"Graham, a native of Chicago who was working for the HUD office on the ninth floor of the Murrah building that morning told Red Dirt Report that there were a lot of strange things going on in the weeks leading up to the bombing, things that she shared numerous times with federal agents, things she felt were ignored. This included the presence of maintenance workers she did not recognize, military people in the parking garage and more unusual activity.
"But one of the key figures – the bomber himself – Timothy McVeigh, was spotted in the federal building on a number of occasions."
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Herman Cain: I'm a racist for disagreeing with Obama?
"People who use race and illogical comparisons to segregation and slavery to defend Obama are the real racists. They resort to this empty logic when they are desperate to say something to refute the facts even if it does not make sense. It is also an attempt to silence and intimidate people, especially white people. According to their empty logic, that makes me a black racist against black people, in addition to an 'Uncle Tom' and a 'sellout.'"
Janine Turner: Time For A 180, America
We the People need to turn around and look back at our Constitution and the Federalist Papers for guidance on how to move our nation forward in this time of crisis. We must join together in a unifying mission to become aware of what is in these great documents. Let’s get cracking and do 90 readings in 90 days.
I was driving my mother’s car the other day and I commented on how small her rearview mirrors were. My rearview mirrors are big because, as a Texan, I drive a large SUV that I use to work my ranch. As I was looking out of her rearview mirrors, I wondered, as a Constitutionalist (my new self-definition), about whether Americans have something in common with rearview mirrors. Is the traditional American view — the basis of our country, our thesis, our founding principles, our United States Constitution — receding in our rearview mirrors? Are we, as a country, driving away from these founding principles?
In order to be a more perfect union in today’s environment we need to be more aware. Without awareness there can be no subsequent resulting action as citizens. Trying to evaluate legislation and governmental action without a knowledge of the Constitution is a lot like sitting in the passenger seat as the driver moves ahead in the dark – without headlights. An enlightened people were the hope and the engine of our new Republic in the 18th century. It is no different today.
But wait, maybe a better metaphor is better represented as the driver of a car moving forward toward the results of a horrendous earthquake – an earthquake that has left a deep, uneven division on the land. Thrust upon the divide are the clumps of dry parched land left to bake in the sun – the American Republic, the America loved and cherished by many patriots of yesterday and today.
As we look to the future with angst and thirst for righteousness we realize we must look back in our rearview mirrors. The nourishment our land needs is already available to cultivate the soil, to fertilize the country of America and her people. In the rearview we see the vitamins and minerals we need. — They are in the United States Constitution and its companion piece, The Federalist, or The Federalist Papers.
In these documents are all the answers America needs but to solve the riddle of how we move forward we must read them! We must join together in a unifying mission to become aware of what is in these great documents and to understand them. We should no longer let Washington, D.C., our representatives, the bureaucracy, or Obama administration officials do our thinking for us. Ignorance enables them to get away with all of the things we do not understand.
If we are to protest or approve of the actions of the three branches of our government we must do so with a foundation of knowledge. We must educate ourselves and we must educate our children. It is like preparing for the great debate. As a nation we are either moving away from our Constitution, watching it shrink in the rearview mirror, or we are turning around and driving toward it.
I was driving my mother’s car the other day and I commented on how small her rearview mirrors were. My rearview mirrors are big because, as a Texan, I drive a large SUV that I use to work my ranch. As I was looking out of her rearview mirrors, I wondered, as a Constitutionalist (my new self-definition), about whether Americans have something in common with rearview mirrors. Is the traditional American view — the basis of our country, our thesis, our founding principles, our United States Constitution — receding in our rearview mirrors? Are we, as a country, driving away from these founding principles?
In order to be a more perfect union in today’s environment we need to be more aware. Without awareness there can be no subsequent resulting action as citizens. Trying to evaluate legislation and governmental action without a knowledge of the Constitution is a lot like sitting in the passenger seat as the driver moves ahead in the dark – without headlights. An enlightened people were the hope and the engine of our new Republic in the 18th century. It is no different today.
But wait, maybe a better metaphor is better represented as the driver of a car moving forward toward the results of a horrendous earthquake – an earthquake that has left a deep, uneven division on the land. Thrust upon the divide are the clumps of dry parched land left to bake in the sun – the American Republic, the America loved and cherished by many patriots of yesterday and today.
As we look to the future with angst and thirst for righteousness we realize we must look back in our rearview mirrors. The nourishment our land needs is already available to cultivate the soil, to fertilize the country of America and her people. In the rearview we see the vitamins and minerals we need. — They are in the United States Constitution and its companion piece, The Federalist, or The Federalist Papers.
In these documents are all the answers America needs but to solve the riddle of how we move forward we must read them! We must join together in a unifying mission to become aware of what is in these great documents and to understand them. We should no longer let Washington, D.C., our representatives, the bureaucracy, or Obama administration officials do our thinking for us. Ignorance enables them to get away with all of the things we do not understand.
If we are to protest or approve of the actions of the three branches of our government we must do so with a foundation of knowledge. We must educate ourselves and we must educate our children. It is like preparing for the great debate. As a nation we are either moving away from our Constitution, watching it shrink in the rearview mirror, or we are turning around and driving toward it.
Understanding Obama: The Making of a Fuhrer
"This is only the beginning. Narcissists are intolerant of criticism and create a reign of terror to silence their critics."
How Communism Sneaks In
"In order to obtain more power and control of the people, the government must find a way to divide the people. History tells us that one of the most effective ways of doing this is to convince the people that they are part of a mistreated class or group. Sometimes the government will pick a group based on race or sex and convince them that they are being mistreated by the other race or gender. Once again, the only way of salvation for this mistreated group is the government. The government will develop their support and gain power on the backs of these people. Once ample power is gained, the government will do some favors for the group who gave them power. But once the power is established to a certain level, such favors usually cease.
