Thursday, October 15, 2009
Dick Morris: Obama Still Blaming Failed Economic Policies on Bush
"President Obama has won the Peace Prize, but nobody thinks he deserves the Nobel in economics. Despite $800 billion of economic stimulus and the accumulation of a $1.4 trillion deficit, he has been unable to lower the unemployment rate below 9.8 percent."
U.S. Congressman Ron Paul: GM, Amtrak and an Increasingly Fascist America
"Comingling public control of private business is known as fascism. While today’s politicians may feel emboldened with all their new power, history will only repeat itself as all this collapses on itself. It is the height of hubris for bureaucrats and politicians to attempt to control the market and the freewill of the American people. In the end, the market always wins out. Maybe one day future generations will wise up and allow free markets to function and thrive without the albatross of government around its neck. For now, it looks like those in charge have not learned the lessons of the past, and have doomed us to repeat those mistakes once again."
Tom DeWeese: "Globally-Acceptable Truth" and the Crime of Thinking
"In other examples, property owners seeking to ask questions at city council meetings about a new regulation that may affect their land are denied the microphone – sometimes even bodily removed from meetings by armed guards.
"A pickup truck in Shreveport, Louisiana, is pulled over by a cop. When asked why, the cop simply points to the bumper sticker on the back of the truck that says 'Member of the NRA.'
"And then there is the beauty queen, Miss California, USA, who was asked about her views on gay marriage – by the openly gay blogger and activist Perez Hilton. Her answer – very honest and very middle of the road.
"She said, 'Well, I think it's great that Americans are able to choose one way or the other. We live in a land where you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite marriage. You know what, in my country, in my family, I do believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman, no offence to anybody out there. But that's how I was raised and I believe that it should be between a man and a woman.'
"For that answer she was attacked in headlines across the nation, calling her a bigot, a dumb bitch, and sarcastically and mockingly calling her 'biblically correct.'
"And then, just last week, at a town hall meeting to discuss the health care plan with his congressman, a black man, Kenneth Gladney was beaten by union goons and sent to the hospital for disagreeing with the Obama plan.
"Why? Why the hatred? Why the venom? Why the intolerance to what used to be called a 'personal opinion' or political debate?
"The fact is we are witnessing an all-out drive to impose thought control that seeks to ban the ability – the right- to think or speak for one's self. Thinking is becoming a crime.
"Today, there is one acceptable idea – government is the answer. Stray from that premise – even a little, as did Miss California, -- and there will be no mercy for you. Your life will be destroyed."
"A pickup truck in Shreveport, Louisiana, is pulled over by a cop. When asked why, the cop simply points to the bumper sticker on the back of the truck that says 'Member of the NRA.'
"And then there is the beauty queen, Miss California, USA, who was asked about her views on gay marriage – by the openly gay blogger and activist Perez Hilton. Her answer – very honest and very middle of the road.
"She said, 'Well, I think it's great that Americans are able to choose one way or the other. We live in a land where you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite marriage. You know what, in my country, in my family, I do believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman, no offence to anybody out there. But that's how I was raised and I believe that it should be between a man and a woman.'
"For that answer she was attacked in headlines across the nation, calling her a bigot, a dumb bitch, and sarcastically and mockingly calling her 'biblically correct.'
"And then, just last week, at a town hall meeting to discuss the health care plan with his congressman, a black man, Kenneth Gladney was beaten by union goons and sent to the hospital for disagreeing with the Obama plan.
"Why? Why the hatred? Why the venom? Why the intolerance to what used to be called a 'personal opinion' or political debate?
"The fact is we are witnessing an all-out drive to impose thought control that seeks to ban the ability – the right- to think or speak for one's self. Thinking is becoming a crime.
"Today, there is one acceptable idea – government is the answer. Stray from that premise – even a little, as did Miss California, -- and there will be no mercy for you. Your life will be destroyed."
