Monday, September 28, 2009
Ron Christie: The numbers don't lie
"Here's what Vice President Joe Biden noted in a speech released yesterday by the White House quoted by the Post:
"'The Recovery Act has played a significant role in changing the trajectory of our economy and changing the conversation about the economy in this country,' Biden said in a speech at the Brookings Institution, a Washington think tank. 'Instead of talking about the beginning of a depression, we are talking about the end of a recession.'
"Well, the Labor Department just released the unemployment numbers a few moments ago and unemployment is now at 9.7 percent — the highest level in our nation since June 1983. More than 216,000 Americans lost their job last month and nearly one out of every 10 Americans is out of a job, and the administration is crowing about how the pork-laden stimulus bill is 'changing the trajectory of our economy and changing the conversation about the economy?'
"So far as I can see, the trajectory of unemployment continues to rise and the conversations I hear about people keeping their jobs remains tense. As for the White House? Its numbers and rosy optimism just don't add up."
"'The Recovery Act has played a significant role in changing the trajectory of our economy and changing the conversation about the economy in this country,' Biden said in a speech at the Brookings Institution, a Washington think tank. 'Instead of talking about the beginning of a depression, we are talking about the end of a recession.'
"Well, the Labor Department just released the unemployment numbers a few moments ago and unemployment is now at 9.7 percent — the highest level in our nation since June 1983. More than 216,000 Americans lost their job last month and nearly one out of every 10 Americans is out of a job, and the administration is crowing about how the pork-laden stimulus bill is 'changing the trajectory of our economy and changing the conversation about the economy?'
"So far as I can see, the trajectory of unemployment continues to rise and the conversations I hear about people keeping their jobs remains tense. As for the White House? Its numbers and rosy optimism just don't add up."
ALEX ISENSTADT: In the race from race, Democrats rebut Jimmy Carter
"From the White House to Capitol Hill on Wednesday, Democrats raced to distance themselves from the former president’s claim that racism was behind Rep. Joe Wilson’s 'You lie' outburst and other attacks on President Barack Obama.
“'Listen, he’s the former president, and he’s entitled to his point of view,' said Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.). 'I personally believe President Obama and his administration are focused on the issues, and I agree with that.'
“I don’t see this as a racial issue,' added Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.). 'There are a lot of people upset about how we on the Democratic side can engage like we have been, and there’s a lot of anger out there. So, I don’t see it as a racial issue.'
“'I didn’t agree with it,' Sen. Kay Hagan (D-N.C.) said of Carter’s remarks.
"Congressional Democrats have no interest in starting a racial argument that could turn off swing district voters whose support the party will need if it plans on keeping its grip on Congress in 2010. And the current occupants of the White House made it clear Wednesday that they have no interest in bringing race back to the fore of any discussion about Obama."
Read more:
“'Listen, he’s the former president, and he’s entitled to his point of view,' said Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.). 'I personally believe President Obama and his administration are focused on the issues, and I agree with that.'
“I don’t see this as a racial issue,' added Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.). 'There are a lot of people upset about how we on the Democratic side can engage like we have been, and there’s a lot of anger out there. So, I don’t see it as a racial issue.'
“'I didn’t agree with it,' Sen. Kay Hagan (D-N.C.) said of Carter’s remarks.
"Congressional Democrats have no interest in starting a racial argument that could turn off swing district voters whose support the party will need if it plans on keeping its grip on Congress in 2010. And the current occupants of the White House made it clear Wednesday that they have no interest in bringing race back to the fore of any discussion about Obama."
Read more:
Hilmar von Campe: The real threat to America: Godlessness
"Nazi society was based on lies, and lies are in the process of taking over America. I try to clarify for the American people that the ideological attack on America is part of the global attempt to eliminate God everywhere, replace Him with arbitrary rule of (leftist) man and destroy freedom. Godlessness brought Germany down. Godlessness is America's and freedom's No. 1 enemy."
"Socialist philosophy is rooted in the concepts of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, a French political philosopher in the 18th century: that man is good but exposed to the corruption of society, and that it is the corruption of the political and social environment that is responsible for the evil in society. Therefore, justification for the socialists' policies is the pretense that they are out for justice and want to change the social and political structures to free mankind. That, of course, is a lie because evil is within every person, and their political praxis is reduced to the brutal fight for power by all means, playing up, lying to and enlisting the underdog. Only the means are different for the various socialist branches, but the principle is the same for all: the end justifies the means. Joseph Goebbels, propaganda minister of Hitler, is quoted in Germany with the statement '… it is not for nothing that we have chosen the name National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP), because at heart we are Communists.' Briefing his generals before the invasion of the Soviet Union in June of 1941, Hitler told them that he wanted to bring them 'real socialism.' His declared intention was to destroy the Christian churches after victory."
"Socialist philosophy is rooted in the concepts of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, a French political philosopher in the 18th century: that man is good but exposed to the corruption of society, and that it is the corruption of the political and social environment that is responsible for the evil in society. Therefore, justification for the socialists' policies is the pretense that they are out for justice and want to change the social and political structures to free mankind. That, of course, is a lie because evil is within every person, and their political praxis is reduced to the brutal fight for power by all means, playing up, lying to and enlisting the underdog. Only the means are different for the various socialist branches, but the principle is the same for all: the end justifies the means. Joseph Goebbels, propaganda minister of Hitler, is quoted in Germany with the statement '… it is not for nothing that we have chosen the name National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP), because at heart we are Communists.' Briefing his generals before the invasion of the Soviet Union in June of 1941, Hitler told them that he wanted to bring them 'real socialism.' His declared intention was to destroy the Christian churches after victory."
