"What luck for the rulers that men do not think." -Adolf Hitler
"I will bring this war to an end in 2009. So don’t be confused." -- Senator Barack Obama

"If you don't like Obama, you is a racist!" -- Kelonda

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"If the government robs Peter to pay Paul, he can count on the continued support of Paul.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Population Control The Eugenics Connection

WAKE UP AMERICA!! It's happening right in front of you.

July 9, 2009

What they will say when Obama fails....

Today is Wednesday, April 8, 2009. These are predictions of what Obama supporters, if there are any remaining, will say after Obama fails:

“The Republicans messed things up so much it needed a superhuman effort to make things right. It probably needed more than 8 years by Obama to fix it”

“The Republicans and the traitorous moderate Democrats (probably closet Republicans themselves) did their very best to obstruct Obama’s policies.”

“The Democrats in the House of Representatives and the Senate did not rally around him like they should have.”

“The Congress cared more about their own power than about supporting Obama.”

“Obama had traitors working with him.”

“People demanded too much out of him.”

“God is punishing the nation for not backing Obama.”

“The ‘Birthers” wanted to bring him down. They should have left the birth certificate issue alone. Where Obama was born was nobody’s business. They act like its a Constitutional issue or something.”

“Wall Street wanted to bring him down.”

“Rogue elements of the Antiwar movement worked against him when they should have kept their mouths shut about Obama continuing Bush’s policies. And they should have kept it a secret that Obama was expanding the war in Afghanistan. They were only supposed to protest Bush only!”

“Those right-wing blogs and right-wingnut idiot writers on the internet confused clear-thinking people and got them brainwashed.”

“You all didn’t give him a chance.”

“Racist white Americans (every white person who did not vote for Obama) did not want to unify this country.”

"White Obama voters who found out they were really white racists turned on him and brought our President down."

“The Media, like Chris Matthews, only pretended to love him. Then they showed their true colors.”

“Sellout black conservatives and sellout anti-Obama black liberals conspired together.”

“Anti-Obama YouTube viral videos passed around destroyed the Presidency.”

“The Daily Kos, The Huffington Post, etc. did not do their jobs correctly to set the record straight.”

“Those evil right-wing talk show hosts brought him down. We told you they should have been silenced!”

“Those ‘Tea Party’ people should have been put in prison for treason and sedition.”

“You all didn’t give him a chance.”

“MoveOn.org, ACORN, and Organizing for America did a lousy job in supporting our President. No excuses!”

“The fascist Pro-Life Movement did everything they could to undermine our President.”

“They all worked to make sure that the first black president failed.”

“Those PUMA Democrats brought him down.”

“Those Blue Dog Democrats brought him down.”

“Those Republicans brought him down.”

“He had bad advisors.”

“They set him up.” (Who are “they”?)

“You all didn’t give him a chance.”

“You all resisted the will of God by resisting Obama.”

“Bush set him up to fail.”

“He was a public servant, not a perfect servant.”

“He is only human. He had good intentions.”

“You cannot expect one man to have all the answers.”

“The weight of the world was on his shoulders. It was just too much for him. He is a good man. He really tried.”

“He was misunderstood.”

"It was Rush Limbaugh's fault."

"It was George W. Bush's fault."

"It was Richard Nixon's fault, controling things from the grave."

“He is an imposter! That was not the real Obama. It was a Republican Obama clone who was paid off to fail. The real Obama was kidnapped! He never had a chance!”

Black Minister Comes to Defense of Rush Limbaugh

CHESAPEAKE,VA /Christian Newswire/—Bishop E.W. Jackson Sr., Founder and President of STAND (Staying True to America’s National Destiny) a national grassroots organization calling America back to its Judeo- Christian values, has stepped into the controversy over Rush Limbaugh’s efforts to buy a football team. “My wife and I have listened to Rush for over two decades,” says the Bishop, “and we have never heard Rush make a racist statement. If we had, we would have stopped listening. This is strictly about liberal hatred of a conservative commentator.”

Jackson is an attorney and graduate of Harvard Law School, does weekly national commentary on Radio America and USA Radio Network and writes frequently on matters of race. His articles have appeared in newspapers and magazines around the country and the world including “American Thinker”, a popular online conservative publication.

Bishop Jackson—incensed over the lies and distortions about Rush—says, “Rush’s comment about Donovan McNabb, quarterback for the Philadelphia Eagles was social commentary, which is what Rush does. He was giving his view on the racial politics surrounding a particular player. Allen Barra, writing for Slate Magazine, hardly conservative, wrote a detailed article arguing that Rush’s comments were right.”

In a scathing piece on the subject of race, Jackson wrote: “The liberal attitude toward racial minorities…is the intellectual equivalent of a master to slave relationship. They believe they own the souls of black folk… When any black person makes progress, they must be reminded that they owe it to their liberal benefactors. Liberals defend affirmative action…in the paternalistic belief that blacks cannot compete on the same level with whites. They glibly advocate lowering test standards and giving government set asides and handouts. Woe to the “racist” who questions the fairness or effectiveness of such policies.”

Says Bishop Jackson, “One may disagree whether McNabb has benefited from liberal media bias, but it is not racism to point it out when one believes it is happening. President Obama, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have undoubtedly benefited from liberal media paternalism. Accusations that Rush has compared football to the Crips and Bloods or that he praised slavery are lies. The liberal race baiters who have falsely accused Rush owe him an apology.

Jackson is calling upon all of Rush’s black listeners, who call him regularly, to STAND up.