Obama Says God Bless Sodom
"Got it, professing Christians who voted for this man? Obama asked God to bless that which God calls an abomination. To echo Dr. James White, Reformed Christian pastor, apologist, debater, author, webcaster, and blogger, Obama wants us to honor that which sent Christ to the cross. Christians cannot honor it."
Daniel Greenfield: Obama’s Health Care Euthanasia Plan for Senior Voters
"In the past politicians have tried segregation, redistricting and voter suppression as solutions… but none of those are enough at a national level. Nationalized health care however can effectively kill two birds with one stone, by getting rid of some of the elderly, and giving youth voters a new shiny toy that only works so long as they don’t use it. And of course giving back to Obama’s core demographic of corrupt unions, in this case the corrupt Marxist thugs of SEIU.
"Now most people living in countries with national health care plans like having them… so long as they don’t actually have to use them very much. Nationalized health care works best as a safety net for those who need the occasional doctor’s visit or treatment for a broken leg after an accident. The more services they need however, the worse their experience becomes. And the largest and heaviest users of health care services are usually the elderly.
"Health care rationing, by both private and government plans, depends on providing a base of basic services to the most people, while trying to ration the more expensive services needed for patients with more serious health conditions. It’s easy enough to pay for the occasional dentist’s visit, mammogram or to set a broken leg… and it’s even profitable, because both business and government have a financial interest in healthy workers. The government however has much less interest in the health of seniors when it begins to require spending thousands on expensive drugs, major surgeries and regular nursing care.
"When the Czars used to travel to see Russia, their subordinates would go before them erecting two dimensional facades of villages in order to create the illusion of a thriving peasantry. These villages were known as Potemkin villages after the Russian minister who originated the clever notion. Even with the rise of Communism, Potemkin villages continued to be constructed to hide the dismal truth. Even when Nixon visited Russia in 1972, he encountered more Potemkin villages. But when he overflew the sites he saw that the facades were nothing more than an illusion.
"ObamaCare is a giant Potemkin village. It looks good from the outside, until you actually need it, and then like all national health care programs, it does its best to get rid of you. And it is designed to look good to younger voters who will need it the least and therefore have the least negative encounters with it, while shoving the elderly into the refuse bin. Like a mirage, it provides a glittering image of food and water, but when you step forward and reach for it, you come up with nothing but handfuls of desert sand.
"In any rationing scheme the elderly will get the knife in a system that is designed primarily to offer HealthCare Lite. The result creates two kind of voters, satisfied voters and dead voters… which is a can’t lose proposition. Either you don’t need health care very much but are pleased to have it available if you need it, or you do need health care and then you’ll probably be too busy writing letters and challenging the authorities to have any time left for politics anyway. Until you’re finally hospitalized, put on a limited care plan and your IV drop gets disconnected. It’s the European approach now being exported to America."
"Now most people living in countries with national health care plans like having them… so long as they don’t actually have to use them very much. Nationalized health care works best as a safety net for those who need the occasional doctor’s visit or treatment for a broken leg after an accident. The more services they need however, the worse their experience becomes. And the largest and heaviest users of health care services are usually the elderly.
"Health care rationing, by both private and government plans, depends on providing a base of basic services to the most people, while trying to ration the more expensive services needed for patients with more serious health conditions. It’s easy enough to pay for the occasional dentist’s visit, mammogram or to set a broken leg… and it’s even profitable, because both business and government have a financial interest in healthy workers. The government however has much less interest in the health of seniors when it begins to require spending thousands on expensive drugs, major surgeries and regular nursing care.
"When the Czars used to travel to see Russia, their subordinates would go before them erecting two dimensional facades of villages in order to create the illusion of a thriving peasantry. These villages were known as Potemkin villages after the Russian minister who originated the clever notion. Even with the rise of Communism, Potemkin villages continued to be constructed to hide the dismal truth. Even when Nixon visited Russia in 1972, he encountered more Potemkin villages. But when he overflew the sites he saw that the facades were nothing more than an illusion.
