"What luck for the rulers that men do not think." -Adolf Hitler
"I will bring this war to an end in 2009. So don’t be confused." -- Senator Barack Obama

"If you don't like Obama, you is a racist!" -- Kelonda

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"If the government robs Peter to pay Paul, he can count on the continued support of Paul.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Big Government Health Care PSA

Criminalizing Everyone

"These two leaders have begun giving voice to the increasing number of experts who worry about 'overcriminalization.' Astronomical numbers of federal criminal laws lack specifics, can apply to almost anyone and fail to protect innocents by requiring substantial proof that an accused person acted with actual criminal intent."

Brigitte Pellerin: Ignoring the sins of our friends

"It doesn’t matter how distasteful you think it is for activists of any political leaning to trap other people using hidden cameras. It also doesn’t matter how much you hate Fox News or how much you love anyone remotely connected to President Obama. What matters is truth and decency.

"There is no excuse for what the ACORN employees said and did, and for what they didn’t do. Disregarding the sexual exploitation of minors (Americans and illegal aliens) is no small potatoes, and it sure isn’t progressive."

Do or Die

Do or Die
The Death of the Republican Party & Conservative Values
By Rev. Wayne Perryman
October 6, 2009

After returning from a recent Republican Conference where I was the keynote speaker, I couldn’t help but to notice that the average age of most of the attendees was 60 plus. When I went to the College Republican website to look at the future of the party, I was disheartened to learn that of 20 million college students in America only 200,000 claimed that they were affiliated with the College Republicans. Today, we have more liberal college professors teaching our young people than we have membership in the College Republicans. This problem is further exacerbated by the fact that many conservative parents and grandparents confess that their children and grandchildren are liberal and want nothing to do with the party of their parents.

Given the fact that the future strength of any organization can be determined by the number of young people committed to it causes grave concern for the future of the Republican Party. Why aren’t young people attracted to the Republican Party, and what must the Party20do to attract more young people? The problem is two-fold.

Conservative baby-boomers (as a whole) no longer feel the need to invest and train future generations to follow in their footsteps. Unlike past generations of parents, far too many baby-boomers (as they were as teens) are only interested in themselves and their current welfare which now consist of retirement and comfortable living in their remaining years. Understandingly so, most of the people that they associate with are elderly and most of the people they vote for are older candidates. Their investments are not in young people - but in IRA’s and other retirement plans.
Unlike liberals, conservatives seldom ever talk about caring for the poor or improving race relations; two things that appeal to the modern-day college student. When it comes to conservatism, the perception that most young people have of Republicans is that they are a group of old white people who lost their capacity to care for others, particularly for the poor and people of color. In short, young people believe Republicans are insensitive, selfish and racist.

Are their perceptions true? No. But Republicans are doing very little to destroy these stereotypes, stereotypes that are being taught by college professors and re-enforced by the Republican’s own silence. Behind closed doors, Republicans will often say, “we have done a lot for minorities and the poor, but unlike the Democrats, we just don’t brag about it.” This is also true, but their unwillingness to talk about it openly leaves the door open to speculation and their contributions in helping others, becomes the best kept secret in our society.

In order to attract the other 18,800,000 liberal college students, Republicans must do the following:

They must convince young people that they always have - an d always will be the party of compassion, a party that cares about all Americans, particularly for the poor and the outcast.

They must educate an uninformed generation of young people of the Republican’s impressive Civil Rights History and the social programs that the Party developed to assure equality for all.

And they must invest hundreds of millions of dollars to train and develop conservative young leaders to prepare them for elective office while using books, films and other educational materials to challenge the liberal lies taught by liberal college professors.

This is a do or die mission. If they fail to do this, the Republican Party will eventually die along with their current aging baby-boomer population and that would be a tragedy.

Rev. Wayne Perryman

AP: Obama turning to Hollywood for health reform help


"WASHINGTON (AP) - President Barack Obama is enlisting Hollywood celebrities including actress Rosario Dawson and musician Will.I.Am to draw attention to his health care overhaul agenda.

"The performers will act as celebrity judges for a TV commercial contest set up by Organizing for America, the Obama political organization that's part of the Democratic National Committee.

"Organizing for America last month invited supporters to create and submit 30-second ads in support of remaking health care. The winning one will be aired nationally."

Joy Tiz: Et Tu, SNL?

"Those notororiously right- wing racists at SNL jumped the shark this past weekend, with a skit about the excruciatingly conspicuous roster of Obama’s failures. His plans for a 'change we can believe in' were always preposterous. Opening with his failure to secure the 2016 Olympic Games for Chicago, SNL’s Obama said it was just further proof that his detractors’ fears are unfounded: How could he transform the country into something resembling the former Soviet Union or Nazi Germany when he’s failed to accomplish anything at all? 'When you look at my record,' he said, 'it’s very clear what I’ve done so far, and that is nothing.'”