UK Telegraph: Andy Williams accuses Barack Obama of following Marxist theory
"But Williams had a less favourable opinion of the current president.
"'Don't like him at all,' he said, 'I think he wants to create a socialist country. The people he associates with are very Left-wing. One is registered as a Communist.
"'Obama is following Marxist theory. He's taken over the banks and the car industry. He wants the country to fail.'"
"'Don't like him at all,' he said, 'I think he wants to create a socialist country. The people he associates with are very Left-wing. One is registered as a Communist.
"'Obama is following Marxist theory. He's taken over the banks and the car industry. He wants the country to fail.'"
Lloyd Marcus: Open letter to white liberals from a black American
"Dear White Liberal America,
"Thank you very, very much. You see us poor helpless inferior blacks, oh forgive me, I must be politically correct, 'African Americans,' and you want to help us using your superior intellect. After all, we could not possibly succeed in this racist, homophobic and greedy country without your assistance.
"I first met you guys in the 70s when I attended the prestigious Maryland Institute College of Art on a scholarship. A black kid from the ghetto, I found myself amongst white kids from well to do families. I worked a part-time job to cover my books and art supplies. You guys did not have to work.
"And yet, I remember many conversations about how you would never bring a child into this 'freaking world' and how 'freaking screwed up' this 'freaking country is.' You told me how 'freaking selfish' your 'freaking parents' were and how they only cared about 'freaking money.' Then, you drove off in your convertible given to you by your 'freaking parents' as I stood at the bus stop.
"I can not thank you enough for the numerous times you shared your expensive premmo weed with me. While I enjoyed the free weed (of which I've long ceased to indulge) and rebellious chicks, in all honesty, I could not figure out what you were so p-o-ed about.
"So, now you former hippie boomers are in total control of government, colleges and public schools, still selling your Utopian message of peace and love. Thanks for getting rid of black dads in the home via your welfare programs. I mean, everyone knows dads are cruel chauvinists who beat and molest their kids.
"Oh, and thanks for encouraging schools to accept black kids speaking Ebonics rather than English. It would be racist to expect us simple minded colored folks to learn to speak English correctly. And besides, we don't want our black kids sounding too white. Authentic blacks must sound like the hood, love rap and Kentucky Fried. I would never trust any black that eats 'sushi'; which is probably what those traitors, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas eat. If Justice Thomas would have answered his phone with a 'What up!' and a heartfelt 'A-muri-ka sucks,' the NAACP would have championed him as a true brother faithful to his blackness. Sadly, Rice and 'Uncle Thomas' as we call him, chose the character, education and hard work route to success. How disgusting!
"Yes, you libs are soooo good to us. I really appreciate 'b' actresses like Janeane Garofalo putting that Uncle Tom, RNC Chairman, Michael Steele in his place when she said he suffered from Stockholm Syndrome. How dare he not view himself as a victim of white America. How dare he empower young blacks with the knowledge that they can achieve without liberal intervention. What an ungrateful, well, you know the word I'm thinking. It begins with an 'N.'
"In closing, you libs, please keep up the good work. With your continued diligence, we minorities and most Americans will not have to work or be responsible for anything. Your president is in the process of confiscating the wealth from those greedy rich white SOBs and redistributing it to us. Right on!
"Now, if I can just figure out how to tie my shoes all by myself. But if I can't, I know you libs are there for me. Fighting back tears of overwhelming gratitude, again, I thank you."
"Thank you very, very much. You see us poor helpless inferior blacks, oh forgive me, I must be politically correct, 'African Americans,' and you want to help us using your superior intellect. After all, we could not possibly succeed in this racist, homophobic and greedy country without your assistance.
"I first met you guys in the 70s when I attended the prestigious Maryland Institute College of Art on a scholarship. A black kid from the ghetto, I found myself amongst white kids from well to do families. I worked a part-time job to cover my books and art supplies. You guys did not have to work.
"And yet, I remember many conversations about how you would never bring a child into this 'freaking world' and how 'freaking screwed up' this 'freaking country is.' You told me how 'freaking selfish' your 'freaking parents' were and how they only cared about 'freaking money.' Then, you drove off in your convertible given to you by your 'freaking parents' as I stood at the bus stop.
"I can not thank you enough for the numerous times you shared your expensive premmo weed with me. While I enjoyed the free weed (of which I've long ceased to indulge) and rebellious chicks, in all honesty, I could not figure out what you were so p-o-ed about.
"So, now you former hippie boomers are in total control of government, colleges and public schools, still selling your Utopian message of peace and love. Thanks for getting rid of black dads in the home via your welfare programs. I mean, everyone knows dads are cruel chauvinists who beat and molest their kids.
"Oh, and thanks for encouraging schools to accept black kids speaking Ebonics rather than English. It would be racist to expect us simple minded colored folks to learn to speak English correctly. And besides, we don't want our black kids sounding too white. Authentic blacks must sound like the hood, love rap and Kentucky Fried. I would never trust any black that eats 'sushi'; which is probably what those traitors, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas eat. If Justice Thomas would have answered his phone with a 'What up!' and a heartfelt 'A-muri-ka sucks,' the NAACP would have championed him as a true brother faithful to his blackness. Sadly, Rice and 'Uncle Thomas' as we call him, chose the character, education and hard work route to success. How disgusting!