"ObamaCare is a giant Potemkin village. It looks good from the outside, until you actually need it, and then like all national health care programs, it does its best to get rid of you. And it is designed to look good to younger voters who will need it the least and therefore have the least negative encounters with it, while shoving the elderly into the refuse bin. Like a mirage, it provides a glittering image of food and water, but when you step forward and reach for it, you come up with nothing but handfuls of desert sand.
"In any rationing scheme the elderly will get the knife in a system that is designed primarily to offer HealthCare Lite. The result creates two kind of voters, satisfied voters and dead voters… which is a can’t lose proposition. Either you don’t need health care very much but are pleased to have it available if you need it, or you do need health care and then you’ll probably be too busy writing letters and challenging the authorities to have any time left for politics anyway. Until you’re finally hospitalized, put on a limited care plan and your IV drop gets disconnected. It’s the European approach now being exported to America."
Clenard Childress: A crisis of conscience at Church of God in Christ
"Having visited COGIC churches and having admired Bishop G. E. Patterson for years, I have always noted the large amount of Seniors in the COGIC Congregations. These are those who have laid the foundation and set the standard, and in these troublous times, are a refection of wisdom and counsel we should cherish. How can any affirmation at all be given to legislation that is a calloused perversion of your values and charge given you to protect the most vulnerable of your society? I would ask, Bishop Blake, why do you support a bill that will be a detriment to such a major portion of the COGIC Congregation. Did you read the entire bill, Bishop?
"President Obama has already said in effect, 'We spend too much money on Seniors' mirroring his party's erroneous ideology and perception within the Health Care Bill. As Shepherds, our responsibility is to protect and care for the Sheep. The bill you just sanctioned, Bishop Blake, would ration care, taking it from the Sheep and penalizing doctors who would give extended care to Seniors. The Democrats, Bishop Blake, who you vowed your allegiance and fealty to, voted down an amendment that would not penalize doctors for extended care to Seniors and would prevent the rationing of heath care to our aged warriors. Bishop Blake, do you support that? Can we, as Shepherds, stay silent, and in the worse case scenario, support any legislation or administration who would deny our Seniors and Veterans the best care we can give since they gave their best for us? Isn't COGIC, and all of America, benefiting from their labors? I would ask, Bishop, that you read the entire bill and rethink your support for the sake of the office you hold, the message you send to America, and the generations coming after us.
"'There comes a time when one must take the position that is neither safe nor politic nor popular, but he must do it because conscience tells him it is right.' — Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King"
"President Obama has already said in effect, 'We spend too much money on Seniors' mirroring his party's erroneous ideology and perception within the Health Care Bill. As Shepherds, our responsibility is to protect and care for the Sheep. The bill you just sanctioned, Bishop Blake, would ration care, taking it from the Sheep and penalizing doctors who would give extended care to Seniors. The Democrats, Bishop Blake, who you vowed your allegiance and fealty to, voted down an amendment that would not penalize doctors for extended care to Seniors and would prevent the rationing of heath care to our aged warriors. Bishop Blake, do you support that? Can we, as Shepherds, stay silent, and in the worse case scenario, support any legislation or administration who would deny our Seniors and Veterans the best care we can give since they gave their best for us? Isn't COGIC, and all of America, benefiting from their labors? I would ask, Bishop, that you read the entire bill and rethink your support for the sake of the office you hold, the message you send to America, and the generations coming after us.
"'There comes a time when one must take the position that is neither safe nor politic nor popular, but he must do it because conscience tells him it is right.' — Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King"
Bob Shoup: Can America Survive its Sharp Left Turn?
"To understand where the Left (and by Left, I mean far left) wants to take us, it is important to understand where the Left wants to go. The Left have a Utopian vision for the world. They envision a world in which there is no war, no poverty, and no consequences. For this Utopian world to exist, they must first eliminate greed and jealousy and replace them with a sense of global harmony and equality.
