Sunday, September 27, 2009
President resumes reform push at speech to Congressional Black Caucus
What is really funny about this is that Obama did not choose one member of the Congressional Black Caucus to be in his administration.
Hooked-On-Ebonics for Black Kids
"LOL!! These flashcards are the real deal. They use them in some elementary schools in Northern California as part of the English program."
Miseducation of black children is their business.
Larry Elder: Math Ebonics
"1. Easy E and his friend, M.C. Ren, went to the corner store to buy a pack of Old English Soda Pop. If the Soda cost $3.85 and between the two old friends they had a ten dollar bill, how much change would they receive.
"2. E-40 was concerned with his friend, Too-Short's dental problems so E-40 decided to buy Too Short his missing teeth. If a set of dentures cost 560 dollars, and E-40 has 332 dollars, does E-40 have enough money. If E-40 does not have enough money, how much more does he need.
"3. Ice Cube was looking to shoot his new video from his next album, "I Know I'm Just a Has-Been Studio Gangster," and he had 72 dollars to complete his video. If Ice Cube was using 6 dollar bills to pay his staff on a daily basis, how many persons does he have working for him. The key is dividing 72 by 6.
"4. Mack 10 was driving down the strip in his Cutlass sitting on a brand new set of Daytons listening to his West Side Connection tape when one of his four huge speakers blew out. If one of Mack 10's speakers cost 7 dollars, how much would 4 cost. The key is multiplication.
"5. Dodo Stain and Nappy were best friends who each weighed 500 pounds apiece. Everybody at their work said they were fat slobs so they decided to lose some weight, so they could go to the local clubs and "mack" to all the local momies in town. If both men vowed to lose 20 pounds each week, how many pounds would they lose in 3 months? What will be their combined weight after the 3 months?
"6. Biggie Little was a rapper who was 2 feet tall and had an ashy forehead. If Biggie needed to grow another 4 feet to be taken serious in the rap game, and there was a doctor who charged 2 dollars an inch, how much money would Biggie Little have to spend to grow the extra 4 feet? There are 12 inches in a foot.
"7. Dapper Dan was a man who took great pride in his Tuff Skin polyester suits. He owned 9 of them in all different colors. If Dapper Dan's wife left him because he treated her bad and his feet smelled, and when she left she took 3 of his Tuff Skin suits, how many does he have left? If each suit cost 15 dollars, how much will it cost to replace the stolen suits?
"Unfortunately, the assignment is not a joke. It is real, and was handed out to the children, some of whose parents were not amused."
"2. E-40 was concerned with his friend, Too-Short's dental problems so E-40 decided to buy Too Short his missing teeth. If a set of dentures cost 560 dollars, and E-40 has 332 dollars, does E-40 have enough money. If E-40 does not have enough money, how much more does he need.
"3. Ice Cube was looking to shoot his new video from his next album, "I Know I'm Just a Has-Been Studio Gangster," and he had 72 dollars to complete his video. If Ice Cube was using 6 dollar bills to pay his staff on a daily basis, how many persons does he have working for him. The key is dividing 72 by 6.
"4. Mack 10 was driving down the strip in his Cutlass sitting on a brand new set of Daytons listening to his West Side Connection tape when one of his four huge speakers blew out. If one of Mack 10's speakers cost 7 dollars, how much would 4 cost. The key is multiplication.
"5. Dodo Stain and Nappy were best friends who each weighed 500 pounds apiece. Everybody at their work said they were fat slobs so they decided to lose some weight, so they could go to the local clubs and "mack" to all the local momies in town. If both men vowed to lose 20 pounds each week, how many pounds would they lose in 3 months? What will be their combined weight after the 3 months?
"6. Biggie Little was a rapper who was 2 feet tall and had an ashy forehead. If Biggie needed to grow another 4 feet to be taken serious in the rap game, and there was a doctor who charged 2 dollars an inch, how much money would Biggie Little have to spend to grow the extra 4 feet? There are 12 inches in a foot.
"7. Dapper Dan was a man who took great pride in his Tuff Skin polyester suits. He owned 9 of them in all different colors. If Dapper Dan's wife left him because he treated her bad and his feet smelled, and when she left she took 3 of his Tuff Skin suits, how many does he have left? If each suit cost 15 dollars, how much will it cost to replace the stolen suits?