"The government in power now seeks to control even more of the people's money. They must create another victimized group to do so and, therefore, convince the poor that they are poor because of society's most productive members. They are told that the 'rich' did not earn their wealth but obtained it by fortunate situations or by hurting others. Once Karl Marx convinced the people of this, the people allowed them power enough to literally take over a so-called rich person's house. The rich person and his family were forced to stay in the smallest and least desirable room in the house while the government-declared poor were given free reign of the house and the possessions of the rich family. This was one of the final steps in the government owning all property and wealth in communist Russia. Again, the government acts slow enough to prevent most of the people from realizing or believing communism/socialism is invading. So rather this process starts by convincing the people that it's fair to tax one person at a greater percentage or for more money. The argument will be that the 'rich' can afford it and therefore it's acceptable to take a high percentage or more from them. The people who are convinced they are victimized will accept this and even some of the wealthy. Though in principle, it is unethical to take something from someone on the basis of them having more than you. That will be brushed aside because of the envy that is created by the government."
"The government in power now seeks to control even more of the people's money. They must create another victimized group to do so and, therefore, convince the poor that they are poor because of society's most productive members. They are told that the 'rich' did not earn their wealth but obtained it by fortunate situations or by hurting others. Once Karl Marx convinced the people of this, the people allowed them power enough to literally take over a so-called rich person's house. The rich person and his family were forced to stay in the smallest and least desirable room in the house while the government-declared poor were given free reign of the house and the possessions of the rich family. This was one of the final steps in the government owning all property and wealth in communist Russia. Again, the government acts slow enough to prevent most of the people from realizing or believing communism/socialism is invading. So rather this process starts by convincing the people that it's fair to tax one person at a greater percentage or for more money. The argument will be that the 'rich' can afford it and therefore it's acceptable to take a high percentage or more from them. The people who are convinced they are victimized will accept this and even some of the wealthy. Though in principle, it is unethical to take something from someone on the basis of them having more than you. That will be brushed aside because of the envy that is created by the government."
Obama’s Increased Use of Death From the Skies, Where’s the Anti-War Left?
"I'll say that again: in just one year Obama has doubled Bush's drone kill rate."
How Bad Is The New Health Care “Reform” Law? Myths vs. FACTS
1.) The law expands entitlement spending by over $1 TRILLION in order to “cover” $30 Million more people.
2.) It adds $500 Billion in new tax increases at a time in our nation’s history when a RECORD number of American’s pay NO INCOME TAXES! And if you believe the lie told by President Obama that your taxes will NOT increase if you make less than $200,000 as an Individual or $250,000 as a Married couple, you need to know the TRUTH! Hat tip to Mr. Jay Heflin over at THE HILL who wrote:
“Taxpayers earning less than $200,000 a year will pay roughly $3.9 billion more in taxes — in 2019 alone — due to healthcare reform, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation, Congress’s official scorekeeper. The new law raises $15.2 billion over 10 years by limiting the medical expense deduction, a provision widely used by taxpayers who either have a serious illness or are older.
Taxpayers can currently deduct medical expenses in excess of 7.5 percent of their adjusted gross income. Starting in 2013, most taxpayers will only be able to deduct expenses greater than 10 percent of AGI. Older taxpayers are hit by this threshold increase in 2017. Once the law is fully implemented in 2019, the JCT estimates the deduction limitation will affect 14.8 million taxpayers — 14.7 million of them will earn less than $200,000 a year. These taxpayers are single and joint filers, as well as heads of households.”Loss of this deduction will mean higher taxes for 14.7 million individuals and families making under $200,000 a year in 2019,”
3.) The law ROBS Medicare and Social Security (AND THEY’RE BOTH ALREADY BROKE!) In fact, the Trustees of Medicare & Social Security state that the total unfunded liabilities between both programs are now more than $84 trillion! Worse yet, as of March 2010 Social Security is NOW OFFICIALLY BROKE!
Unlike what you may have been told, the new law CREATES a $662 BILLION DEFICIT! How? According to the CBO report issued AFTER the “reform” bill was initially scored by them, the Democrats did NOT include the following expenses prior to the bills passage:
a.) 70 Billion for the “Class Act” (long term care coverage).
b.) $53 Billion that WILL BE ROBBED from the Social Security Trust fund.
c.) $71 Billion in appropriations needed to enforce the purchase of Insurance and to administer Obamacare (including $10 Billion for thousands of new IRS agents to “enforce” the Health Insurance purchase mandate and 159 NEW Federal Agencies to administer this behemoth.)
d.) $308 Billion that WILL BE ROBBED from the Medicare Trust Fund
e.) $208 Billion “doctor fix” that was passed AFTER the “reform” bill was passed on April 1st, 2010
Representative Paul Ryan breaks it down with an easy to understand chart:
4.) In order to keep the final CBO score under $1 Trillion they counted these TRANSFERS from Medicare & the Social Security Trust Fund as “A Savings”. What will be the REAL result of this economic trickery? Charles Krauthammer discusses the INEVITABLE “Value Added Tax“.
5.) $468 BILLION in additional spending on subsidies to purchase government approved health insurance.
6.) $48 BILLION in additional spending for Medicaid. Did I mention that Medicaid costs are growing by 23% this year? This MASSIVE expansion of Medicaid will lead to even LARGER budget deficits for States like California, Arizona, Illinois, Michigan and many others already facing crippling Medicaid burdens. This is exactly why so many States have filed suit to protect themselves against the new health care “reform” law. In fact, the State of Georgia’s Insurance Commissioner has stated that he’s not waiting for the lawsuits, he’s saying no to Obamacare RIGHT NOW!