Bill O'Reilly Show -- Juan Williams, Tammy Bruce and Ken Hutcherson on Rush Limbaugh Witch Hunt

Rush Limbaugh Screwed by the Far Left

Libtalkers Repeat Phony Limbaugh Quotes Even After Others Retract Them

It does not matter as long as the lies tell "essential truth."

New Nigga Slave Masters - Democrats and Liberals (Black and White)

Was This Question Staged That Was Asked By A 4th Grader In New Orleans?

Priestess of Molech Sacrifices 15 children on the altar of Self

Walter E Williams - Economics of Liberty

Does The NFL View Conservative White Americans As Racists?

LOS ANGELES—Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, Founder and President of BOND, the Brotherhood Organization Of A New Destiny, issued the following statement about the scandalous and shameful way NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell and Players Association Executive Director DeMaurice Smith treated Rush Limbaugh, effectively blocking his bid as part of a group to purchase the St. Louis Rams:

“As an American civil-rights leader I am deeply disturbed by the unfair treatment Rush Limbaugh received at the hands of the NFL and the smear campaign orchestrated by many in the media to brand him a ‘racist.’

“Rush Limbaugh was denied the opportunity to own a part of an NFL franchise because he’s a conservative straight white male and a staunch critic of Barack Obama’s agenda.

“If Mr. Goodell and the owners view Rush as too divisive, then what must they think about the millions of NFL fans who listen to Rush and hold NFL season tickets? If Rush is considered a ‘racist’ and can’t be an owner, does that mean his listeners are also racists who don’t deserve to sit in NFL stadiums? If the league and the players association are going to discriminate against Rush, why should conservatives put money into the NFL’s coffers and pay the exorbitant salaries of the players?

“The NFL commissioner and owners were pressured by the players association and black race hustlers Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson to derail Rush’s chance of owning a part of the St. Louis Rams.

“When will white Americans stop caving in to shakedown artists like Jackson and Sharpton, whose claim to any moral authority whatsoever is a joke?

“This should be the wakeup call for white Americans to stop supporting organizations who don’t have the spine to say ‘no’ to hate mongers or stand up on behalf of the rights of every American to pursue liberty and happiness.”

BOND, The Brotherhood Organization Of A New Destiny, is a national 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization dedicated to “Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man.” For the past 20 years, BOND has been helping men and their families with its unique programs and services. For more information visit www.bondinfo.org and www.bondaction.org call 1-800-411-BOND (2663).

NewsBusted 10/16/09

Keith tryin' to flex on Rush

If They Wanna Act Like Animals..

Don Rima: I’ve WON the Nobel Economics Awards!!!

"A Tony award will be given to President Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., for the great job as acting president of these United States."

Michael Farris: Cuba-style indoctrination in store for U.S.?

"To see what lies in store for the United States, turn to Cuba: less real free expression; nifty government slogans taught to your children."

Burt Prelutsky: Let's call it 'infirmative action'

"I believe that everyone in America should abide by a code of decent behavior. Walking around with a chip on your shoulder just because you're black and whiny isn't going to gain you the respect you obviously crave. At most, you'll have to settle for contempt and handouts from politicians looking to lock up your votes."

Robert Ringer: Enough of the Race Police!

"I guess it's OK to a point, but it's also demeaning and irritating to people of color who just want to be treated like everyone else. As one African-American acquaintance of mine recently said, 'The constant whining and cries of insult only succeed in attracting negative attention and get in the way of those of us who are trying to get ahead in life.'

"Fortunately, most people, both black and white, are becoming immune to the constant drumbeat of the racist-gotcha game. Plain and simple, we are suffering from race-compassion fatigue. To borrow from the title of Juan Williams' book: 'Enough!'

"P.S. Rush: For the sake of all Americans, please sue the butts off the NFL and every blogger and member of the media who attributed false quotes to you."

Frank J. Fleming: Brain-Dead Conservatives Obsessed with ‘Freedom’

"So what would be optimal in this country if we stopped the mindless liberty worship? I suggest slavery. Yes, I know it has a long awful history, but think about it. With slavery, everyone is guaranteed a job. Slaves get food and shelter. And we can make sure all needs are met by forcing people to take the jobs they are best suited for.

"Slavery is true freedom, because it is freedom from want and worry. It may have been a horrible thing when racist southerners were doing it, but think of how great it could be if benevolent liberals looking out for the good of all were in charge. I would say it is, in fact, the ultimate progressive ideal."


"In 1776, the colonies rejected the European (nationalist) form of government. In the UNITED STATES, the people of the states ardently believed that their freedoms would be best protected if each of their agents (State and federal) possessed equal power to check the other against encroachments of power and freedom. This was the 'more perfect union' of the US Constitution. How could the founders have suggested that the US Constitution was a 'more perfect union' as a nationalist system, when the nationalist system was the very system they seceded from and rejected? That is nonsense!

"Ironically, the very document that was designed to perpetuate these principles of federalism has in fact been de-constructed to destroy those same principles, leaving us with the very form of government that our framers and the Constitution's ratifiers rejected. In the end, if the people of the states do not once again reject this national form of government and assert and defend the principles of federalism--the principles upon which America was founded--then this supposed federal power of constitutional 'construction' will in fact be our freedom's destruction."

Steven Ertelt: Obama Economics Advisor Robert Reich Blasted for Promoting Death Panels

"Former vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin got pilloried for suggesting that the government-run health care system set up under the bills in Congress would lead to 'death panels.' But, now, a video has surfaced showing Obama economics advisor Robert Reich essentially admitting Palin was right."

Bob Unruh: Hollywood programming pursues Obama agenda

"An internal memo for a prominent Hollywood organization reveals plans to incorporate President Obama's political talking points into the storylines of shows on all four leading broadcast networks."