"Yes, you libs are soooo good to us. I really appreciate 'b' actresses like Janeane Garofalo putting that Uncle Tom, RNC Chairman, Michael Steele in his place when she said he suffered from Stockholm Syndrome. How dare he not view himself as a victim of white America. How dare he empower young blacks with the knowledge that they can achieve without liberal intervention. What an ungrateful, well, you know the word I'm thinking. It begins with an 'N.'
"In closing, you libs, please keep up the good work. With your continued diligence, we minorities and most Americans will not have to work or be responsible for anything. Your president is in the process of confiscating the wealth from those greedy rich white SOBs and redistributing it to us. Right on!
"Now, if I can just figure out how to tie my shoes all by myself. But if I can't, I know you libs are there for me. Fighting back tears of overwhelming gratitude, again, I thank you."
Lloyd Marcus: Stop allowing the left to set the rules
"New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd called Congressman Joe Wilson a racist for saying, 'You lie' to president Obama. Using her psychic powers, Dowd said Wilson was really saying in his mind, 'You lie, BOY!' And yet, liberal commentator Julianne Malveaux, saying she hopes black conservative Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas' wife 'feeds him a lot of fatty foods so he will die early from heart disease like many black men', was not considered racist. I am a black conservative singer, songwriter, entertainer and columnist. Liberals have posted comments all over YouTube and C-Span freely using and calling me the 'N; word. Because they are libs and I am an uppity, off the liberal plantation, run-away black, all tactics to restore me to my owners are acceptable."
Ercille I. Christmas: Are We There Yet?...Reason v. Racism
"Am I a racist because:
"I disagree with seeing, hearing the president apologize to a bunch of two bit dictators for America, on his extended 'blame America,' tour?
"I disagree with his increasing the US debt more in six months than was done in two centuries?
"I disagree with the take over of private industries with a stroke of a pen, and we are still presumably living in a democratic republic?
"I disagree with a proposed a healthcare plan that could be run the same as those other government agencies with their overwhelming record of success, a health care plan under whose mandate, I and my fellow citizens will be forced to pay for healthcare for those who voluntarily invaded the country? Isn’t 2017 'B Day,' as in Bankruptcy day/year for Medicare?
"I disagree with the cavalier description of myself as one who 'clings' to God, or I am a 'right wing fanatic' because I oppose abortion?
"I disagree with hearing my fellow citizens consecutively and concurrently described as 'derisive,' 'arrogant,' a 'mob,' to be 'called out,' by the president, and now 'racist' as the piece de resistance?
"I am foreign born and when I see this 'War of the Roses,' I am thankful that I grew up elsewhere, unencumbered by the need to view every thing through the prism of race. I was raised in an atmosphere with a mother who had quite a few pints of white blood in her. The younger version of her with her hair pulled back in an upsweep looked like a young Jackie Kennedy. Although my Mom was very light skinned, she married two dark skinned black men. The other woman in my life, my adopted Mother, did not have time for the crap that skin color is a barrier to achievement.
"With that background, when I immigrated here, legally, and for the first time heard about affirmative action and the double standard based on race, I was puzzled. My puzzlement turned to bewilderment, and now rage. This life is difficult enough without adding an unnecessary bogey man. My interpretation of the 'double standard' is a situation where too many Caucasians are so afraid of being labeled “racist” that behavior that would be unacceptable when exhibited by another white, is perfectly fine, if the perpetrator is black. So if a white kid is pummeled within an inch of his life, move along…nothing to see here.
"Turn the tables, and a black kid is pummeled by some white kids, the hunt is on for these junior versions of the KKK! Want to find an example of 'reverse racism,' in the very recent past? Call up one of those Duke University lacrosse players. I hope that those players have found it in their hearts to forgive the race baiters who came after them with a vengeance. To further add insult to injury, the race baiters were not men enough to apologize to the players, when the alleged racial component vanished. I won’t even dwell on the famous 'Beer Summit,' when the president invited the black professor and the white cop to have a beer at the People’s House. Those suds have long since fizzled.
"When I first heard about affirmative action, I thought someone must have been soft in the head to come up with such a cockamamie idea of effectively telling one race of people 'you are inherently inferior.' Therefore, we are going to lower the bar so that you can get into college and get jobs for which you qualify – not because of the contents of your resume or experience – but because of the color of your skin? Thank God I never found myself in that situation. Although a non-violent person, I would have probably thrown a textbook or computer at anyone approaching me about making me a quota kid. I got where I am through God-given ability, and I would not have it any other way! Affirmative action is evil and racist.
"Skip the hate mail. I am in a protected status. I am a triple minority. I am black, female and a foreigner. And since I am a foreigner, I have more rights than an American born citizen. Had I played my cards right and set up shop here illegally, I would have had even more rights, with American citizens paying through the nose for me! That is the social, financial structure that has been deliberately set up by power-drunk immoral politicians. Allowing the sovereignty of the US to be broken down by encouraging the “immigration” of about 20 million illegal aliens is no 'mistake.' It was a deliberate act to put 'uppity' US citizens, white and black, with all of this talk about liberty and freedom, in their place. Is the ultimate goal to have the country downgraded to third world status? If that is the goal, then the current plan is foolproof. Ask California.
"That is not to say that there is not white racism. There is. There will always be a small minority of whites who feel that blacks are inferior, because of the color of their skin. Sometimes the rage of these white racists, erupts in vituperation and vengeful acts. Even so, in a country of 300 million, they are not even a blip on the radar. Truthfully, they have been marginalized, by the combined actions of blacks and whites. They are irrelevant and powerless. If we stand up to them, like many bullies, they slink away when there is a chance that they could be on the receiving end of what they are trying to dish out.