"Unfortunately, the assignment is not a joke. It is real, and was handed out to the children, some of whose parents were not amused."
Steven Ertelt: Black Pro-Life Leader Says Opposition to Pro-Abortion Health Care Plans Not Racist

Washington, DC ( -- A top black pro-life advocate says there is nothing racist about opposing the health care plans pending in Congress because they force taxpayers to finance abortions. Dr. Alveda King is responding to critics who say such opposition is racist and point to the outburst from Rep. Joe Wilson.
During President Barack Obama's health care speech two weeks ago, Wilson shouted "You lie," as Obama ticked off a list of complaints about the bills he thought were false.
The Wilson comment has prompted some political observers to suggest that opposition to the three main bills -- HR 3200 in the House and the Kennedy and Baucus measures in the Senate -- is racially motivated. King says that's not so.
“Congressman Joe Wilson’s breach of etiquette was definitely wrong, but to call it racist is to cry wolf,” she told today.
King says abortion itself is racist because it targets the African-American community as abortion businesses like Planned Parenthood place centers in minority neighborhoods.
“What really is racist is singling out minorities, who now receive about two-thirds of the abortions in this country, for discriminatory treatment," King explained.
"Those of us who care about the civil rights of all Americans, born and unborn, oppose Obamacare because we oppose the expansion of the most racist industry in America – the abortion industry. This is why we also are asking the Justice Department to investigate the racist practices of Planned Parenthood," she said.
“Anyone who supports so called abortion rights, even an ex-President, should check the facts and take the mote out of his own eye before calling someone else a racist,” King added -- referring to former President Jimmy Carter, who has made some of the racism charges.
King continued: “Fact one – abortion has taken 17 million African American lives since 1973. Fact two – the President’s health care plan, as presently written, will dramatically add to that number as it will cause the government to start subsidizing abortions that it doesn't now.”
“The abortion movement has targeted minorities since its inception,” King concluded.
“There is no greater step one can take to oppose racism today than to oppose the expansion of abortion that would take place under the health care plans currently under consideration. The choice is simple, promote health with prenatal care or promote death with abortion. I say choose life," she told
Dr. King will join with other pro-life African American leaders this Wednesday through Friday for a Capitol Hill education campaign on abortion and racism.
During President Barack Obama's health care speech two weeks ago, Wilson shouted "You lie," as Obama ticked off a list of complaints about the bills he thought were false.
The Wilson comment has prompted some political observers to suggest that opposition to the three main bills -- HR 3200 in the House and the Kennedy and Baucus measures in the Senate -- is racially motivated. King says that's not so.
“Congressman Joe Wilson’s breach of etiquette was definitely wrong, but to call it racist is to cry wolf,” she told today.
King says abortion itself is racist because it targets the African-American community as abortion businesses like Planned Parenthood place centers in minority neighborhoods.
“What really is racist is singling out minorities, who now receive about two-thirds of the abortions in this country, for discriminatory treatment," King explained.
"Those of us who care about the civil rights of all Americans, born and unborn, oppose Obamacare because we oppose the expansion of the most racist industry in America – the abortion industry. This is why we also are asking the Justice Department to investigate the racist practices of Planned Parenthood," she said.
“Anyone who supports so called abortion rights, even an ex-President, should check the facts and take the mote out of his own eye before calling someone else a racist,” King added -- referring to former President Jimmy Carter, who has made some of the racism charges.
King continued: “Fact one – abortion has taken 17 million African American lives since 1973. Fact two – the President’s health care plan, as presently written, will dramatically add to that number as it will cause the government to start subsidizing abortions that it doesn't now.”
“The abortion movement has targeted minorities since its inception,” King concluded.
“There is no greater step one can take to oppose racism today than to oppose the expansion of abortion that would take place under the health care plans currently under consideration. The choice is simple, promote health with prenatal care or promote death with abortion. I say choose life," she told
Dr. King will join with other pro-life African American leaders this Wednesday through Friday for a Capitol Hill education campaign on abortion and racism.
