"What luck for the rulers that men do not think." -Adolf Hitler
"I will bring this war to an end in 2009. So don’t be confused." -- Senator Barack Obama

"If you don't like Obama, you is a racist!" -- Kelonda

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"If the government robs Peter to pay Paul, he can count on the continued support of Paul.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Mike Adams: Tamiflu anti-viral drug revealed as complete hoax; Roche studies based on scientific fraud

"The problem with these claims is that they aren't true. They were simply invented by Roche."

To all the Blacks who voted for Obama....

"He told USA Today there will be no specific plan of action for African-Americans."
"He told USA Today there will be no specific plan of action for African-Americans."
"He told USA Today there will be no specific plan of action for African-Americans."
"He told USA Today there will be no specific plan of action for African-Americans."
"He told USA Today there will be no specific plan of action for African-Americans."
"He told USA Today there will be no specific plan of action for African-Americans."
"He told USA Today there will be no specific plan of action for African-Americans."
"He told USA Today there will be no specific plan of action for African-Americans."
"He told USA Today there will be no specific plan of action for African-Americans."
"He told USA Today there will be no specific plan of action for African-Americans."
"He told USA Today there will be no specific plan of action for African-Americans."
"He told USA Today there will be no specific plan of action for African-Americans."
"He told USA Today there will be no specific plan of action for African-Americans."
"He told USA Today there will be no specific plan of action for African-Americans."

You wanted "change"?


Clenard Childress: Civil rights is not the same as same sex rights

"We have to be honest if we are to have a dialogue. Equating the current same sex marriage effort being waged by gays and lesbians and their supporters is, quite frankly, insulting to most African Americans and in some ways trivializes our long and painful struggle. While most every African American sympathizes with the harsh treatment of gay and lesbians by those who have hatred and anger in their hearts, the histories of our struggles are not comparable. And so if we are to have a conversation, please don't start by insulting us."

Obama Prays with Muslims at the White House After He Cancels National Day of Prayer

Pace Bible Cartoons

Carbon Dioxide is Poisonous! Copenhagen and Climategate

Brother X says....

"It's a shame that the Nation of Islam and Roland Martin thinks that Obama needs to be responsible for his own actions now. Don't they know that anything good that happens Obama did and anything bad that happens it was because of Bush?"

Mark Levin- We Call it Tyranny

Sceptic Monckton Grills Greenpeace-campaigner on Global Warming eXposes Media Complicity CimateGate

Avatar is a Leftist Political Movie?

Phelim McAleer Assaulted by armedUnited Nations guards. The Jim Pfaff Show. 12-14-2009

Message to the President

Quit beating around the "Bush."

Re: Armed Response to 'Climategate' question more lies

UN Security thug denies legitimate question regarding Climategate.

Obama(superstar) Bashing Bush Again On 60 Minutes - Dana Perino

Detroit News: Obama's policies risk another Depression

"Inexplicably after Congress passed it -- almost like a bait and switch -- TARP was directed at banks rather than troubled assets. A little more than a year later, TARP Inspector Neil Barofsky reports that AIG's $1.5 trillion in credit fault swaps did not, after all, pose systemic risk. So if we were misled about the TARP bailout, it seems appropriate to question other aspects of government intervention since unemployment, foreclosures and bank failures have risen."

Roger Hedgecock: Obama sells out radical left base

"'Frustrated'? 'Angry'? I can tell you about frustration and anger when you realize that all your efforts to elect a president to champion your views are turning to dust."

Shelby Steele: The Loneliness of the “Black Conservative”

"Whenever my talk was finished, though sometimes before, a virtual militia of angry black students would rush to the microphones and begin to scream. At first I thought of them as Mau Maus but decided this was unfair to the real Mau Maus, who, though ruthless terrorists, had helped bring independence to Kenya in the 1950s. My confronters were not freedom fighters; they were Carrie Nation–like enforcers, racial bluenoses who lived in terror of certain words. Repression was their game, not liberation, and they said as much. 'You can’t say that in front of the white man.' 'Your words will be used against us.' 'Why did you write this book?' 'You should only print that in a black magazine.' Their outrage brought to light an ironic and unnoticed transformation in the nature of black American anger from the sixties to the nineties: a shift in focus from protest to suppression, from blowing the lid off to tightening it down. And, short of terrorism, shame is the best instrument of repression."

I imagine all the people screaming "YOU LIE!"

November 06, 2009

"On this day in 1956, Martin Luther King voted for the Republican presidential ticket, Dwight Eisenhower and Richard Nixon.

(Who is screaming "LIAR!"?)

"Martin Luther King told Nixon of his vote during a public meeting in Ghana, where they were attending a presidential inauguration.

"While campaigning for re-election, Vice President Richard Nixon declared: "Most of us will live to see the day when American boys and girls will sit, side by side, at any school - public or private - with no respect paid to the color of skin. Segregation, discrimination and prejudice have no place in America."

"The following year, Vice President Nixon helped defeat the Democrat filibuster against the GOP's 1957 Civil Rights Act."

I did not vote for Bill Clinton, but....

....He was much more deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize than the recent recipient.

Black Conservative Voices Courageously Step Away from the Crowd

"We’ve all too often heard hateful rhetoric directed at black conservatives for daring to think differently from their kinsmen, so when 96% of the black community votes in virtual lockstep for a candidate, it takes immense courage for a smaller number of blacks to disagree and vote in opposition. However, pulling the lever to support a conservative candidate or idea in the privacy of a polling booth is easier and safer than speaking out publicly. Ironic, isn’t it, that all of us are rightfully expected to embrace diverse shades of melanin, yet in contrast, many in the black community seem to assume or demand that there be no diversity of opinion in the political arena. Fortunately, uniformity of thought is being challenged by individual thinkers within the black community."

World Net Daily: Obama ripped for plan to bring back 'inquisitions'

"Witch hunt' expected under new U.S. 'hate crimes' law"

Los Angeles Times: Oops! Turns out Obama's cost-cutting health plan won't save a dime; cheaper to do nothing

"It's probably just coincidental that bad numbers about President Obama's much-coveted healthcare legislation came out late last week when few people were paying attention.

"This is the absolutely crucial healthcare reform plan that simply had to be drafted, discussed, debated, amended and passed before early August. It's supposed to cover millions more Americans and reduce the nation's soaring medical costs.

"Turns out, not."

New York Times: Twitter Tapping

"The government is increasingly monitoring Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites for tax delinquents, copyright infringers and political protesters. A public interest group has filed a lawsuit to learn more about this monitoring, in the hope of starting a national discussion and modifying privacy laws as necessary for the online era."