7.) A Huge new increase on Capital Gains tax of almost 4%. Who does that affect? Anyone with any SAVINGS, most especially those in the market. So not only do we have RECORD unemployment, we’re now going to lose EVEN MORE of whatever savings we have LEFT!
8.) The law has a DECADE of Medicare Cuts a DECADE of Tax Increases, and only 6 yrs of supposed benefits!
9.) Let’s say we could afford to add another $682 BILLION to our already MASSIVE $13 TRILLION debt. Does ANY ONE REALLY BELIEVE that’s ALL this legislation is going to cost us? Let’s look at some history:
a.) In 1965 the Fed projected that costs for Medicare Part A would be $9 Billion. They ended up being $67 BILLION.
b.) The Medicaid special hospital subsidy was supposed to cost $100 MILLION. Instead the real cost was $11 BILLION! That’s ONE HUNDRED TIMES GREATER!
10.) The law includes $132 Billion in CUTS to the Medicare Advantage program.
11.) One of the MANY costs associated with this law that were NOT included in the CBO score were the appropriations (money needed to fund the 159 new government agencies needed to implement “Obamacare”). $10 BILLION OF WHICH WILL BE SPENT HIRING ANOTHER THOUSANDS OF NEW IRS Agents! To whom you will report each month confirming purchase and maintenance of Government approved Health Insurance for each of your employees AND their families. How much will you pay?
12.) Depending on the size of your business, the law mandates that employers pay 72.5% of all of their employee’s health insurance premiums and 65% of all of their employee’s families premiums! What harm will this do to our American Businesses?
What harm will this do to our American Businesses? Companies like John Deere, Boeing, Caterpillar, Prudential Life, 3M, Honeywell, AK Steel Holding Corp, ITW, Valero Energy, and Allegheny Technologies have stated this new law will cost them MILLIONS.
13.) About those Tax Credits that are supposed to be so “helpful” to Small Businesses? Hat tip to NFIB for breaking down the TRUTH about those:
The CBO cites that just 12 percent of the small business population would benefit in any way. The credit is very restrictive and puts small business owners through a series of complicated “tests” to determine the actual amount of the credit. Three conditions must be met for small businesses to qualify for any portion of the credit:
Business size – Very few small firms will receive the full credit (only firms with 10 employees or less). For firms with 11-25 employees, the credit is reduced per employee. Firms with more than 25 employees get NO credit.
Average employee wages – The credit is tied to the average wage of workers. Only firms who pay their workers $25,000 or less are eligible for the full credit. The credit is reduced as the average wage goes up, stopping at $50,000. (Note: Average wage for a firm with 10 or fewer employees is approximately $27,000.)
Employer contribution – Only firms covering 50 percent or more of insurance costs will be eligible. The credit is only available for a maximum of six years, but healthcare costs will continue to increase well after those six years.
14.) The law imposes a tax on small business health insurance plans. Messaged as a “health insurance fee,” this tax is actually a tax on small business. The new tax is structured as an annual fee on insurers and it does not expire. The annual “fee” begins at $8 billion in 2014 and steadily increases to $14.3 billion in 2018. In subsequent years, this fee remains at $14.3 billion annually added to whatever the rate of premium increase is for that year. One thing health insurers (and the CBO) have made clear: new taxes on them mean new costs passed on to customers. Small businesses will be paying for this new tax.
· How it works: An insurer’s portion of the annual tax will be determined based on their market share. Insurers aren’t simply going to absorb this new, expensive tax.
· These new costs will be passed solely onto the fully-insured market (where nearly all small businesses buy their insurance) because Congress exempted self-insured plans (big business and labor unions are exempt).
· Early estimates from policy analysts show family premiums are expected to go up at least $500 per year.
· Simply put: This is not a tax insurers will be paying. This is a tax on small businesses’ health insurance plans.
· Small businesses already suffer from high and volatile costs increases; a new tax like this doesn’t help to reduce future costs.
15.) The law increases the tax paperwork costs on small businesses. The so-called “corporate reporting” requirement will place a new and enormous tax-filing burden on all small business owners. The cost of complying with the new filing requirements will increase the cost of doing business and falls disproportionately on small business owners.
· Businesses will have to send Form 1099s for every business-to-business transaction of $600 or more – a tremendous new paperwork burden.
· The costs associated with tax paperwork (on average, more than $74 per hour) is the most expensive paperwork burden that the federal government imposes on small business owners.
· The cost of tax compliance falls heavily on small business and is 66 percent higher for a small business compared to a large business.
· Complying with the tax code is especially burdensome to small business owners, because they lack in-house finance departments like most large businesses. This means the burden to comply with the paperwork is either handled by the owner or outsourced to an accounting firm.
16.) The Bill imposes an unprecedented increase in Medicare payroll tax. Since its creation, payroll taxes that fund Medicare programs have been dedicated specifically to funding Medicare. Not only does H.R. 3590 increase the Medicare payroll tax to 2.35 percent but it uses the additional revenue to pay for non-Medicare programs, creating a dangerous precedent to use payroll taxes to pay for more non-Medicare programs in the future.
· The bill adds a new tax on income over $200,000 for individuals ($250,000 for joint filers). Adding to the problem, wages are not indexed for inflation, meaning that more small businesses will face this tax increase each year.
· Since 75 percent of small business owners pay their taxes at the individual level, this tax will hit the business income of many small business owners.
· The businesses most likely to see the tax increase are those that employee between 20 to 200 workers. These businesses account for more than one-quarter of the American workforce.
