Sunday, February 14, 2010
Bill Maher says America is a Stupid Country
But who is making the stupid money in this stupid country?
Video of Bill Maher: ‘We Love The Troops The Way Michael Vick Loves Dogs’
"@billmaher If America is a stupid country, you are stupid enough to still live here and make lots of stupid money to pay stupid taxes on."
Rachel Maddow Alleges Black Candidate Supports Jim Crow Voting Laws
EXCLUSIVE: DOJ Spiked Black Panther Case in time for May Election!
Hollywood to host 2014 Pedophilia Olympics to honor Polanski?
Venezuela: Obama is worse than Bush
If Obama lied, will thousands die?
Democrats exiting the sinking ship?--Part 22
Khallid Muhammad's Kill the White Man speech
Each and every person in that congregation are full of the devil to praise mass
But they are all cowards because they never killed white people after that.
(To those black people in that video: Repent and follow Jesus Christ who never said to murder anyone.)
Get a life, Professors’ Ogletree and Obama; a person’s race imparts immunity? lol
"Ogletree, founding and executive director of the Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice, says he sees the 'professor' label as a thinly veiled attack on Obama’s race. Calling Obama 'the professor' walks dangerously close to labeling him 'uppity,' a term with racial overtones that has surfaced in the political arena before, Ogletree said….
"Click here to read the rest of the article."
Brother X: "Everyone knows that the Professor in Gilligan's Island was really black. That was what Ogletree was talking about.
The Hill: Trial lawyers to Obama: Don’t deal on tort reform
And they don't want him to touch the rules on how much they can win in medical malpractice suits.
Who will he listen to?
Los Angeles Times: Some Democrats keep distance from Obama

"Rep. Dennis Cardoza, a Democrat who represents a California Central Valley district burdened by high unemployment and home foreclosures, said in an interview: 'The Obama administration has failed miserably in trying to solve the problem.'"
The change is strange and the hope is nope.
(Mr. President, come to California and campaign for Barbara Boxer, please. We want to make sure her opponent gets elected. You can pull that off for us.)
London Daily Mail: Climategate U-turn as scientist at centre of row admits: There has been no global warming since 1995
About Global Warming: Never Mind!
H.R.4530: Assault on Genuine Child Safety and Morality
The Two Faces of Barack Obama
'Talk the talk but won’t walk the walk on fiscal responsibility.'”
Only School Choice Will Keep Them Honest
Henry Lamb: Purveyors of hate
"These people are called: Anderson Cooper (CNN); Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews, Dylan Ratigan, Rachel Maddow, Anna Marie Cox, Janeane Garofalo (MSNBC); Bill Maher (HBO); ABC News; CBS News: Daily Kos; Huffington Post; and a host of other bloggers and TV personalities.
"The people who deliberately, publicly and repeatedly refer to tea-party participants as 'teabaggers' suffer from the same character flaw that makes people use the 'N' word and call gay people 'queers.' The character flaw that would allow someone to tie a hangman's noose on a tree in front of a black man's house or burn a cross on his front lawn is precisely the same flaw that allows a person to deliberately, publicly and repeatedly call someone a 'teabagger' when they know it to be untrue.
"These are the same people who preach tolerance – but practice hate."