"Ending a love affair with a narcissist is even harder than ending a healthy relationship. Narcissists don’t take it well. As Bernard Goldberg put it, many Americans are 'dumb and in love' with Barack Obama. The true believers continue to pose as members of an objective media, all the while being led around by the nose by the New York Times.

"Directly challenging the true believer makes him dig his heels in deeper. The one truth about cults or mass movements is that the outcome depends on the character of the leader. When SNL begins to turn on their favorite liberal, take heed. As goes SNL, so goes the nation."

Bob Parks: Planned Parenthood’s Continued Degradation Of Women

"Planned Parenthood of New York chose the Museum of Sex for the second year in a row as the venue for its annual 'Summer, Sex and Spirits' fundraiser.

"The fundraising benefit for Planned Parenthood of New York was arranged by the Planned Parenthood of New York City Activist Council. VIP ticket holders received gifts that included Butter Boy lubricant and pole dancing lessons. Items auctioned off at the event included boudoir photo sessions and “sexy lingerie.”

"Seeing how we’re talking Planned Parenthood, there will be no protestations from the appropriate liberal women’s groups. Quite an eye-opening display of just how useless Planned Parenthood considers life and the women who carry it."

Also go to www.maafa21.com.

Daniel Greenfield: The Obama Who Would Be King

Prom King of the World?

"Obama’s Copenhagen trip made at a cost of at least a million taxpayer dollars not only failed to achieve anything, but embarrassingly emphasized his inability to draw the line between the duties of his office and his sense of political omnipotence. Throughout his campaign and term in office, Obama has acted as if an application of his charisma can solve any problem. And he has yet to grasp not only that it can’t, but that his job is in the White House, rather than the endless global Miss America competition he has chosen to embark on.

"Obama made Chicago’s Olympic bid his first priority, only squeezing in a half-hour session with General McChrystal who is in charge of the Afghan front that he had promised to commit all his efforts to on the campaign trail, after McChrystal embarrassed him by revealing that he had only talked once with Obama. Would anyone care to make a guess how many times Obama had spoken to those in charge of Chicago’s Olympic bid? Somehow I suspect it’s more than once. Or twice.

"Is he the leader of Chicago, the United States or the Free World? Obama himself can’t seem to decide that because he doesn’t think in terms of national duties or obligations, only of himself. His speeches filled with the constant egotistical refrain of 'I’s' and 'Me’s' are the product of a man who does not see himself in terms of his country, but sees his country in terms of himself.

"Obama cannot draw the line between his legitimate duties and random publicity, just as neither of the Obamas seem to have any concept of the dignity of their office. To them there is no dignity, only privilege and entitlement. They recognize that they have power, but they recognize no limitations on that power and treat it as an extension of their egos. The royal couple have a boundless appetite for flattery and none at all for self-discipline. The concept of 'Doing Your Duty' is wholly foreign to people who never worked legitimately for anything, who got plum positions thanks to a combination of political connections, racial huckstering and personal charm.

"Any position that they hold in their minds is an extension of themselves. That is why Obama does not see himself in terms of the Presidency or wonder whether he is up to the job. He sees the Presidency and all the privileges that come with it as part of his aura. Any problem he comes across, he treats as something that can be resolved with enough exposure to that aura. And when that doesn’t work, the Obama toolbox turns up shockingly empty.

"The media which has been well trained to feed the boundless egos of celebrities have found their perfect political match in Obama. They lavished their love on him. They depicted him with halos over his head. They lost any concept of the boundary between bias and worship, in the process coming to resemble the slavish doggy adoration of a state controlled press corps. And now some of them are slowly waking up to the realization that simply because you can manufacture image does not mean that you can manufacture reality. Like Obama the media had lost track of the limits of their power, the boundaries at which their control end and real life begins.

"The media, particularly on the television end of things, shares with Hollywood a boundless faith in the ability to create and recreate images, to make of reality what they will. To control the vertical and the horizontal, to change the focus and deluge your mind with a thousand images. And the audience, in the words of the famous Outer Limits opening theme was expected to, sit quietly and let the broadcasters control all that you see and hear. But that power fantasy, like all of the power fantasies that come out of Hollywood’s studios of fiction and New York’s studios of fact, was incomplete. Controlling image does not control reality. The media helped shape Obama’s image, but can do very little to improve his reality."

Jim O'Neill: No Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccinations!

