Tuesday, November 10, 2009
ABC News: Interview with the President: Jail Time for Those without Health Care Insurance?
U.K. Homosexualist Group: Public Sex is an Important Part of Gay Community
Abortion Doctor Admits “Yes, I am killing”
Holy Hip Hop: Bad Idea
"Prostitutes show their body parts in an explicit manner to flag Johns for potential tricks. It's all over. People respond to the appearance of others when they are signaling through their outer appearances."
June 2010
"When we first heard that a black man may become president of the United States for the first time, many were sold at that moment. His voting record didn't matter. His agenda wasn't even considered. 'Does he go to church?' That would answer the only question that most black Americans would pose. If he goes to church and is black, then he should win because it's about time we had some representation on that level right? It did not matter what he voted for or against in the Senate. As long as he is dark skinned rather than white, he was the only choice for many."
G. Craige Lewis: Same Sex Salvation?
Still Dithering: White House Official Insists Obama Has No Clue What He's Doing
"Where has the anti-war movement gone? Where are the people who carried signs for the last eight years? Where are you people? Speak up because this is getting ridiculous."
John Crudele: 10.2% Unemployment. Now for the Bad News
Obama Ally Code Pink Targets Children of Military Families for Psychological Abuse by Kristinn Taylor and Andrea Shea King
"One wonders what will it take for President Obama to renounce the support of Code Pink and Jodie Evans. A commander-in-chief who truly cared about the troops and their families wouldn’t have to be told to do the right thing. It would come naturally."
Timothy McVeigh was white. He was executed.
Abu-Jamal Mumia is black and on death row. Why is he still alive all these years?
The Real Lesson of the DC Sniper
Who is protesting John Allen Muhammad's Execution?
Jesse Jackson? Not.
Al Sharpton? Not.
Louis Farrakhan? Not.
Gregory Kane: Justice for John Allen Muhammad
"And if there's any justice in this world, by this time next week, he'll also be dead."
AP: Advice for Obama: 'Start knocking heads' on health
"'The president could take a few pages from Lyndon Johnson's book...and start knocking heads together,' said Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., chairman of the House Judiciary Committee.'
"Since his usurping of the office of president, Obama has worked tirelessly to dismantle what remains of the once great nation, the United States of America. He has
"1. plunged this nation $1.4 trillion dollars further in debt, more than any president in history;
2. pushed every piece of Marxist legislation to come forth from the House and Senate;
3. taken over private companies in violation of the United States Constitution;
4. used the public coffers to bail out his Wall Street benefactors;
5. used his public office to promote and assist radical left-wing organizations like the Black Panthers, ACORN, and Moveon.org;
6. surrounded himself with czars who have a known Marxist agenda;
7. traveled the world denigrating America and the American people;
8. bowed in fealty to his Muslim brothers;
9. partied hearty in the White House at taxpayer expense while Americans lost their jobs;
10. insulted America's allies at every opportunity while affiliating himself with the leaders of Marxist regimes."
Nancy Morgan: Top Idiots Of The Week
Jerry A. Kane: America’s Fascist Obamanation
Frances Rice: Obama’s socialist stake in the heart of America
"The combination of Obama’s lack of experience and socialist agenda are disastrous for our country. In short order, Obama’s presidency has produced record spending on wasteful social programs with the stimulus bill, massive budget deficits, crushing unemployment, tight credit, and a take-over of part of our private sector. Slim are our chances for a sustainable economic recovery."
Barry Napier: One World Government The Real Aim of Environmentalism
"Obama has already promised to hand over the USA to the UN, for heavy taxing and overt imposition of UN laws. Both Obama and Tony Blair are waiting to drive citizens hard into the arms of Marxis-Fascist rule. Once this is achieved – and it won’t be long – the rest of the world can wait with bated breath as they are subsumed into the greater Marxist-Fascist world order. Brown has already talked about it and Obama has agreed to it. Sarkozy, Napoleon’s son, strides the EU like a totalitarian dictator… because that is what he is. And even the hapless president of the Czech Republic has recently, sadly, caved in to EU domination of Europe, which includes the things he hates the most – green policies and communistic laws that ruin freedom and democracy.
"Many of the world’s leaders are now very nasty pieces of work. Even opposition party leaders are marrying into green advocacy, because they know this is the way everything is going. Vote for whoever you like – it won’t make much difference. Even so, we must stand against this tyranny."
Christopher Neefus: Intel Committee Republican Says Administration is Withholding Information on Fort Hood Attack, Demands Preservation of Documents f
Man brings assault rifle to Obama speech
Ron Radosh: “The Nation,” Jihad and General Casey
David Solway: Bush Is a Liar, Obama Is a Savior: The Rhetoric of Propaganda
"The reverse operation is equally effective. Utter the name 'Obama' and a host of surrogate terms leap to mind — 'savior,' 'new man,' 'peacemaker,' 'The One,' or, in the words of Newsweek editor Evan Thomas, no less than a 'sort of god' — which are immediately reified as undoubted facts. Despite Obama’s recent, self-inflicted troubles and the crisis of confidence in which he is increasingly embroiled, he is still regarded by the MSM, the liberal-left, the Oslo peaceniks, and approximately half the American electorate as sacrosanct, as 'good,' 'honest,' 'reliable,' 'noble.' Like spellbound children following the Pied Piper, the epithets cling to the name. They are then associated in swift antonomastic transfer with a newborn, a 'different,' America.
"There is no awareness among the true believers — and especially among the myrmidons of the left — that they have been deluded by nomenclature, by the semiotic condensation of amorphous ideas and obscure but powerful feelings. As in the first case where a process of reevaluation is all but proscribed, so in the second skepticism is ruled out of court by all but the unconverted. In the current jargon, one could say that antonomasia, whether deployed negatively or positively, runs the signifier into the signified, rendering them indistinguishable from one another. Alternatively, the appellative word and the denominated thing have merged in a passion of similitudes."