New York Times: For Democrats, Cracks in a United Front
"But behind the scenes and away from the C-Span cameras, their united front has given way to intraparty tensions, not just in the committee but in Congress generally.
"Those cracks will become more evident next week when the Finance Committee tries to finish its work and liberals press to change a bill that is too conservative for their liking. In the main event, they will propose a public option to compete against private insurers in new exchanges where uninsured individuals and small businesses would be able to shop for coverage."
"Those cracks will become more evident next week when the Finance Committee tries to finish its work and liberals press to change a bill that is too conservative for their liking. In the main event, they will propose a public option to compete against private insurers in new exchanges where uninsured individuals and small businesses would be able to shop for coverage."
Lloyd Marcus: Race profiteers: the true enemies of black America
"Still today, despite the election of America's first black president, 'race profiteers' are still selling their 'America is racist and whitey is out to get you' rhetoric. Their goal is to birth another generation of entitlement-minded victims seeking reparations. They cannot allow 'the truth' that America is the land of limitless opportunity for all to dismantle their lucrative race industry."
How Do You Know What You Think You Know? I'll Bet Most of it Comes From Repeaters
"Autocue" is British for teleprompter.
Joseph Klein: Is The French President A Racist For Mocking Obama’s Naivety?
"Jimmy Carter may think that any such criticism against a black president is inherently racist, but the truth is that Carter had been as much, if not more, naive himself when he allowed the Shah of Iran to be deposed and replaced by the Islamic mullah maniacs in the first place."
Are You Kidding Me?
Barack Hussein Obama
He said that all must lend a hand
To make this country strong again
Barack Hussein Obama
He said we must be clear today
Equal work means equal pay
Barack Hussein Obama
He said that we must take a stand
To make sure everyone gets a chance
Barack Hussein Obama
He said Red, Yellow, Black or White
All are equal in his sight
Barack Hussein Obama
Barack Hussein Obama
Hello, Mr. President we honor you today!
For all your great accomplishments, we all doth say “hooray!”
Hooray Mr. President! You are number one!
The first Black American to lead this great nation!
Hooray, Mr. President we honor your new plans
To make this land’s economy number one again!
Hooray Mr. President, we’re really proud of you!
And the same for all Americans in the great Red White and Blue!
So (unintelligible),
So here’s a hearty hip-hooray for the forty fourth president!
Hip, hip hooray! (3x)
A woman who was born in Communist China saw this and was frightened. She said this was exactly how she was taught to sing about Chairman Mao.
"For the first time, a hearing is being held on Rep. Ron Paul’s Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009 (H.R. 1207) by the House Committee on Financial Services. Grass-roots pressure has been credited with forcing the hearing into what has happened to trillions of dollars supposedly spent by the Federal Reserve on the stabilization of the financial system.
"In prepared testimony, Thomas E. Woods, Jr. of the Ludwig von Mises Institute offers his strong support for the bill and declares, '…if our monetary system were really as strong, robust, and beyond criticism as its cheerleaders claim, why does it need to rely so heavily on public ignorance? How can it be a sound banking system that depends on keeping the public in the dark about the condition of its financial institutions?'
"As the unprecedented hearing was taking shape, however, Rep. Frank put a statement on the website of the House Committee on Financial Services, which he chairs, going into detail about Republican funding of ACORN.
"He declared, 'ACORN was the recipient of funding throughout the Bush administration, with $14.2 million going from the Bush administration to ACORN through HUD. And I can attest that this was an entirely Executive Branch decision: No congressional action in any way, shape or form required that any of these funds go to ACORN as opposed to other organization [sic]. And I do not remember, during the period from 2001 to 2006 when the Republicans controlled the White House, HUD, the House and the Senate, and ACORN was receiving millions of dollars, any Republican objection to this.'”
I'm an equal opportunity offender. When Republicans mess up, I will take them to the woodshed too. ACORN did get money under when Bush, who I never voted for, including his father, was in office. But Democrats were quiet about it up to now. Why?
But: "While Grayson is a liberal Democrat, he decided to co-sponsor the bill sponsored by Republican Rep. Ron Paul, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009, which requires an audit of the Federal Reserve System, including its Board of Governors, and the Federal Reserve banks.