17.) The law imposes a new Medicare tax on non-payroll income. This new tax continues the unprecedented trend of dedicating Medicare tax revenue to non-Medicare programs and also expands the tax to additional sources of income.
· Medicare has traditionally been funded by taxes paid on a worker’s wages. The new 3.8 percent tax on those reporting $200,000 in income ($250,000 for joint filers) will, for the first time, apply to non-wage income such as capital gains, rents, interest, royalties and dividends. (75 percent of small business owners pay their taxes at the individual level).
· Ninety-five percent of small business owners own real estate. Whether the real estate is sold for a profit or rented to another business, this income will now be subjected to an additional 3.8 percent tax.
· This new tax will deter investment in businesses and other profit-earning ventures.
18.) The new law allows ANYONE to purchase Health Insurance at ANY TIME regardless of Pre-existing conditions. That sounds very “fair” doesn’t it? There’s only ONE problem with that? Since they can buy it at ANY time without regard to Pre-existing conditions, THEY HAVE NO REASON TO KEEP THE POLICY once they’re treatment is over! What will that do? We don’t have to wait to find out. We just need to look at Obamacare’s evil twin “Romney Care” in the State of Massachusetts to find out.
19.) Arguably the most troubling language in the law is the new 85%/15% MLR (Medical Loss Ratio) Rule applied to all private Health Insurance companies. This new MLR could very conceivably bring about the END of all private Health Insurance companies in a very short period of time. Robert A. Book PHD & Senior Fellow of Health Economics at the Heritage Foundation explains why.
20.) Besides the MASSIVE taxes that begin immediately, MANY CUTS begin as well and the bulk of them will hit Medicare recipients. Oh and remember when we were told by President Obama & Speaker Pelosi that children would be able to get coverage for pre-existing conditions 6 months after the new bill was signed? They FORGOT to include that in the bill! So now, NOT EVEN THAT “benefit” will begin until 2014! That was, until the Health Insurance companies agreed to honor this new law NOW, EVEN THOUGH the legislation stated they did not have to until 2014!
Strangely enough, people have forgotten that THIS IS ALREADY THE LAW IN MOST STATES! The dramatic expansion of SCHIP already ensures that most children have access to guaranteed issue health insurance already. Although States like Arizona have recently terminated their SCHIP program because it has rendered them BANKRUPT. So be sure to check with your State SCHIP administrator to make sure there’s entitlement money left for you!
In addition, many States like Illinois have already passed similar legislation that allows children with pre-existing conditions to be insured on a guaranteed issue basis and to stay on their parents policy until the age of 26. Side bar: Are they REALLY still children at age 26?
21.) The democrats also left the 21% reduction in medicare payments to physicians out of the bill and state they will tackle that in another bill. BUT by NOT counting it in the final CBO score, they consider it “a savings”. By the way, that passed on April 1st, 2010 and here’s how that will not affect YOU. This 21% “doctor fix” passed AFTER the Mayo Clinic stated because of MASSIVE losses in 2008 they will NO LONGER BE ACCEPTING MEDICARE!
What will these kinds of cuts lead to? Health care rationing? Don’t believe me? It’s ALREADY happening! On April 10th, 2010 AFTER the new health care “reform” bill was passed. A woman in Florida was waiting for a bone marrow transplant and she was summarily DROPPED from Medicaid RIGHT before her surgery! Wonder if we’ll see the heads of the Centers for Medicaid Services at a “Congressional Hearing”?
22.) You know the CBO (Congressional Budget Office) that the Democrats “TRUSTED” to give “accurate predictions” on what the cost of their health care reform legislation would be? Yeah, their Director stated on March 8th, 2010 that the current U.S. Fiscal Policy is UNSUSTAINABLE.
24.) Remember the other LIE promoted as a justification for this health care “reform” law. The one about “Uncompensated Care”? Yeah, here’s the TRUTH about that!
25.) Remember the law of “unintended consequences”. That ALWAYS applies to ANY Federal Legislation.
Click here to see the MULTIPLE NEGATIVE “side effects” of Obamacare.
2.) It adds $500 Billion in new tax increases at a time in our nation’s history when a RECORD number of American’s pay NO INCOME TAXES! And if you believe the lie told by President Obama that your taxes will NOT increase if you make less than $200,000 as an Individual or $250,000 as a Married couple, you need to know the TRUTH! Hat tip to Mr. Jay Heflin over at THE HILL who wrote:
“Taxpayers earning less than $200,000 a year will pay roughly $3.9 billion more in taxes — in 2019 alone — due to healthcare reform, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation, Congress’s official scorekeeper. The new law raises $15.2 billion over 10 years by limiting the medical expense deduction, a provision widely used by taxpayers who either have a serious illness or are older.
Taxpayers can currently deduct medical expenses in excess of 7.5 percent of their adjusted gross income. Starting in 2013, most taxpayers will only be able to deduct expenses greater than 10 percent of AGI. Older taxpayers are hit by this threshold increase in 2017. Once the law is fully implemented in 2019, the JCT estimates the deduction limitation will affect 14.8 million taxpayers — 14.7 million of them will earn less than $200,000 a year. These taxpayers are single and joint filers, as well as heads of households.”Loss of this deduction will mean higher taxes for 14.7 million individuals and families making under $200,000 a year in 2019,”
3.) The law ROBS Medicare and Social Security (AND THEY’RE BOTH ALREADY BROKE!) In fact, the Trustees of Medicare & Social Security state that the total unfunded liabilities between both programs are now more than $84 trillion! Worse yet, as of March 2010 Social Security is NOW OFFICIALLY BROKE!