"Unfortunately, greed and jealousy are integral parts of human nature. These human flaws mean that we will never fully achieve such a Utopian world. So in order to achieve this Utopian vision, the Left requires a big government which can be used to mandate Utopia. This same big and benevolent government has the added benefit of watching out for the best interest of the common folk, because, quite frankly, the Left sees the common folk as incapable of taking proper care of themselves.
"The U.S., with its long and imperialistic past is not the right government for this job. To get everyone committed to this Utopian vision, we need to be part of a larger—more global big government—the United Nations.
"Following the recent arrest of Roman Polanski for his rape of a 13-year old girl, we have heard quite a bit about the Left’s moral compass recently. And what we have learned is that the moral compass of the Left points in whatever direction the left wants it to point.
"You want sex with a minor; the Left’s Moral Compass points that way. Do you want to have sex with your staff, not a problem; the left’s moral compass points that way too, even if you are married, and even if your staff are made uncomfortable by your sexual advances. Do you want to promote sex between young boys and old men as does Kevin Jennings, Obama’s Safe Schools Czar. The Left’s Moral Compass points that way too. In fact sex is so prominent in the Left’s moral compass, that under their tutelage, we have created a generation that cannot read, write, or think critically. But they can put a condom on a cucumber.
"Want to lie? Want to steal? Want to destroy someone’s reputation? All perfectly fine! Want to vandalize a power plant or commit acts of civil disobedience? So long as these actions are made in support of the Left’s vision of Utopia, then the Left’s amazing moral compass makes all of that acceptable too.
"The Left’s moral compass points whatever direction is necessary to be free of consequences. In a world without consequences, it is acceptable to kill a baby being born so a woman does not have to deal with the consequences of unprotected sex. In the same world with out consequences, it is not acceptable to execute a convicted felon, after all, they are not responsible for their crimes and should not be held accountable for them.
"In a world without personal responsibility, it is acceptable to sacrifice soldiers in the field while you seek political cover. Being free of consequences means the Left can reach out and appease those individuals who seek our destruction. After all, it makes them look good. And if someone does do something to hurt us, well, it was not the Left’s fault. Nothing is ever the left’s fault.
"Just as one can not be held accountable for the consequences of their actions, or lack of action, so too can no one fail. Failure is a consequence, usually of bad decisions. But, so long as the Left’s actions are free from consequences, then they are also free from failing. So, if someone borrowed more money than they could afford to buy a house, it can’t be their fault. It therefore had to be your fault, and you must help them recover from your failure by giving them money.
"Achievement of their Utopian vision is paramount. To ensure that we submit to the will of the UN, and that we end greed and save the planet from ourselves, we must all be convinced that these aims are worth the sacrifice we are called on to make. In order to convince us, the Left resorts to scare mongering, lies, fraud, and civil disobedience. These actions are acceptable so long as they help advance the Utopian vision.
"On the other hand, truth is not acceptable, at least when it is used to promote a more conservative viewpoint or when it stands in the way of the Utopian vision. In those cases, the truth must be discredited and those who tell it must be vilified."
"In the Left’s Utopian world, one can lie while accusing an individual of lying. One can ride in limousines and live in a big house while telling others to ride bikes and live in un-air conditioned huts to save the planet. One can make millions of dollars while bashing capitalism. And one can cheat on their taxes while telling others it is their patriotic duty to pay more taxes. You can demand women’s rights and claim that forced sex is not 'rape-rape'.
"You see, the left are special. They are better educated than you or I. They are smarter, healthier, better looking, more talented, and just plain nicer than we will ever be. So, they are above criticism, and above the law. They know we need them to help us."
"Unfortunately, greed and jealousy are integral parts of human nature. These human flaws mean that we will never fully achieve such a Utopian world. So in order to achieve this Utopian vision, the Left requires a big government which can be used to mandate Utopia. This same big and benevolent government has the added benefit of watching out for the best interest of the common folk, because, quite frankly, the Left sees the common folk as incapable of taking proper care of themselves.
"The U.S., with its long and imperialistic past is not the right government for this job. To get everyone committed to this Utopian vision, we need to be part of a larger—more global big government—the United Nations.
