Tuesday, February 2, 2010
'Obama Girl': Crush on President Faded Due to 'Broken Promises'
The thrill is gone baby....
Obama's fascist State of the Union address
"President Obama's State of the Union address was the greatest American rhetorical embrace of fascist trope since the days of Woodrow Wilson. I am not suggesting Obama is a Nazi; he isn't. I am not suggesting that he is a jackbooted thug; he isn't (even if we could be forgiven for mistaking Rahm Emanuel for one).
"President Obama is, however, a man who embodies all the personal characteristics of a fascist leader, right down to the arrogant chin-up head tilt he utilizes when waiting for applause. He sees democracy as a filthy process that can be cured only by the centralized power of bureaucrats. He sees his presidency as a Hegelian synthesis marking the end of political conflict. He sees himself as embodiment of the collective will. No president should speak in these terms – not in a representative republic. Obama does it habitually."
Tebow's Super Bowl ad isn't intolerant; its critics are
Obama adviser: Amnesty to ensure 'progressive' rule
Why Did Reuters Spike Their Obama Middle Class Tax Increase Story?
"Hmmm … I had flagged this story to post on earlier today. Here is the link that lead to a refreshingly fair look at how Obama’s new budget taxes Americans with incomes well below 200,000:
"Take that link now, and you get redirected to an expired page screen. HMMMM…"
Presidential LIAR: New Budget Breaks His "No Taxes For Middle Class Families" Pledge
Republicans in Hollywood
I guess Gloria Estefan, Heather Locklear, James Earl Jones, Dean Cain, Adam Sandler, and Kim Alexis are racists since they are Republicans.
Learn from Britain’s Mistakes: Don’t Centralize Health Care in Washington
Is Chuck Schumer In Trouble? (Lets Hope So)
Bart Stupak is learning a valuable lesson in dealing with Barack Obama.
"The visuals all around on this look bad — especially with the Winter Olympics coming up.
"Congress funds a $1 million scholarship fund at Northern Michigan University for aspiring Olympic athletes. Robert Costa notesthe scholarship was renamed in 1998 for Bart Stupak’s son who had committed suicide.
"Stupak, you will remember, insisted that Obamacare not fund abortion, even against the wishes of Barack Obama.
"On Monday morning, when Obama unveiled his budget he had killed the B. J. Stupak scholarship for aspiring Olympians. The Olympics begin in ten days."
U.S. Attorney Reviews Call for Probe of SEIU Activities with White House, Congress
Radioactivenews.com says: "At the end of the day Janeane Garofalo was just too boring for America"
"The demise of liberal Air America had more to do with its boring self than with conservative dominance."
This is how you assasinate a radio network: "Bad radio. Boring radio. Preachy radio."
Nobel Prize Winner Barack Obama Is Building Nukes
"Is that why he’s building more?"
The Hill: President Obama’s budget seeks an end to tax break for the middle class
Christians threatened with arrest in Richmond for sharing Gospel, lawsuit filed
“Christians shouldn’t be threatened with arrest and silenced for expressing their beliefs at public events and on public property,” said ADF-allied attorney Steve Taylor, of Chesapeake. “Denying Christians their free speech rights, protected by the First Amendment, is a practice that the city of Richmond should put to an end. Americans have the right to peacefully share their faith in public areas without being shackled by vague or overly broad ordinances. The Constitution does not allow anyone to be silenced simply because other people don’t like the content of the message being spoken.”
Over the past two years, Virginia residents James Lee Craft, Matthew Ray, Ryan Walker, Rob Baird, and Nathan P. Magnusen were threatened with arrest while sharing the Gospel at different locations by Richmond police officers. Whether on public sidewalks or at public city events--such as the city’s annual UKrops Supervalu Christmas Parade or its Watermelon Festival--officers demanded that the men cease their religious expression or move to other locations. In some situations, officers attempted to enforce the city’s vague noise ordinance and trespassing ordinance to get them to end their religious expression.
Even though the men’s religious expression was conducted in a peaceful fashion, officers on a number of occasions insisted that their constitutionally protected activities were “offending” and “disturbing” crowds. The lawsuit argues that the noise ordinance, as well as Richmond’s trespassing ordinance, were illegally enforced against the Christian men--and not enforced against other members of the public engaging in expression--because of the religious nature of the message the men were communicating.
Taylor filed the lawsuit Craft v. City of Richmond with the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Richmond Division. Along with ADF, Christian Rights Ministries assisted with funding of the case.
ADF is a legal alliance of Christian attorneys and like-minded organizations defending the right of people to freely live out their faith. Launched in 1994, ADF employs a unique combination of strategy, training, funding, and litigation to protect and preserve religious liberty, the sanctity of life, marriage, and the family.
www.adfmedia.org twitter.com/adfmedia
Cap and Trade will cost YOU a lot more than a stamp a day….
* Cost Americans an estimated 77 ¢ per gallon more for gasoline at the pump. This means a 20 gallon fill-up will cost you an additional $15.40
1 gal ——– + $ .77
10 gal ——– + $7.70
20 gal ——– +$15.40
* Cost the average American family $1500 per year in additional energy costs.
* Weaken America’s ability to compete worldwide by increasing the costs of producing ALL goods in the United States.
* Reduce economic growth and recovery by destroying more than one million US jobs.