Unlike what you may have been told, the new law CREATES a $662 BILLION DEFICIT! How? According to the CBO report issued AFTER the “reform” bill was initially scored by them, the Democrats did NOT include the following expenses prior to the bills passage:
a.) 70 Billion for the “Class Act” (long term care coverage).
b.) $53 Billion that WILL BE ROBBED from the Social Security Trust fund.
c.) $71 Billion in appropriations needed to enforce the purchase of Insurance and to administer Obamacare (including $10 Billion for thousands of new IRS agents to “enforce” the Health Insurance purchase mandate and 159 NEW Federal Agencies to administer this behemoth.)
d.) $308 Billion that WILL BE ROBBED from the Medicare Trust Fund
e.) $208 Billion “doctor fix” that was passed AFTER the “reform” bill was passed on April 1st, 2010
Representative Paul Ryan breaks it down with an easy to understand chart:
4.) In order to keep the final CBO score under $1 Trillion they counted these TRANSFERS from Medicare & the Social Security Trust Fund as “A Savings”. What will be the REAL result of this economic trickery? Charles Krauthammer discusses the INEVITABLE “Value Added Tax“.
5.) $468 BILLION in additional spending on subsidies to purchase government approved health insurance.
6.) $48 BILLION in additional spending for Medicaid. Did I mention that Medicaid costs are growing by 23% this year? This MASSIVE expansion of Medicaid will lead to even LARGER budget deficits for States like California, Arizona, Illinois, Michigan and many others already facing crippling Medicaid burdens. This is exactly why so many States have filed suit to protect themselves against the new health care “reform” law. In fact, the State of Georgia’s Insurance Commissioner has stated that he’s not waiting for the lawsuits, he’s saying no to Obamacare RIGHT NOW!
7.) A Huge new increase on Capital Gains tax of almost 4%. Who does that affect? Anyone with any SAVINGS, most especially those in the market. So not only do we have RECORD unemployment, we’re now going to lose EVEN MORE of whatever savings we have LEFT!
8.) The law has a DECADE of Medicare Cuts a DECADE of Tax Increases, and only 6 yrs of supposed benefits!
9.) Let’s say we could afford to add another $682 BILLION to our already MASSIVE $13 TRILLION debt. Does ANY ONE REALLY BELIEVE that’s ALL this legislation is going to cost us? Let’s look at some history:
a.) In 1965 the Fed projected that costs for Medicare Part A would be $9 Billion. They ended up being $67 BILLION.
b.) The Medicaid special hospital subsidy was supposed to cost $100 MILLION. Instead the real cost was $11 BILLION! That’s ONE HUNDRED TIMES GREATER!
10.) The law includes $132 Billion in CUTS to the Medicare Advantage program.
11.) One of the MANY costs associated with this law that were NOT included in the CBO score were the appropriations (money needed to fund the 159 new government agencies needed to implement “Obamacare”). $10 BILLION OF WHICH WILL BE SPENT HIRING ANOTHER THOUSANDS OF NEW IRS Agents! To whom you will report each month confirming purchase and maintenance of Government approved Health Insurance for each of your employees AND their families. How much will you pay?
12.) Depending on the size of your business, the law mandates that employers pay 72.5% of all of their employee’s health insurance premiums and 65% of all of their employee’s families premiums! What harm will this do to our American Businesses?
What harm will this do to our American Businesses? Companies like John Deere, Boeing, Caterpillar, Prudential Life, 3M, Honeywell, AK Steel Holding Corp, ITW, Valero Energy, and Allegheny Technologies have stated this new law will cost them MILLIONS.
13.) About those Tax Credits that are supposed to be so “helpful” to Small Businesses? Hat tip to NFIB for breaking down the TRUTH about those:
The CBO cites that just 12 percent of the small business population would benefit in any way. The credit is very restrictive and puts small business owners through a series of complicated “tests” to determine the actual amount of the credit. Three conditions must be met for small businesses to qualify for any portion of the credit:
Business size – Very few small firms will receive the full credit (only firms with 10 employees or less). For firms with 11-25 employees, the credit is reduced per employee. Firms with more than 25 employees get NO credit.
Average employee wages – The credit is tied to the average wage of workers. Only firms who pay their workers $25,000 or less are eligible for the full credit. The credit is reduced as the average wage goes up, stopping at $50,000. (Note: Average wage for a firm with 10 or fewer employees is approximately $27,000.)
Employer contribution – Only firms covering 50 percent or more of insurance costs will be eligible. The credit is only available for a maximum of six years, but healthcare costs will continue to increase well after those six years.
14.) The law imposes a tax on small business health insurance plans. Messaged as a “health insurance fee,” this tax is actually a tax on small business. The new tax is structured as an annual fee on insurers and it does not expire. The annual “fee” begins at $8 billion in 2014 and steadily increases to $14.3 billion in 2018. In subsequent years, this fee remains at $14.3 billion annually added to whatever the rate of premium increase is for that year. One thing health insurers (and the CBO) have made clear: new taxes on them mean new costs passed on to customers. Small businesses will be paying for this new tax.
· How it works: An insurer’s portion of the annual tax will be determined based on their market share. Insurers aren’t simply going to absorb this new, expensive tax.
· These new costs will be passed solely onto the fully-insured market (where nearly all small businesses buy their insurance) because Congress exempted self-insured plans (big business and labor unions are exempt).
· Early estimates from policy analysts show family premiums are expected to go up at least $500 per year.
· Simply put: This is not a tax insurers will be paying. This is a tax on small businesses’ health insurance plans.
· Small businesses already suffer from high and volatile costs increases; a new tax like this doesn’t help to reduce future costs.
15.) The law increases the tax paperwork costs on small businesses. The so-called “corporate reporting” requirement will place a new and enormous tax-filing burden on all small business owners. The cost of complying with the new filing requirements will increase the cost of doing business and falls disproportionately on small business owners.