"What about those vaccines? Surely the pharmaceutical companies must be churning out their millions—ultimately billions—of vaccines, under only the most stringent of conditions. And obviously, these vaccines must have been cleared by the FDA as being harmless to humans. Correct?

"I mean, the pharmaceutical companies stand to be slammed with innumerable lawsuits if they screw up—right?

"Wrong on all counts. Our buddies on Capitol Hill passed a law in 2005 that gave the pharmaceutical companies complete immunity from being sued over their vaccines—the 'Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act' (the PREP Act).

"That legislation gave drug companies immunity from harm caused by any misconduct on their part, or negative consequences resulting from their vaccines. It is not coincidental that the pharmaceutical lobby is the largest lobby in Washington D.C.

"The immunity given to the vaccine manufacturers applies no matter what the drug company does wrong—unless you can prove that it was willful misconduct.

"They can put anything they want in their vaccines, and there is nothing you or I can do about it.

"But surely these vaccines are thoroughly tested by the FDA, right? Well no, they are not. Because of the 'emergency' nature of the novel H1N1 'outbreak' normal FDA vetting procedures have been bypassed."

Ambulance Rushes Third Planned Parenthood Abortion Patient to the Hospital

RIVERSIDE, Calif., Oct. 6 /Christian Newswire/ -- A Planned Parenthood abortion patient was rushed to the hospital by ambulance on Saturday morning, October 3, 2009, according to eyewitnesses who photographed the incident.

This is the third reported emergency transport from a Southern California Planned Parenthood abortion clinic within the past three weeks. Two similar incidents occurred at the Planned Parenthood in Orange, California, on September 16 and 26.

According to pro-life sidewalk counselors, first a fire truck arrived at the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Riverside, California, followed by an ambulance with lights on and sirens blaring. Witnesses observed that a female patient was removed from the building on a gurney. She was loaded into the awaiting ambulance, which sped away without the use of lights or sirens.

The woman's condition is unknown.

"Three medical emergencies in three weeks tells us that these Planned Parenthood abortion mills are experiencing some grave internal problems," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "Whatever their problems are, they are placing the lives of women at risk."

Pro-lifers have seen an increase in suspicious activity at the Riverside abortion clinic. One sidewalk counselor reported that two security guards stood near her with their hands on their guns in an effort to intimidate the women who were peacefully offering practical help and alternatives to abortion-bound women.

Similar accounts of security personnel using intimidation tactics were reported by pro-life activists outside the Planned Parenthood in Orange County.

Meanwhile, sidewalk counselors in Orange have made flyers with photos of the ambulances at the Planned Parenthood and are handing them out to women seeking abortions. The flyers warn women that they could be next.

Since doing this, one activist reported that he was able to turn around one, possibly two women from having abortions for the first time in several weeks.

"We want to encourage pro-lifers as they stand outside their local abortion clinics to be prepared to document incidents by always having a camera," said Newman. "The pictures taken by alert sidewalk counselors just a few days ago are now saving lives and warning women of the dangers of abortion."

"We have never seen a safe abortion clinic - only ones that haven't been caught yet," said Newman. "We pray that by exposing these abortion injuries and working through the legal system to hold those responsible accountable, that the clinics will ultimately close."

Michelle Malkin: Spin Doctors for Obamacare

White House wardrobe assistants guaranteed the 'spiffy.' As the New York Post's Charles Hurt reported, the physicians 'were told to bring their white lab coats to make sure that TV cameras captured the image.' President Obama's aides hastily handed out costumes to those who came in suits or dresses before the doc-and-pony show began."

Ben-Peter Terpstra: Che Lied, Artists Fried

"By the late 1970s, Red Cuba was home to more than 15,000 prisoners of conscience, from fabulously camp poets to born-again Christians, or basically all free-thinking citizens. They were the ones who didn’t get away. Che lied, artists fried. The other bearded religion, if it can be called that, was built on blood too."

Herbert London: Losing Liberty

"There is a shift occurring in the United States, a tectonic shift that is imposing statism in a land predicated on limited government."

UK Telegraph: EU draws up plans to establish itself as 'world power'

"The European Union has drawn up secret plans to establish itself as a global power in its own right with the authority to sign international agreements on behalf of member states."

ATLAS EXCLUSIVE: ACORN Threw Out Republican Voter Registrations

"In February of 2008, Fathiyyah Muhammad of Jacksonville, Florida, heard that ACORN was paying three dollars for each vote you could register. Fatiyyah claims she registered voters for Acorn there (at three dollars each), but that the group threw out her votes and fired her when she brought them GOP registrations.

"This is another nail in the coffin of the community organizers and their stealth agenda."