"Paul had announced on July 15 that all 178 Republican members of the House had signed on as co-sponsors of his Federal Reserve Transparency Act."
Well done.
"In prepared testimony, Thomas E. Woods, Jr. of the Ludwig von Mises Institute offers his strong support for the bill and declares, '…if our monetary system were really as strong, robust, and beyond criticism as its cheerleaders claim, why does it need to rely so heavily on public ignorance? How can it be a sound banking system that depends on keeping the public in the dark about the condition of its financial institutions?'
"As the unprecedented hearing was taking shape, however, Rep. Frank put a statement on the website of the House Committee on Financial Services, which he chairs, going into detail about Republican funding of ACORN.
"He declared, 'ACORN was the recipient of funding throughout the Bush administration, with $14.2 million going from the Bush administration to ACORN through HUD. And I can attest that this was an entirely Executive Branch decision: No congressional action in any way, shape or form required that any of these funds go to ACORN as opposed to other organization [sic]. And I do not remember, during the period from 2001 to 2006 when the Republicans controlled the White House, HUD, the House and the Senate, and ACORN was receiving millions of dollars, any Republican objection to this.'”
I'm an equal opportunity offender. When Republicans mess up, I will take them to the woodshed too. ACORN did get money under when Bush, who I never voted for, including his father, was in office. But Democrats were quiet about it up to now. Why?
But: "While Grayson is a liberal Democrat, he decided to co-sponsor the bill sponsored by Republican Rep. Ron Paul, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009, which requires an audit of the Federal Reserve System, including its Board of Governors, and the Federal Reserve banks.
"Paul had announced on July 15 that all 178 Republican members of the House had signed on as co-sponsors of his Federal Reserve Transparency Act."
Well done.
Adam Graham: The Variable Value of Human Life
"An elderly, disabled, pro-life activist dependent on an oxygen tank and who wore leg braces was gunned down in Michigan. Had the man been an abortionist or a leftist activist like a Bush-era anti-war protester, the death of Jim Pouillon would have been news all week. Instead, it got buried in the weekend news cycle."
"And, that’s not all. David Brody of CBN News reports the FBI is looking into increased death threats against pro-lifers, many coming after the Tiller killing, when irresponsible media figures branded pro-life activists as nutty terrorists in reaction to the first anti-abortion murder in nearly a decade. Given recent events, will Keith Olbermann be the one with blood on his hands, as he famously slandered Bill O’Reilly?"
"And, that’s not all. David Brody of CBN News reports the FBI is looking into increased death threats against pro-lifers, many coming after the Tiller killing, when irresponsible media figures branded pro-life activists as nutty terrorists in reaction to the first anti-abortion murder in nearly a decade. Given recent events, will Keith Olbermann be the one with blood on his hands, as he famously slandered Bill O’Reilly?"
Susan Duclos: Ensign Gets Confirmation Of Obamacare 'Mandate' Penalty
"Getting health insurance is smart but no where in the constitution does it say that Americans must or that government can force a person to purchase health insurance, yet the Obama administration plans to try to force people to pay for health insurance or pay a fine of up to $1,900 and if they do not pay that fine, whether they can afford it or not, they face another fine of up to $2,500 and the possibility of jail time."
Canada Free Press: The Ugly American
"One might have thought that American 'progressives' would find a regime that exterminates gays, stones uppity women, and imposes draconian theocracy ought to be in the crosshairs of American Leftists. That assumes that the Left hates homophobia, patriarchy, and theocracy more than it hates America – a false assumption."
Canada Free Press: Obama: From Savior to Leftist Windbag in Nine Months
Worse than his supporters believing in him as a savior, Obama has bought into his own hype as well. 'We are the ones we’ve been waiting for,' he famously stated during the campaign. No longer was Obama simply a Senator running for President, instead he became The One, as Newsweek Editor Evan Thomas described 'above the country, above the world … a sort of God.'”
If Obama is a sort of God, then I'm sort of an atheist because this "God" is underperforming badly. And this "God" is tanking in every poll too.
If Obama is a sort of God, then I'm sort of an atheist because this "God" is underperforming badly. And this "God" is tanking in every poll too.
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