· Businesses will have to send Form 1099s for every business-to-business transaction of $600 or more – a tremendous new paperwork burden.
· The costs associated with tax paperwork (on average, more than $74 per hour) is the most expensive paperwork burden that the federal government imposes on small business owners.
· The cost of tax compliance falls heavily on small business and is 66 percent higher for a small business compared to a large business.
· Complying with the tax code is especially burdensome to small business owners, because they lack in-house finance departments like most large businesses. This means the burden to comply with the paperwork is either handled by the owner or outsourced to an accounting firm.
16.) The Bill imposes an unprecedented increase in Medicare payroll tax. Since its creation, payroll taxes that fund Medicare programs have been dedicated specifically to funding Medicare. Not only does H.R. 3590 increase the Medicare payroll tax to 2.35 percent but it uses the additional revenue to pay for non-Medicare programs, creating a dangerous precedent to use payroll taxes to pay for more non-Medicare programs in the future.
· The bill adds a new tax on income over $200,000 for individuals ($250,000 for joint filers). Adding to the problem, wages are not indexed for inflation, meaning that more small businesses will face this tax increase each year.
· Since 75 percent of small business owners pay their taxes at the individual level, this tax will hit the business income of many small business owners.
· The businesses most likely to see the tax increase are those that employee between 20 to 200 workers. These businesses account for more than one-quarter of the American workforce.
17.) The law imposes a new Medicare tax on non-payroll income. This new tax continues the unprecedented trend of dedicating Medicare tax revenue to non-Medicare programs and also expands the tax to additional sources of income.
· Medicare has traditionally been funded by taxes paid on a worker’s wages. The new 3.8 percent tax on those reporting $200,000 in income ($250,000 for joint filers) will, for the first time, apply to non-wage income such as capital gains, rents, interest, royalties and dividends. (75 percent of small business owners pay their taxes at the individual level).
· Ninety-five percent of small business owners own real estate. Whether the real estate is sold for a profit or rented to another business, this income will now be subjected to an additional 3.8 percent tax.
· This new tax will deter investment in businesses and other profit-earning ventures.
18.) The new law allows ANYONE to purchase Health Insurance at ANY TIME regardless of Pre-existing conditions. That sounds very “fair” doesn’t it? There’s only ONE problem with that? Since they can buy it at ANY time without regard to Pre-existing conditions, THEY HAVE NO REASON TO KEEP THE POLICY once they’re treatment is over! What will that do? We don’t have to wait to find out. We just need to look at Obamacare’s evil twin “Romney Care” in the State of Massachusetts to find out.
19.) Arguably the most troubling language in the law is the new 85%/15% MLR (Medical Loss Ratio) Rule applied to all private Health Insurance companies. This new MLR could very conceivably bring about the END of all private Health Insurance companies in a very short period of time. Robert A. Book PHD & Senior Fellow of Health Economics at the Heritage Foundation explains why.
20.) Besides the MASSIVE taxes that begin immediately, MANY CUTS begin as well and the bulk of them will hit Medicare recipients. Oh and remember when we were told by President Obama & Speaker Pelosi that children would be able to get coverage for pre-existing conditions 6 months after the new bill was signed? They FORGOT to include that in the bill! So now, NOT EVEN THAT “benefit” will begin until 2014! That was, until the Health Insurance companies agreed to honor this new law NOW, EVEN THOUGH the legislation stated they did not have to until 2014!
Strangely enough, people have forgotten that THIS IS ALREADY THE LAW IN MOST STATES! The dramatic expansion of SCHIP already ensures that most children have access to guaranteed issue health insurance already. Although States like Arizona have recently terminated their SCHIP program because it has rendered them BANKRUPT. So be sure to check with your State SCHIP administrator to make sure there’s entitlement money left for you!
In addition, many States like Illinois have already passed similar legislation that allows children with pre-existing conditions to be insured on a guaranteed issue basis and to stay on their parents policy until the age of 26. Side bar: Are they REALLY still children at age 26?
21.) The democrats also left the 21% reduction in medicare payments to physicians out of the bill and state they will tackle that in another bill. BUT by NOT counting it in the final CBO score, they consider it “a savings”. By the way, that passed on April 1st, 2010 and here’s how that will not affect YOU. This 21% “doctor fix” passed AFTER the Mayo Clinic stated because of MASSIVE losses in 2008 they will NO LONGER BE ACCEPTING MEDICARE!
What will these kinds of cuts lead to? Health care rationing? Don’t believe me? It’s ALREADY happening! On April 10th, 2010 AFTER the new health care “reform” bill was passed. A woman in Florida was waiting for a bone marrow transplant and she was summarily DROPPED from Medicaid RIGHT before her surgery! Wonder if we’ll see the heads of the Centers for Medicaid Services at a “Congressional Hearing”?
22.) You know the CBO (Congressional Budget Office) that the Democrats “TRUSTED” to give “accurate predictions” on what the cost of their health care reform legislation would be? Yeah, their Director stated on March 8th, 2010 that the current U.S. Fiscal Policy is UNSUSTAINABLE.
24.) Remember the other LIE promoted as a justification for this health care “reform” law. The one about “Uncompensated Care”? Yeah, here’s the TRUTH about that!
25.) Remember the law of “unintended consequences”. That ALWAYS applies to ANY Federal Legislation.
Click here to see the MULTIPLE NEGATIVE “side effects” of Obamacare.
What is intellectual racism?