"Their fellow racists, black in color, are now much more successful than the white racists, in plying their 'trade.' The black racists have been thriving and surviving on 'white guilt.' They have perfected the art of turning almost every incident into a racial one. They live on 'payback' laws, supposedly designed to bring about 'equality,' but which boil down to: 'Whites for about a century and a quarter or so, you had your way. It is our turn now, and boy, are we going to make you pay, and pay, and pay, and pay!' These black racists keep preaching their 'gospel' of the white man as the devil walking the earth in an overall or Brooks Brothers suit, while ironically wearing those same Brooks Brothers suits, or Armani, as they preach reverse racism!
"They actively work to keep their 'community,' in an eternal state of 'victimhood.' Absent that 'victimhood' status quo, they would be forced to find a new line of 'employment.' Down the tubes would go the mansions, the appropriate wheels, and prodigious bank accounts. Yep, this working 'tirelessly' on behalf of 'victims of racism,' is a lucrative gig. Just once, I want to hear the race baiters, 'get religion,' and begin preaching the gospel of 'loving one another.' Just once I would love to hear them preach and follow the Martin principle of judging folks by the content of the character, and leave color out of the equation. Just once."
"I disagree with seeing, hearing the president apologize to a bunch of two bit dictators for America, on his extended 'blame America,' tour?
"I disagree with his increasing the US debt more in six months than was done in two centuries?
"I disagree with the take over of private industries with a stroke of a pen, and we are still presumably living in a democratic republic?
"I disagree with a proposed a healthcare plan that could be run the same as those other government agencies with their overwhelming record of success, a health care plan under whose mandate, I and my fellow citizens will be forced to pay for healthcare for those who voluntarily invaded the country? Isn’t 2017 'B Day,' as in Bankruptcy day/year for Medicare?
"I disagree with the cavalier description of myself as one who 'clings' to God, or I am a 'right wing fanatic' because I oppose abortion?
"I disagree with hearing my fellow citizens consecutively and concurrently described as 'derisive,' 'arrogant,' a 'mob,' to be 'called out,' by the president, and now 'racist' as the piece de resistance?
"I am foreign born and when I see this 'War of the Roses,' I am thankful that I grew up elsewhere, unencumbered by the need to view every thing through the prism of race. I was raised in an atmosphere with a mother who had quite a few pints of white blood in her. The younger version of her with her hair pulled back in an upsweep looked like a young Jackie Kennedy. Although my Mom was very light skinned, she married two dark skinned black men. The other woman in my life, my adopted Mother, did not have time for the crap that skin color is a barrier to achievement.
"With that background, when I immigrated here, legally, and for the first time heard about affirmative action and the double standard based on race, I was puzzled. My puzzlement turned to bewilderment, and now rage. This life is difficult enough without adding an unnecessary bogey man. My interpretation of the 'double standard' is a situation where too many Caucasians are so afraid of being labeled “racist” that behavior that would be unacceptable when exhibited by another white, is perfectly fine, if the perpetrator is black. So if a white kid is pummeled within an inch of his life, move along…nothing to see here.
"Turn the tables, and a black kid is pummeled by some white kids, the hunt is on for these junior versions of the KKK! Want to find an example of 'reverse racism,' in the very recent past? Call up one of those Duke University lacrosse players. I hope that those players have found it in their hearts to forgive the race baiters who came after them with a vengeance. To further add insult to injury, the race baiters were not men enough to apologize to the players, when the alleged racial component vanished. I won’t even dwell on the famous 'Beer Summit,' when the president invited the black professor and the white cop to have a beer at the People’s House. Those suds have long since fizzled.
"When I first heard about affirmative action, I thought someone must have been soft in the head to come up with such a cockamamie idea of effectively telling one race of people 'you are inherently inferior.' Therefore, we are going to lower the bar so that you can get into college and get jobs for which you qualify – not because of the contents of your resume or experience – but because of the color of your skin? Thank God I never found myself in that situation. Although a non-violent person, I would have probably thrown a textbook or computer at anyone approaching me about making me a quota kid. I got where I am through God-given ability, and I would not have it any other way! Affirmative action is evil and racist.
"Skip the hate mail. I am in a protected status. I am a triple minority. I am black, female and a foreigner. And since I am a foreigner, I have more rights than an American born citizen. Had I played my cards right and set up shop here illegally, I would have had even more rights, with American citizens paying through the nose for me! That is the social, financial structure that has been deliberately set up by power-drunk immoral politicians. Allowing the sovereignty of the US to be broken down by encouraging the “immigration” of about 20 million illegal aliens is no 'mistake.' It was a deliberate act to put 'uppity' US citizens, white and black, with all of this talk about liberty and freedom, in their place. Is the ultimate goal to have the country downgraded to third world status? If that is the goal, then the current plan is foolproof. Ask California.
"That is not to say that there is not white racism. There is. There will always be a small minority of whites who feel that blacks are inferior, because of the color of their skin. Sometimes the rage of these white racists, erupts in vituperation and vengeful acts. Even so, in a country of 300 million, they are not even a blip on the radar. Truthfully, they have been marginalized, by the combined actions of blacks and whites. They are irrelevant and powerless. If we stand up to them, like many bullies, they slink away when there is a chance that they could be on the receiving end of what they are trying to dish out.
