pro-lifers including Rose and sponsor Walter Hoye, the pastor arrested and imprisoned in 2008 for standing in silent witness outside an abortion mill.

"The California Human Rights Amendment recognizes that valuing human life is fundamental to life itself," Hoye said at the press conference, "and is the cornerstone of peace and prosperity for any society."

Hoye and Rose were joined by Judie Brown, president of American Life League and Keith Mason, founder of PersonhoodUSA.

The activists stressed that personhood fulfills the dream of the civil rights movement.

"The injustice of denying the personhood of whole classes of human beings is an injustice that cannot go unchallenged," Brown said. "Now is the time for justice. Nothing less is acceptable in a republic based on the principle of equal justice for one and all."

California joins personhood movements in Missouri, Florida, Montana and Colorado. California state law requires a petition be circulated and signed by a number of people equal to at least 8 percent of votes cast for governor during the last state election.

The California Human Rights Amendment reads:

Article 1, Section 7

(c) The term "person" applies to all living human organisms from the beginning of their biological development as human organisms -- regardless of the means by which they were procreated, method of reproduction, age, race, sex, gender, physical well-being, function, or condition of physical or mental dependency and/or disability.

American Life League was cofounded in 1979 by Judie Brown. It is the largest grassroots Catholic pro-life organization in the United States and is committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to natural death. For more information or press inquiries, please contact Katie Walker at 540.659.4942.


California Civil Rights Foundation:


American Life League: Personhood

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Hope Can Change A Lot in 8 Months

Laugh Clowns: Nero Fiddled As Rome Burned ... Now America Suffers as Hillary & Co. Laugh It Up

Yid with Lid: Trial Lawyers Own The Democrats--That's Why There's No Tort Reform

"The accounting firm Pricewaterhouse Coopers says about 10 percent of the cost of medical service is attributable to medical malpractice lawsuits. Roughly 2 percent is caused by direct costs of the lawsuits; an additional 5 percent to 9 percent is due to expenses run up by defensive medicine.

"So why the lack of tort reform in ObamaCare? Start with the campaign dollars the president received from the legal industry...."

Byron York: Without Bush, media lose interest in war caskets

"In April of this year, the Obama administration lifted the press ban, which had been in place since the Persian Gulf War in 1991. Media outlets rushed to cover the first arrival of a fallen U.S. serviceman, and many photographers came back for the second arrival, and then the third.

"But after that, the impassioned advocates of showing the true human cost of war grew tired of the story. Fewer and fewer photographers showed up. 'It's really fallen off,' says Lt. Joe Winter, spokesman for the Air Force Mortuary Affairs Operations Center at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware, where all war dead are received. 'The flurry of interest has subsided.'"


"With casualties mounting, the debate over U.S. policy in Afghanistan is sharp and heated. The number of arrivals at Dover is increasing. But the journalists who once clamored to show the true human cost of war are nowhere to be found."