Dear Dr. Charles G. Adams,
Not everyone who attended the Palm Sunday service last week was happy about listening to Rev. Jeremiah Wright's radical sermon. Where is the balance of religious and philosophical views at Hartford Church? Remember, it was the Republicans under President Abraham Lincoln that freed the slaves and eventually gave the black man the vote. The Democrats, whom you support, have fought to keep the black man in physical and mental chains for hundreds of years and under the radical, President Barack Hussein Obama, continue to abort us and our future to this day.
I have been a member of Hartford since 1987, for over 23 years, and not once have I ever been asked to give a conservative point of view at any conference, meeting or before the congregation. For 23 years I have given you books, law review articles and op-eds I have written, and not one time did you ever say "thank you" or "Ellis, come to my office. Let's talk about how you can become a greater resource of intellectual diversity at Hartford." Rev. Adams, you are the man who married my wife and me on Sept. 11, 1993, and christened my two children in 1997 and 2001. … Is your treatment of me fair and just? I say not!
When will the intellectual racism and discrimination against conservative philosophical thought out of the Booker T. Washington tradition be stopped and a fair and balanced exposition of conservative ideas be allowed at your church? How long, Rev. Adams must I wait for justice?
Here is my article about Rev. Jeremiah Wright's sermon last week that was published in WorldNetDaily.com: http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=135881
Rev. Adams, I challenge you to a debate at Hartford on the best philosophical ideas black America should follow. You can take the W.E.B. Dubois view, and I'll take Booker T. Washington.
Will you accept my challenge, Dr. Adams, or will you and Hartford Memorial Baptist Church continue to treat me as … The Spook Who Sat by the Door?
Ellis Washington, J.D.
Grosse Pointe, Michigan, U.S.A.
Not everyone who attended the Palm Sunday service last week was happy about listening to Rev. Jeremiah Wright's radical sermon. Where is the balance of religious and philosophical views at Hartford Church? Remember, it was the Republicans under President Abraham Lincoln that freed the slaves and eventually gave the black man the vote. The Democrats, whom you support, have fought to keep the black man in physical and mental chains for hundreds of years and under the radical, President Barack Hussein Obama, continue to abort us and our future to this day.
I have been a member of Hartford since 1987, for over 23 years, and not once have I ever been asked to give a conservative point of view at any conference, meeting or before the congregation. For 23 years I have given you books, law review articles and op-eds I have written, and not one time did you ever say "thank you" or "Ellis, come to my office. Let's talk about how you can become a greater resource of intellectual diversity at Hartford." Rev. Adams, you are the man who married my wife and me on Sept. 11, 1993, and christened my two children in 1997 and 2001. … Is your treatment of me fair and just? I say not!
When will the intellectual racism and discrimination against conservative philosophical thought out of the Booker T. Washington tradition be stopped and a fair and balanced exposition of conservative ideas be allowed at your church? How long, Rev. Adams must I wait for justice?
Here is my article about Rev. Jeremiah Wright's sermon last week that was published in WorldNetDaily.com: http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=135881
Rev. Adams, I challenge you to a debate at Hartford on the best philosophical ideas black America should follow. You can take the W.E.B. Dubois view, and I'll take Booker T. Washington.
Will you accept my challenge, Dr. Adams, or will you and Hartford Memorial Baptist Church continue to treat me as … The Spook Who Sat by the Door?
Ellis Washington, J.D.
Grosse Pointe, Michigan, U.S.A.
EDITORIAL: Democrats' death by suicide
"The new system will suffer a tsunami of bad publicity when states sue the federal government over unfunded mandates, when the IRS begins enforcing the aspects of the bill that voters never knew existed, when small businesses start firing employees because they cannot afford the higher costs of the new system, when new and unforeseen costs blow out the already record federal budget deficit, and when seniors begin to feel the impact of Medicare cuts. All of this is what Mr. Obama euphemistically calls 'bending the curve' but which seniors will find out is better termed 'denial of care.' Whether the formal 'death panels' will convene before the November elections is still to be determined."
Ten Obama Promises About Health Care That Expired This Morning.
1. The bill provides more affordable coverage for the middle class.
According to Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a health care scholar at the free-market American Enterprise Institute, the new bill will actually make it more costly for middle class families to buy health insurance by forcing those who shop on the individual market to buy generous, but expensive plans mandated under the new law. Middle class families earning $88,000 or more a year won't qualify for health care subsidies. A family earning $100,000 would end up spending nearly a quarter of their net income on health care.
2. Health insurance premiums will go down.
Health care premiums for those in the individual insurance market will rise 10 percent to 13 percent by 2016 under the plan, according to the Congressional Budget Office. While the cost of premiums will be subsidized with taxpayer dollars for 57 percent of those enrolled in the new government-run insurance exchanges, the 43 percent of enrollees who do not qualify for assistance will have to pay higher costs.
3. The bill creates jobs.
The Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank, says that the health care reform bill will create "between 2.5 million to 4 million additional jobs over the next 10 years." But the fiscally conservative Beacon Hill Institute, part of Boston's Suffolk University, conducted its own analysis and found that in response to higher taxes and mandates on companies to provide insurance, "firms would be induced to fire or lay off workers" to the tune of 120,000 to 700,000 employees by 2019. The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, found that the new taxes would kill 690,000 jobs per year.
4. Federal funding will not cover abortion.
Obama agreed on Sunday to sign an executive order to reaffirm the Senate bill's "consistency with long-standing restrictions on the use of federal funds for abortion." But pro-life groups say the executive order does not carry the force of a law and will do nothing to curb the provision in the bill they believe will allow taxpayer dollars to cover the procedure. "The president cannot amend a bill by issuing an order, and the federal courts will enforce what the law says," the National Right to Life Committee said.