"Their fellow racists, black in color, are now much more successful than the white racists, in plying their 'trade.' The black racists have been thriving and surviving on 'white guilt.' They have perfected the art of turning almost every incident into a racial one. They live on 'payback' laws, supposedly designed to bring about 'equality,' but which boil down to: 'Whites for about a century and a quarter or so, you had your way. It is our turn now, and boy, are we going to make you pay, and pay, and pay, and pay!' These black racists keep preaching their 'gospel' of the white man as the devil walking the earth in an overall or Brooks Brothers suit, while ironically wearing those same Brooks Brothers suits, or Armani, as they preach reverse racism!
"They actively work to keep their 'community,' in an eternal state of 'victimhood.' Absent that 'victimhood' status quo, they would be forced to find a new line of 'employment.' Down the tubes would go the mansions, the appropriate wheels, and prodigious bank accounts. Yep, this working 'tirelessly' on behalf of 'victims of racism,' is a lucrative gig. Just once, I want to hear the race baiters, 'get religion,' and begin preaching the gospel of 'loving one another.' Just once I would love to hear them preach and follow the Martin principle of judging folks by the content of the character, and leave color out of the equation. Just once."
Warner Todd Huston: What’s the Difference Between a Conservative and a Liberal?
"Here are some brief rules of thumb:
"•If a conservative sees a U.S.flag, his heart swells with pride.
•If a liberal sees a U.S. flag, he feels shame.
"•If a conservative doesn’t like guns, they don’t buy them.
•If a liberal doesn’t like guns, then no one else should have one either.
"•If a conservative is a vegetarian, he won’t eat meat.
•If a liberal is, they want to ban all meat products for everyone.
"•If a conservative sees a foreign threat, he thinks about how to defeat it.
•If a liberal see an enemy he wonders what he can do to appease him.
"•If a conservative is homosexual, he’ll quietly enjoy his life.
•If a liberal is homosexual, he’ll demand everyone get involved in his bedroom activities.
"•If a successful conservative is black or Hispanic, he’ll see himself as having succeeded on his own merits.
•Successful liberal minorities still claim “racism” and want government to give them even more.
"•If a conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to work to better his situation.
•A liberal wants someone else to take care of him.
"•If a conservative doesn’t like a talk show host, he switches channels.
•If a liberal doesn’t like a radio show, he demands that the station be shut down or censored.
"•If a conservative is a non-believer, he just doesn’t go to church.
•Non-believing liberals demand that everyone cease believing and demands churches be censored.
"•If a conservative needs health care, he shops for it, or chooses a job that provides it.
•Liberals demand that everyone else provide him with healthcare for free.
"•If a conservative sees a law, he thinks long and hard before suggesting a change.
•If a liberal sees a law he assumes it is just a suggestion and does what he wants anyway.
"•Conservatives feel there is a right and wrong.
•Liberals feel that nothing is really wrong… unless it is believed by a conservative.
"•Conservatives believe in freedom, responsibility, tradition, and self-reliance.
•Liberals believe in license, government restrictions, upending tradition, and collectives."
"•If a conservative sees a U.S.flag, his heart swells with pride.
•If a liberal sees a U.S. flag, he feels shame.
"•If a conservative doesn’t like guns, they don’t buy them.
•If a liberal doesn’t like guns, then no one else should have one either.
"•If a conservative is a vegetarian, he won’t eat meat.
•If a liberal is, they want to ban all meat products for everyone.
"•If a conservative sees a foreign threat, he thinks about how to defeat it.
•If a liberal see an enemy he wonders what he can do to appease him.
"•If a conservative is homosexual, he’ll quietly enjoy his life.
•If a liberal is homosexual, he’ll demand everyone get involved in his bedroom activities.
"•If a successful conservative is black or Hispanic, he’ll see himself as having succeeded on his own merits.
•Successful liberal minorities still claim “racism” and want government to give them even more.
"•If a conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to work to better his situation.
•A liberal wants someone else to take care of him.
"•If a conservative doesn’t like a talk show host, he switches channels.
•If a liberal doesn’t like a radio show, he demands that the station be shut down or censored.
"•If a conservative is a non-believer, he just doesn’t go to church.
•Non-believing liberals demand that everyone cease believing and demands churches be censored.
"•If a conservative needs health care, he shops for it, or chooses a job that provides it.
•Liberals demand that everyone else provide him with healthcare for free.
"•If a conservative sees a law, he thinks long and hard before suggesting a change.
•If a liberal sees a law he assumes it is just a suggestion and does what he wants anyway.
"•Conservatives feel there is a right and wrong.
•Liberals feel that nothing is really wrong… unless it is believed by a conservative.
"•Conservatives believe in freedom, responsibility, tradition, and self-reliance.
•Liberals believe in license, government restrictions, upending tradition, and collectives."
Frank J. Fleming: Making Conservatives Less Angry
How to make conservatives less angry
"Actively ignore them: The most basic strategy to try and keep conservatives from being so angry is to never, ever listen to them. If they try to discuss an issue with you, just cover your ears and scream, 'Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!' If they realize there is no chance we’ll even listen to them, maybe they’ll decide to just give up trying to have their uneducated viewpoints.
"Call them racists: If we shout 'Racist!' every time they say something, maybe they’ll finally reflect on the racism that motivates them against a black president and give up whatever silly cause they think they’re pushing. If they dispute the racism accusation, point out how sensitive they are about the charge and how that further proves it’s true (people who really aren’t racist shouldn’t have any problem with being called racist). If further evidence is needed, point out to them that the president is black and they are white and that it’s obvious to everyone that a white person saying bad things about an underprivileged black person is quite racist. If the conservative isn’t white, though, this can be confusing. Make sure to give that person a pamphlet describing the political views he is supposed to have based on his race. If the person doesn’t read the pamphlet, you might have to try using a racial slur. It’s okay, if the person deserves it.
