"What luck for the rulers that men do not think." -Adolf Hitler
"I will bring this war to an end in 2009. So don’t be confused." -- Senator Barack Obama

"If you don't like Obama, you is a racist!" -- Kelonda

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"If the government robs Peter to pay Paul, he can count on the continued support of Paul.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Atlas Shrugs: Barack Obama, the perfect recipient

"Are they giving Obama the prize because he is withdrawing US troops from Iraq? But that drawdown began under the previous administration and is possible only because of choices made by George Bush. Obama has merely continued the natural course of the Bush policies.

"Is it because he has closed down the terrorist prison camp at Guantanamo? Well, he has promised to do so—but his own deadline has passed, and he hasn't done it yet.

"Did Obama get Iran to relinquish its nuclear weapons? No, he has merely started a new round of negotiations whose main effect seems to be to give US support to Russian aid for Iran's uranium enrichment.

"Has he championed the cause of 'democracy'? Obama has sided with a would-be dictator against the constitution of Honduras, and he just cut off funding for an organization that helps document Iranian human rights abuses.

"Has he achieved peace in Afghanistan? On the most pressing foreign policy issue of his administration—the most immediate issue of war and peace he has so far been called to decide upon—Obama hasn't even made a decision yet. But he's getting the Nobel Peace Prize.

"So I guess it is a joke, after all—a joke by the Nobel committee at its own expense."

There is a rumor that blacks cannot be racist....

Urgent lawsuit filed against FDA to halt swine flu vaccines; claims FDA violated federal law

"Health freedom attorney Jim Turner is filing a lawsuit in Washington D.C. mid-day Friday in an urgent effort to halt the distribution of the swine flu vaccine in America. On behalf of plaintiffs Dr. Gary Null and other licensed health care workers of New York State, the lawsuit charges that the FDA violated the law in its hasty approval of four swine flu vaccines by failing to scientifically determine neither the safety nor efficacy of the vaccines."

Andy Barr: Sharpton to NFL: Block Limbaugh

Rev. Sharpton, please stay out of this.

I know Obama put you out of business, but this is a private affair that is none of your business.

(Yawn) What else is new?

"'Change? What change?' read one protester’s sign board. 'The Audacity of War Crimes!' read another, mocking the title of one of Obama’s best-selling books.

"The war protesters are not Obama’s only critics on the left. Liberals have found cause to grumble about Obama’s handling of Guantánamo, labor legislation, Wall Street regulation, retention of Bush-era policy on terror detainees and health insurance.

"Their beef with the president includes delay (on regulating a reckless financial industry); failure to lead (a public option heath plan), and abandonment of previous commitments (on Guantánamo and treatment of detainees)."

Beau Friedlander: Can $1.4 Million Buy the President of the United States?

"Barack Obama deserved to be elected president. After eight months in office, the president has brokered talks -- but no peace -- between a black professor and Cambridge cop. He has reached out to the Muslim world (one might argue this is his job) to repair the significant damage caused by his predecessor. He has taken steps to redress the quagmire of our engagement in Iraq. It's all fine and good to have a great review eight months in, but a Nobel Peace Prize? You can barely make a good baby in eight months."

Afghanistan: Liberal war of hypocrites

"When President Obama was inaugurated, the anti war protesters who opposed President Bush instantly became President Obama’s war supporters. The protests stopped. The crosses stopped going up on the hill. Moveon.org stopped their opposition. Code Pink stopped all White House picketing and daily vigils. Naysayers became silent and the liberal media turned their attention to other stories.

"However, the War on Terror continued with American troops still in Iraq and Afghanistan. In fact, President Obama increased the level of troops by 27,000. The liberal group, Americans United for Change, that ran $600,000 worth of television ads in the summer of 2007 against Republican congressional candidates, declines to comment on Obama’s war plans. Other anti-war groups like VoteVets actually stated there is 'much to like in the (Obama) plan' after they opposed President Bush.