"Following the recent arrest of Roman Polanski for his rape of a 13-year old girl, we have heard quite a bit about the Left’s moral compass recently. And what we have learned is that the moral compass of the Left points in whatever direction the left wants it to point.
"You want sex with a minor; the Left’s Moral Compass points that way. Do you want to have sex with your staff, not a problem; the left’s moral compass points that way too, even if you are married, and even if your staff are made uncomfortable by your sexual advances. Do you want to promote sex between young boys and old men as does Kevin Jennings, Obama’s Safe Schools Czar. The Left’s Moral Compass points that way too. In fact sex is so prominent in the Left’s moral compass, that under their tutelage, we have created a generation that cannot read, write, or think critically. But they can put a condom on a cucumber.
"Want to lie? Want to steal? Want to destroy someone’s reputation? All perfectly fine! Want to vandalize a power plant or commit acts of civil disobedience? So long as these actions are made in support of the Left’s vision of Utopia, then the Left’s amazing moral compass makes all of that acceptable too.
"The Left’s moral compass points whatever direction is necessary to be free of consequences. In a world without consequences, it is acceptable to kill a baby being born so a woman does not have to deal with the consequences of unprotected sex. In the same world with out consequences, it is not acceptable to execute a convicted felon, after all, they are not responsible for their crimes and should not be held accountable for them.
"In a world without personal responsibility, it is acceptable to sacrifice soldiers in the field while you seek political cover. Being free of consequences means the Left can reach out and appease those individuals who seek our destruction. After all, it makes them look good. And if someone does do something to hurt us, well, it was not the Left’s fault. Nothing is ever the left’s fault.
"Just as one can not be held accountable for the consequences of their actions, or lack of action, so too can no one fail. Failure is a consequence, usually of bad decisions. But, so long as the Left’s actions are free from consequences, then they are also free from failing. So, if someone borrowed more money than they could afford to buy a house, it can’t be their fault. It therefore had to be your fault, and you must help them recover from your failure by giving them money.
"Achievement of their Utopian vision is paramount. To ensure that we submit to the will of the UN, and that we end greed and save the planet from ourselves, we must all be convinced that these aims are worth the sacrifice we are called on to make. In order to convince us, the Left resorts to scare mongering, lies, fraud, and civil disobedience. These actions are acceptable so long as they help advance the Utopian vision.
"On the other hand, truth is not acceptable, at least when it is used to promote a more conservative viewpoint or when it stands in the way of the Utopian vision. In those cases, the truth must be discredited and those who tell it must be vilified."
"In the Left’s Utopian world, one can lie while accusing an individual of lying. One can ride in limousines and live in a big house while telling others to ride bikes and live in un-air conditioned huts to save the planet. One can make millions of dollars while bashing capitalism. And one can cheat on their taxes while telling others it is their patriotic duty to pay more taxes. You can demand women’s rights and claim that forced sex is not 'rape-rape'.
"You see, the left are special. They are better educated than you or I. They are smarter, healthier, better looking, more talented, and just plain nicer than we will ever be. So, they are above criticism, and above the law. They know we need them to help us."
Joy Tiz: Obama-Soros Health Crimes
"Soros’ depraved attitude toward his father’s will to live was not the only catalyst for his Death Project. It was also stoked by the abject failure of Hillarycare; another odious and ill-conceived program that was fortunately derailed as soon as the public found out what it was. Soros, determined not to let that happen again, set about bankrolling the inglorious McCain-Feingold bill, a campaign finance 'reform' law that nobody but Soros wanted. Using phony research polls, Soros was able to sell the hoax that the American people were desperate for campaign finance reform.
"When President Obama-Soros commandeers our health care system, aided by congress, be wary of jargon like 'involuntary euthanasia.' We dodged a bullet with the demolition of Hillarycare, only to find ourselves facing something even more malevolent. As baby boomers age, there is no question that demand for health care services will outstrip supply. At the same time, nationalizing health care creates little incentive for talented students to endure the rigors of medical school, internships and residencies. The rationing of health care is inevitable."