"Point out how much smarter Obama is than they are: Obama is obviously very smart (obviously!), but somehow conservatives are overlooking that simple fact. Maybe they’ll be less angry if we keep emphasizing how Obama and his staff are much, much smarter than they are, and in fact they are very stupid compared to Obama and other liberals. Then conservatives will realize that Obama, being smarter than them, probably knows what he’s doing, so there is nothing to fear and be angry about unless you’re a really stupid person.
"Use sexual slurs: Conservatives are made uncomfortable by sex talk because of their Jesus person, so associating sexual slurs with everything they do might make them uncomfortable and cause them to give up their protests. For example, when conservatives started having 'tea parties,' we started using the slur 'tea baggers' to describe them. Any good liberal should know tons of terms describing lewd sexual acts, so be creative!
"Make sure no one in the media addresses their concerns: If conservatives can’t get any confirmation of their silly, angry views in the media, maybe they’ll give them up. This has been a problem since talk radio and Fox News came along, though. Still, a boycott of people like Glenn Beck seems to have had some effect. If we can force him off the air, maybe then conservatives will instead watch Keith Olbermann and learn to be calm and reasoned.
"Disparage their values: Everyone wants to have popular values, so if we ridicule their values maybe they’ll discard them and instead have the more popular values of the smart people on TV. So always laugh at them if they bring up the invisible sky fairy they worship so they know that’s a dumb belief. Also laugh at any patriotic beliefs they have. Yes, it seems like patriotism should be okay since Obama is now the leader of their country, but somehow it still makes me uncomfortable. Anyway, liking the country is a conservative thing and is part of what makes them angry, so let’s make them stop that.
"Threaten them with violence: Finally, we can always use physical threats to get them to not be angry. I don’t mean we should shoot them like when those anti-choice people were shot recently (though that is understandable since conservatives are so dangerous and violent that they have to be stopped by any means necessary), but we could at least rough them up. Yes, most liberals are kinda, well, too puny to do that, but there are always union thugs who are smart enough to do whatever liberals tell them."
"Actively ignore them: The most basic strategy to try and keep conservatives from being so angry is to never, ever listen to them. If they try to discuss an issue with you, just cover your ears and scream, 'Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!' If they realize there is no chance we’ll even listen to them, maybe they’ll decide to just give up trying to have their uneducated viewpoints.
"Call them racists: If we shout 'Racist!' every time they say something, maybe they’ll finally reflect on the racism that motivates them against a black president and give up whatever silly cause they think they’re pushing. If they dispute the racism accusation, point out how sensitive they are about the charge and how that further proves it’s true (people who really aren’t racist shouldn’t have any problem with being called racist). If further evidence is needed, point out to them that the president is black and they are white and that it’s obvious to everyone that a white person saying bad things about an underprivileged black person is quite racist. If the conservative isn’t white, though, this can be confusing. Make sure to give that person a pamphlet describing the political views he is supposed to have based on his race. If the person doesn’t read the pamphlet, you might have to try using a racial slur. It’s okay, if the person deserves it.
"Point out how much smarter Obama is than they are: Obama is obviously very smart (obviously!), but somehow conservatives are overlooking that simple fact. Maybe they’ll be less angry if we keep emphasizing how Obama and his staff are much, much smarter than they are, and in fact they are very stupid compared to Obama and other liberals. Then conservatives will realize that Obama, being smarter than them, probably knows what he’s doing, so there is nothing to fear and be angry about unless you’re a really stupid person.
"Use sexual slurs: Conservatives are made uncomfortable by sex talk because of their Jesus person, so associating sexual slurs with everything they do might make them uncomfortable and cause them to give up their protests. For example, when conservatives started having 'tea parties,' we started using the slur 'tea baggers' to describe them. Any good liberal should know tons of terms describing lewd sexual acts, so be creative!
"Make sure no one in the media addresses their concerns: If conservatives can’t get any confirmation of their silly, angry views in the media, maybe they’ll give them up. This has been a problem since talk radio and Fox News came along, though. Still, a boycott of people like Glenn Beck seems to have had some effect. If we can force him off the air, maybe then conservatives will instead watch Keith Olbermann and learn to be calm and reasoned.
"Disparage their values: Everyone wants to have popular values, so if we ridicule their values maybe they’ll discard them and instead have the more popular values of the smart people on TV. So always laugh at them if they bring up the invisible sky fairy they worship so they know that’s a dumb belief. Also laugh at any patriotic beliefs they have. Yes, it seems like patriotism should be okay since Obama is now the leader of their country, but somehow it still makes me uncomfortable. Anyway, liking the country is a conservative thing and is part of what makes them angry, so let’s make them stop that.
"Threaten them with violence: Finally, we can always use physical threats to get them to not be angry. I don’t mean we should shoot them like when those anti-choice people were shot recently (though that is understandable since conservatives are so dangerous and violent that they have to be stopped by any means necessary), but we could at least rough them up. Yes, most liberals are kinda, well, too puny to do that, but there are always union thugs who are smart enough to do whatever liberals tell them."