"So why has Obama’s war become a war the liberals can accept? Maybe they don’t consider it a war at all. Liberals believe our military is involved in a police action having to now give 'Miranda Rights' to the terrorist who are willing to decapitate the head of their enemy. Maybe they are happy the terrorists are allowed to leave Guantanamo Bay for freedom to return to their home land where 69% are known to return to fight again against our military. Maybe they are happy John Brennan, the Terrorism Czar, is an anti CIA activist that suggested the disbanding of the U.S. military and open dialog with terrorist. Maybe they are happy that the Obama administration no longer uses the word 'terrorism' and refers to terrorist activities as 'manmade disasters'. Maybe they are happy there are investigations into the interrogation tactics by the Bush administration on 'torturing' three 9/11 terrorist by pouring water on their faces. Maybe they are happy to know the other terrorists in Guantanamo Bay will be allowed ACLU attorneys and trials in America.

"Maybe they are happy that Daniel Fried, the Guantanamo Closer Czar, is a Rights Activist for Foreign Terrorist and believes America has caused the War on Terrorism. Maybe they are happy with the release of information on U.S. Intelligence gathering, despite the urging of the CIA director not to do this. Maybe they are happy to dismantle the Patriot Act and let surveillance ability of FISA to expire which both protected America from future attacks. Maybe they are happy with the termination of the missile defense system while North Korea and Iran are launching test missiles for a nuclear bomb. Maybe they are happy Dennis Blair, the Intelligence Czar, stopped the US guided missile program as 'provocative' and blames American organizations for regional wars. Maybe they are happy that Gary Samore, the WMD Policy Czar, is a former U.S. Communist who wants America to destroy all WMD programs unilaterally as a show of good faith to the world. Maybe they are happy with President Obama apology for America tour. Maybe they are really for Hope and Change. The hope that these changes in American policies will not cost more American lives

"Whatever the reason, liberals are happy and would not dare to be critical of Obama’s war. They used the sacrifice of our brave military for political propaganda. Even the liberal media slogan was 'if it bleeds, it leads.' Now, During the Obama administration, our fallen heroes have been replaced by other news stories such as health care reform, the death of Michael Jackson, and what dog the Obamas were going to get for the White House."

Jeff Lukens: Obama and the End of White Guilt

"Among the many who voted for Obama, there is a growing sense that they have been had. The idea of electing an African-American for president intrigued them. Many voted for Obama with the belief that he was sincere about ending partisan and racial animosities. They believed that he was a new and transformative figure in Washington.

"That was then. Now people are wise to his ways and do not like what they see. From runaway deficit spending, to a sputtering economy, to cap and trade, to weak foreign policy, the list of policy failures goes on. The more Obama speaks about his health plan, the more people do not want it. His magical spell may still work in Oslo for a Nobel Prize, but with the public over here, it is gone." (Something in November 2008 I predicted would happen.)


"With the passing of white guilt from the forefront of the national conscience, perhaps the likes of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Jeremiah Wright, and all the other race hustlers of the land will no longer be taken so seriously. And perhaps the identity politics that has divided the country and sustained the Democrat Party for a half-century can finally be ended."

What Hitler Knew

"Here are two official slogans or mottos. As I rehearse them for you, ask yourself where these originated.

•'Politics do not belong in the church.'

•'The church must be separate from the state.'

"These mottos did not come from the ACLU, nor from Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, nor from the Freedom from Religion Foundation.

"No, these slogans, word for word, came directly from the mind of Adolph Hitler.

"These were official slogans of the Nazi Party, adopted in the mid-1930s and relentlessly hammered into the minds of the compliant German population by the Nazi propaganda machine.

"In essence, what Hitler said to German pastors was this: 'I don’t care what you teach your congregations, as long as you don’t talk about politics, and as long as you keep your voice inside the four walls of your churches.'

"Why did Hitler do this? For one simple reason. He knew that the only force in Germany which could keep him from fulfilling his totalitarian ambitions was the church of Jesus Christ. He knew that if could not silence the voice of the church, he could not exercise total domination over the German people.

"He also knew that if he could silence the voice of the church, nothing could stand in his way."

Farid Ghadri: Lawmaker's Religion Doesn't Give Him the Right to Hijack all Muslim-American Representation

"American Muslims have had enough of being hijacked by Jihadist ideologues."

Robert Weissberg: Exclusive: Dependency Forever?

"WARNING. You are now entering a neighborhood of peaceful, law-abiding people, nearly all of whom are armed with automatic weapons and annually pass rigorous tests in target shooting. Those who use their weapons to stop crimes may be tried by a jury of their peers and most jurors will be their law-abiding neighbors disgusted with the violence. If this is not your lucky day, do try and HAVE A NICE DAY instead."