"When President Obama-Soros commandeers our health care system, aided by congress, be wary of jargon like 'involuntary euthanasia.' We dodged a bullet with the demolition of Hillarycare, only to find ourselves facing something even more malevolent. As baby boomers age, there is no question that demand for health care services will outstrip supply. At the same time, nationalizing health care creates little incentive for talented students to endure the rigors of medical school, internships and residencies. The rationing of health care is inevitable."
Death Panels? Is it possible?
"Harrison suggested that infanticide was a legitimate form of population control when he wrote this in his book, The Challenge of Man’s Future, from page 87. 'In the absence of restraint abortion, sterilization, coitus interruptus, or artificial fertility control, the resultant high birth rate would have to be matched at equilibrium by an equally high death rate. A major contribution to the high death rate could be infanticide, as has been the situation in cultures of the past.'"
Richard Fernandez: The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes
"Robert Reich has been widely quoted in the news and blogs lately, citing a 2007 speech he delivered at UC Berkeley in which he is supposed to have said of health care reform that:
•Younger people should pay more
•Healthier people should pay more
•Older people should just die- they’re 'too expensive'
•There should be “less innovation” in medical technology
•You should not expect to live longer than your parents...So not only did Reich say the words above, but he said many other things besides, which I’ve marked in blue in my new laundry list below. His other remarks I’ve amplified according my understanding of his points.
"•A solution in Iraq is going to be tough.
•Treating more sick people will mean younger people will pay more.
•It’s too expensive to treat older people at the end of their life 'so we’re going to let you die'.
•If we use government to control costs there will be 'less innovation' in medical technology and you should not expect to live much longer than your parents.
•Global warming can only be tackled by a carbon tax which is going to cost you a lot of money.
•We’re going to have to pay teachers more for quality education — costing you more — but we have to be willing to fire the turkeys despite the unions.
•Anyone who does an unskilled, repetitive job will lose it in the near future to outsourcing or automation. And there’s nothing anyone can do about it.
•A minimum wage doesn’t help as much as an earned income tax credit.
•Helping people at the bottom earn more is going to cost higher income people more money.
•Medicare will bankrupt the nation unless something is done and will impoverish the youth.
•The best way to ameliorate global poverty is to do away with farm subsidies.
"The student audience, which at first clapped enthusiastically as Reich started to tell his unspeakable 'truths' stopped clapping by the end. Reich had uttered the fundamental heresy. You really can’t have something for nothing."
•Younger people should pay more
•Healthier people should pay more
•Older people should just die- they’re 'too expensive'
•There should be “less innovation” in medical technology
•You should not expect to live longer than your parents...So not only did Reich say the words above, but he said many other things besides, which I’ve marked in blue in my new laundry list below. His other remarks I’ve amplified according my understanding of his points.
"•A solution in Iraq is going to be tough.
•Treating more sick people will mean younger people will pay more.
•It’s too expensive to treat older people at the end of their life 'so we’re going to let you die'.
•If we use government to control costs there will be 'less innovation' in medical technology and you should not expect to live much longer than your parents.
•Global warming can only be tackled by a carbon tax which is going to cost you a lot of money.
•We’re going to have to pay teachers more for quality education — costing you more — but we have to be willing to fire the turkeys despite the unions.
•Anyone who does an unskilled, repetitive job will lose it in the near future to outsourcing or automation. And there’s nothing anyone can do about it.
•A minimum wage doesn’t help as much as an earned income tax credit.
•Helping people at the bottom earn more is going to cost higher income people more money.
•Medicare will bankrupt the nation unless something is done and will impoverish the youth.
•The best way to ameliorate global poverty is to do away with farm subsidies.
"The student audience, which at first clapped enthusiastically as Reich started to tell his unspeakable 'truths' stopped clapping by the end. Reich had uttered the fundamental heresy. You really can’t have something for nothing."
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