Michael Morris: Ten Good Reasons to switch from the Democratic and Republican parties to the Communist Party (Satire)
"1. First and foremost I could wake up everyday without any surprises. I would no longer be under the delusion that I am free and master of my own destiny. I would not expect to hear the truth from the President I vote for, the representatives I vote for and so on. I would no longer believe that my vote counted or my opinion mattered. I know that my voice would never be heard under any circumstances or even considered, even if hundreds of millions agreed with me. I would know each and everyday that I am screwed and there would be no surprises. I would live under no delusions, false hopes or beliefs. How wonderful would that be!
"2. Being in the Communist Party I would not worry about retirement or saving money and anyone stealing it because I would not be paid a fair wage for a fair days work. I would not have to work my whole life to better my family in the foolish belief that what little I could amass to leave for them would ultimately end up in the hands of others. Those in power would just steal it without so much as a whimper from the victims, anyone held accountable and the propaganda that 6 trillion in wealth simply vanished into thin air would keep the sheep grazing and be accepted as the truth. I would know that the house I live in can be taken at any time because a shopping mall must be built so that what little I have is spent at the 'must have from the new mall advertising or I am a loser' so that I run up debt far and above what I will ever be able to payback in my lifetime.
"3. Being in the Communist Party I would not believe that justice could be found in the judicial system. I would not think that right and wrong were the basis of the laws written by the people I elected and enforced by people I would not sit to dinner with. I would expect to have my views suppressed and only the propaganda of disinformation on every channel. I would be fully aware that no matter what the crime committed against me or a family member, unless the powers that be felt threatened, no justice would be had. I would never get angry, feel oppressed, expect fairness or even that I had any God given human rights because I would know that I only exist to serve those in power of which I am not one.
"4. If the Communist Party won the Presidential election the Constitution and Bill of Rights would just become just another piece of paper with no value whatsoever. Being that the new party would rewrite the history books to say that the Founding Fathers were terrorists who through terrorist tactics defeated the British, I would never know freedom. I would not have to worry about any rights or get upset because my Government would be violating the law; I already know they will violate the law.
"5. If the Communist Party won the general election I would never have to worry about religion, wars related to religion or the God I worshiped. Being that I would be told what is politically correct and what to believe and that it would be drummed into us in our education system the religious beliefs of the agenda seekers and those in power that they are the Gods of our lives. I would bow and genuflect to those in black robes, political office and anyone who with power demands that I bow and worship those graven idols. That one would be a hard one for me to do.
"6. If Communists were in power I would not have to worry about what is in my best interest, the best interest of my family or the best interest of the children. I would know that the only interest is the interest those in power have in themselves and not me and my family.
"7. If Communists had control of this nation, I would not have to worry about health care. I would work till I drop and my son would take over and work till he dropped and his son and so on. Even if the masses revolted and had the courage to speak up, those in power would just blame each other that no actual heath care plan could be agreed upon when the real agenda was that one half of the power wanted more power for the Communist party and the other half wanted more wealth for the Communist party. I would know this in advance and never be foolish enough to believe that any type of real health care plan would ever be mine or my families. Maybe I will be able to barter food for care.
"8. If Communists had control of this nation, I would not have to work for over half the year to pay taxes to line others pockets. I would work the whole year to line others pockets, but at least I would know the truth up front.
"9. By joining the Communist Party maybe I can gain a little power prior to the Communist Party taking over and if I am too late it is no big deal as there is only to gain and nothing to lose.
"10. And finally, I would never have to wake with dreams, delusions or false hopes. I know that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are just words on an old piece of paper. That freedom, choice and God given rights are just delusions of bands of rebels in Philadelphia in 1776. I will not have to muster any courage to fight back as there I is no hope to change things as our founding fathers did. I will know that I will be oppressed and controlled with fear, both verbal and physical. I know that should I find the courage to stand and fight, the KGB will come to my door and I will be put into a prison off the coast of Florida and I will be labeled a terrorist, foreign or domestic."
"2. Being in the Communist Party I would not worry about retirement or saving money and anyone stealing it because I would not be paid a fair wage for a fair days work. I would not have to work my whole life to better my family in the foolish belief that what little I could amass to leave for them would ultimately end up in the hands of others. Those in power would just steal it without so much as a whimper from the victims, anyone held accountable and the propaganda that 6 trillion in wealth simply vanished into thin air would keep the sheep grazing and be accepted as the truth. I would know that the house I live in can be taken at any time because a shopping mall must be built so that what little I have is spent at the 'must have from the new mall advertising or I am a loser' so that I run up debt far and above what I will ever be able to payback in my lifetime.
"3. Being in the Communist Party I would not believe that justice could be found in the judicial system. I would not think that right and wrong were the basis of the laws written by the people I elected and enforced by people I would not sit to dinner with. I would expect to have my views suppressed and only the propaganda of disinformation on every channel. I would be fully aware that no matter what the crime committed against me or a family member, unless the powers that be felt threatened, no justice would be had. I would never get angry, feel oppressed, expect fairness or even that I had any God given human rights because I would know that I only exist to serve those in power of which I am not one.
"4. If the Communist Party won the Presidential election the Constitution and Bill of Rights would just become just another piece of paper with no value whatsoever. Being that the new party would rewrite the history books to say that the Founding Fathers were terrorists who through terrorist tactics defeated the British, I would never know freedom. I would not have to worry about any rights or get upset because my Government would be violating the law; I already know they will violate the law.