Eugenics, Racism, and Nobel Prizes in America

Do You Trust the Government with Control of Your Health Care?

War is Peace

"Here is a list of President Barack Obama's deeds in the pursuit of peace on Earth:

Issued an order to close the prison facility at Guantanamo Bay, but has not approved any plans to actually do so.

Oversaw a reduction in actual US troops in Iraq, only to replace them with private mercenaries

Expanded the war in Afghanistan into Pakistan by increasing the number of air attacks in its border regions

Increased the number of US troops in Afghanistan by tens of thousands, with many more on the way

Established a US military presence on Colombian military bases

Refused to lend even the most superficial support to the political opposition in Iran, even as the regime there publicly executed dissidents

Stood idly by as police and National Guard troops engaged in one of the most vicious crackdowns against free-speech in recent memory while attending the G20 summit in Pittsburgh, PA

Has spoken glowingly (particularly during his campaign) of China, and refused to criticize its government's ever-lengthening list of human rights abuses.

Continues to allow Blackwater (now Xe) to be awarded defense contracts, even in light of reports of child prostitution rings being run out of it's facilities in Iraq.

...and the list will continue to grow.

"Recently, his administration has begun beating the drums of war with Iran, not in defense of its oppressed citizens of course, but because of claims that the country is developing weapons of mass destruction. Claims that stand in direct contrast to information provided by the International Atomic Energy Agency and even internal US intelligence reports. While there are legitimate reasons to engage in some kind of action against the current Iranian regime--WMD's are the least of them. Clearly this President isn't interested in aligning himself with free citizens of a truly liberated Iran, he prefers liberation of the Bush/Cheney variety--more commonly known as starving them with sanctions and then blowing the hell out of them.

"What's that you say? That sounds more like a list of deeds done in opposition to peace than a list of achievements that merit an award like the Nobel Peace Prize?"

Gregory Kane: Snoop Dogg is a Crip

"Broadus is so proud of being a Crip, in fact, that several years ago he said of Stanley 'Tookie' Williams, one of the gang's co-founders, 'He's our Martin Luther King.' You read that correctly: Broadus compared a convicted murderer (who's since been executed) and gangbanger with a history of violence to a man who was the nation's foremost advocate of peace and nonviolent social protest."

Obama: Iran Doesn't Pose a Serious Threat!

Why can't Iran be a threat and not a threat at the same time???

BARNEY Remembers THE Constitution...sort of

4409 -- Possibly the second dumbest person in Arizona

4409 -- Possibly the dumbest person in Arizona

Rev. Wayne Perryman Speaks to Barack Obama

Tea Party Racism Rev Perryman Says Enough

Obama's Community A Black on Black Killing Field

Dick Morris: Tax the Sick

"Faced with a need to scrounge for revenue to fund his plan for health care, President Barack Obama and Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus have come up with a brilliant new idea: Tax the sick!

"In a new amendment to the health care bill, they propose to limit the deductibility of medical expenses on income taxes.

"Now, taxpayers may deduct any medical expenses that exceed 7.5% of their Adjusted Gross Income. Obama and Baucus want to raise that threshold to 10% as long as the taxpayer is under 65.

"Eight million Americans are sick enough and poor enough that they have to pay more than 7.5% of their income in medical expenses. And it is these folks that the liberals Obama and Baucus plan to tax! Six million of them earn less than $75,000 a year!

"For a family earning $75,000 a year and facing out-of-pocket medical bills of $7, 500, this proposal would cost them about $600 a year in extra taxes.

"And let’s remember who it is that they are taxing. This proposal affects people whose incomes are so limited and whose medical costs are so high that they exceed 7.5% of their pre-tax income.

"Their proposal literally hopes to raise $20 billion over ten years by taxing sick people."

Humberto Fontova: When They Killed Che

"Forty two years ago this week, Ernesto 'Che' Guevara got a major dose of his own medicine. Without trial he was declared a murderer, stood against a wall, and shot. Historically speaking, justice has rarely been better served. If the saying “what goes around comes around” ever fit, it’s here.

"Consider the kind of man Che was. 'When you saw the beaming look on Che’s face as the victims were tied to the stake and blasted apart by the firing squad,' a former Cuban political prisoner told this writer, 'you saw there was something seriously, seriously wrong with Che Guevara.'