"5. If the Communist Party won the general election I would never have to worry about religion, wars related to religion or the God I worshiped. Being that I would be told what is politically correct and what to believe and that it would be drummed into us in our education system the religious beliefs of the agenda seekers and those in power that they are the Gods of our lives. I would bow and genuflect to those in black robes, political office and anyone who with power demands that I bow and worship those graven idols. That one would be a hard one for me to do.
"6. If Communists were in power I would not have to worry about what is in my best interest, the best interest of my family or the best interest of the children. I would know that the only interest is the interest those in power have in themselves and not me and my family.
"7. If Communists had control of this nation, I would not have to worry about health care. I would work till I drop and my son would take over and work till he dropped and his son and so on. Even if the masses revolted and had the courage to speak up, those in power would just blame each other that no actual heath care plan could be agreed upon when the real agenda was that one half of the power wanted more power for the Communist party and the other half wanted more wealth for the Communist party. I would know this in advance and never be foolish enough to believe that any type of real health care plan would ever be mine or my families. Maybe I will be able to barter food for care.
"8. If Communists had control of this nation, I would not have to work for over half the year to pay taxes to line others pockets. I would work the whole year to line others pockets, but at least I would know the truth up front.
"9. By joining the Communist Party maybe I can gain a little power prior to the Communist Party taking over and if I am too late it is no big deal as there is only to gain and nothing to lose.
"10. And finally, I would never have to wake with dreams, delusions or false hopes. I know that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are just words on an old piece of paper. That freedom, choice and God given rights are just delusions of bands of rebels in Philadelphia in 1776. I will not have to muster any courage to fight back as there I is no hope to change things as our founding fathers did. I will know that I will be oppressed and controlled with fear, both verbal and physical. I know that should I find the courage to stand and fight, the KGB will come to my door and I will be put into a prison off the coast of Florida and I will be labeled a terrorist, foreign or domestic."
Star Parker: GOP: Take Bill Clinton's advice

"I can say from my own mail that animosity still runs high toward our previous Republican administration. As the Mercatus Center at George Mason University reports, annual growth in federal spending in the eight years of the Bush administration was higher than under any of the six previous presidents, including Lyndon Johnson in the 1960s.
"So, although the public is unhappy with the big-government policies of Democrats, Republicans have their work cut out to re-establish themselves as the limited-government alternative.
"Republicans must start crystallizing principles. And it's time to be bold. Our country is in trouble."
"The Big Question - should government control the people or should the people control government?
"Orwell’s prediction of a future big brother government came true. Whether acknowledged or not, Americans now live in a surveillance society.
"Most of that American public falls into one of the categories the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) calls 'potential threats:' environmentalists, animal lovers, anti-war protestors, pro-lifers, evangelical Christians, observant Jews, Constitutionalists, returning veterans, and third party candidate supporters are all 'potential domestic terrorists.'
"Just how far is the American public willing to let the government go in order to assure public safety? Do the people want the police on every block, all emails read by the government, phone calls overheard, or every financial transaction monitored? Do the people want sensors placed in cities that detect how much an individual perspires, in order to assess and monitor supposed guilt?
"How about computer software programs that decide whether or not the way people walk or dress presents a threat to the government? In Britain citizens are captured on surveillance cameras an average of 300 times a day; does the American public want to be subjected to this level of scrutiny?"
"Orwell’s prediction of a future big brother government came true. Whether acknowledged or not, Americans now live in a surveillance society.
"Most of that American public falls into one of the categories the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) calls 'potential threats:' environmentalists, animal lovers, anti-war protestors, pro-lifers, evangelical Christians, observant Jews, Constitutionalists, returning veterans, and third party candidate supporters are all 'potential domestic terrorists.'
"Just how far is the American public willing to let the government go in order to assure public safety? Do the people want the police on every block, all emails read by the government, phone calls overheard, or every financial transaction monitored? Do the people want sensors placed in cities that detect how much an individual perspires, in order to assess and monitor supposed guilt?
"How about computer software programs that decide whether or not the way people walk or dress presents a threat to the government? In Britain citizens are captured on surveillance cameras an average of 300 times a day; does the American public want to be subjected to this level of scrutiny?"
Alan Caruba: All Obama, All the Time
"You know things are amiss when a British newspaper takes President Obama to task in an editorial titled, 'Too much Obama.'
"America and the rest of the world have had nine months of President Obama and all the flaws that were hidden by campaign rhetoric and coverage are now on daily display. The problem, specifically, is too much rhetoric, too many speeches in too many places.
"The Times of London politely suggested 'he has adopted flawed tactics for which he has only himself to blame.'”
"America and the rest of the world have had nine months of President Obama and all the flaws that were hidden by campaign rhetoric and coverage are now on daily display. The problem, specifically, is too much rhetoric, too many speeches in too many places.
"The Times of London politely suggested 'he has adopted flawed tactics for which he has only himself to blame.'”
Stuart James: Former NBA Star/Sports Show Host: Why Doesn't 'White America' Love Obama Anymore?
"'I have a question - do you hate Obama?' Salley asked. 'Why are so many people who now hate him after just 266 days they loved him? All of white America. Not all of ‘em but the majority.'"
I have a question too. Why did so many blacks hate the Clintons last year when 10 years ago they all loved them?
I have a question too. Why did so many blacks hate the Clintons last year when 10 years ago they all loved them?
Hermain Cain: Your choice: Get off the couch or socialism

"There's an old saying that there are three kinds of people in the world. There are people who make things happen, people who watch things happen and people who ask what happened. The latter group will wake up in the not-too-distant future and ask what happen to the United States of America if they just sit there."
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