"As commander of the la Cabana execution yard, Che often shattered the skull of the condemned man (or boy) by firing the coup de grace himself. When other duties tore him away from his beloved execution yard, he consoled himself by viewing the slaughter. Che’s second-story office in La Cabana had a section of wall torn out so he could watch his darling firing-squads at work.

"Romanian journalist Stefan Bacie visited Cuba in early 1959 and was fortunate enough to get an audience with the already quasi-famous Ernesto 'Che' Guevara. Upon entering Castro’s chief executioner’s office, Bacie noticed Che motioning him over to the office’s newly constructed window. Bacie got there just in time to hear the command of 'Fuego!' and the blast from the firing squad and to see a condemned prisoner crumple and convulse. The stricken journalist immediately left and composed a poem, titled, 'I No Longer Sing of Che.' ('I no longer sing of Che any more than I would of Stalin,' go the first lines.)"

David Horowitz: Marc Lamont Hill’s Overrated Black People List: Michael Eric Dyson

"For what Marc Lamont Hill has stumbled onto here is one of the tragedies of our time, inflicted on black people by progressives pretending to be their defenders. Shelby Steele has written an insightful book called White Guilt which examines how whites have rewarded behaviors by individual blacks with levels of incompetence that they wouldn’t tolerate for a second in themselves. They have done it in the name of enlightenment and 'social justice.' But the effect is just the opposite. It deprives blacks of the tests of self that make achievement possible. In Steele’s formulation, 'no one ever learned to jump higher by lowering the bar.' (There are no affirmative action athletes and consequently no black superstar’s credentials are questioned. ) Preferential treatment for blacks in intellectual fields undermines the real achievements of African Americans by casting doubt on any credential that they receive. This is an injury that cannot be repaired by more quotas, or by any quotas.

"Barack Obama is a man of several obvious talents but a track record worthy of a Nobel Prize is not one of them (and being president probably isn’t either). Of course there are plenty of over-rated whites — Al Gore, an empty-headed, truth-challenged blowhard whose politically correct prejudices got him a Nobel, an Oscar, and an opera at La Scala is obviously one. But it is blacks who have suffered the most from affirmative action prizes and unearned promotions. We are launching this list as a service both to the African American community and the country at large, since this ongoing hypocrisy and the double-standards it supports hurt us all."

Vaccine revolt! Swine flu vaccine support crumbles as flimsy rationale for H1N1 shots becomes apparent

Kim Zigfeld: Obama Warms to Medvedev, Ignores Pleas of Russia’s Terrorized Blacks

"According to a recent report by the BBC, a stunning 60 percent of black people living in Russia have been physically assaulted in a racially motivated attack and live in constant fear of such incidents. What’s more, a quarter of those surveyed have been attacked more than once, and four out of five had been verbally assaulted. These besieged Russians are terrified to ride the subway, cower in their homes like prisoners on any nationalist holiday, and avoid all crowds in general. Dozens upon dozens of dark-skinned people are lynched in Russia every year (more than 100 last year, up 33 percent from 2007), including — in fact, primarily — in Russia’s largest and most 'cosmopolitan' cities."


"Under federal laws adopted post 9/11, the Secretary of HHS can declare a national emergency and order all citizens to be vaccinated. These extreme powers can permit agents of the federal government to enter private residences to compel those inside to receive vaccinations.

"Let there be no mistake mandatory vaccination is an assault on individual liberty. It offends the core definition of liberty that underlies our Constitution for a person, against his or her will, to be forcibly injected with a foreign substance. Sadly neither the federal nor the state governments provide any meaningful protection against mandatory vaccination. Instead, it is the rule of law everywhere in this country that everyone be vaccinated, thus subjecting the vast majority to a bodily intrusion that can have severe side effects for the sake of a minority who are or will become ill. The few exemptions that apply under state law (for religious, medical, and—in certain states—conscientious objections) are increasingly construed narrowly, making it more difficult for parents to escape the demands of public health authorities."

MarketWatch: Obama fails to win Nobel prize in economics

"In a decision as shocking as Friday's surprise peace prize win, President Obama failed to win the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences Monday.

"While few observers think Obama has done anything for world peace in the nearly nine months he's been in office, the same clearly can't be said for economics."

This is like saying the salesman should have won for trying, even though he could not make the sale.