5. If you like your current health care plan, you can keep it.
The new health care law will impose a list of benefits each health care plan will have to offer if they are to remain in business. The Congressional Budget Office also estimates that about 4 million people would lose their employer-based plan and be forced to buy plans on the new government exchanges.
6. Medicare costs will be cut, not services.
The bill makes $528 billion in cuts to Medicare, including a $136 billion reduction for Medicare Advantage. The Medicare Advantage cuts will force 4.8 million seniors off the popular plan by 2019. An additional $23 billion in cuts to Medicare will come from a panel charged with slashing Medicare spending.
7. The bill pays for itself.
The CBO found that the bill would reduce the deficit by $138 billion over 10 years, but the savings was achieved by leaving out a $208 billion provision lawmakers will have to enact later to ensure doctors are adequately paid for treating Medicare patients. When the "doc fix" is included in the bill, it runs $59 billion in the red over the next decade. And former CBO Director Douglas Holtz-Eakin said that "if you strip out all the gimmicks and budgetary games" the 10-year deficit would exceed $560 billion.
8. State won't get stuck with the bill.
The health care reform bill expands Medicaid to all non-elderly individuals up to 133 percent of the poverty line. The federal government would foot the bill for this expansion, but only until 2016. Beginning in 2017, states would gradually begin paying a portion of it. By 2020, states would cover 10 percent of the cost of Medicaid expansion.
9. There will be no rationing of care.
A survey conducted by the Medicus Firm, a medical recruitment company, found that 46 percent of physicians said they would quit or retire if the Democratic health care reform bill becomes law. The survey noted that "even if a much smaller percentage such as ten, 15, or 20 percent are pushed out of practice over several years at a time when the field needs to expand by over 20 percent, this would be severely detrimental to the quality of the health care system."
10. The bill does not raise taxes.
The bill imposes a 40 percent excise tax on insurance plans costing $10,200 for individuals and $27,500 for families. It also raises revenue by increasing the Medicare payroll tax for those earning more than $200,000, plus a new 3.8 percent tax on unearned income for these earners. The bill also imposes new taxes on drug makers, medical device manufacturers and health insurers that are likely to be passed on to consumers.
(Source Washington Examiner)
According to Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a health care scholar at the free-market American Enterprise Institute, the new bill will actually make it more costly for middle class families to buy health insurance by forcing those who shop on the individual market to buy generous, but expensive plans mandated under the new law. Middle class families earning $88,000 or more a year won't qualify for health care subsidies. A family earning $100,000 would end up spending nearly a quarter of their net income on health care.
2. Health insurance premiums will go down.
Health care premiums for those in the individual insurance market will rise 10 percent to 13 percent by 2016 under the plan, according to the Congressional Budget Office. While the cost of premiums will be subsidized with taxpayer dollars for 57 percent of those enrolled in the new government-run insurance exchanges, the 43 percent of enrollees who do not qualify for assistance will have to pay higher costs.
3. The bill creates jobs.
The Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank, says that the health care reform bill will create "between 2.5 million to 4 million additional jobs over the next 10 years." But the fiscally conservative Beacon Hill Institute, part of Boston's Suffolk University, conducted its own analysis and found that in response to higher taxes and mandates on companies to provide insurance, "firms would be induced to fire or lay off workers" to the tune of 120,000 to 700,000 employees by 2019. The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, found that the new taxes would kill 690,000 jobs per year.
4. Federal funding will not cover abortion.
Obama agreed on Sunday to sign an executive order to reaffirm the Senate bill's "consistency with long-standing restrictions on the use of federal funds for abortion." But pro-life groups say the executive order does not carry the force of a law and will do nothing to curb the provision in the bill they believe will allow taxpayer dollars to cover the procedure. "The president cannot amend a bill by issuing an order, and the federal courts will enforce what the law says," the National Right to Life Committee said.
5. If you like your current health care plan, you can keep it.
The new health care law will impose a list of benefits each health care plan will have to offer if they are to remain in business. The Congressional Budget Office also estimates that about 4 million people would lose their employer-based plan and be forced to buy plans on the new government exchanges.
6. Medicare costs will be cut, not services.
The bill makes $528 billion in cuts to Medicare, including a $136 billion reduction for Medicare Advantage. The Medicare Advantage cuts will force 4.8 million seniors off the popular plan by 2019. An additional $23 billion in cuts to Medicare will come from a panel charged with slashing Medicare spending.
7. The bill pays for itself.
The CBO found that the bill would reduce the deficit by $138 billion over 10 years, but the savings was achieved by leaving out a $208 billion provision lawmakers will have to enact later to ensure doctors are adequately paid for treating Medicare patients. When the "doc fix" is included in the bill, it runs $59 billion in the red over the next decade. And former CBO Director Douglas Holtz-Eakin said that "if you strip out all the gimmicks and budgetary games" the 10-year deficit would exceed $560 billion.
8. State won't get stuck with the bill.
The health care reform bill expands Medicaid to all non-elderly individuals up to 133 percent of the poverty line. The federal government would foot the bill for this expansion, but only until 2016. Beginning in 2017, states would gradually begin paying a portion of it. By 2020, states would cover 10 percent of the cost of Medicaid expansion.
9. There will be no rationing of care.
A survey conducted by the Medicus Firm, a medical recruitment company, found that 46 percent of physicians said they would quit or retire if the Democratic health care reform bill becomes law. The survey noted that "even if a much smaller percentage such as ten, 15, or 20 percent are pushed out of practice over several years at a time when the field needs to expand by over 20 percent, this would be severely detrimental to the quality of the health care system."
10. The bill does not raise taxes.
The bill imposes a 40 percent excise tax on insurance plans costing $10,200 for individuals and $27,500 for families. It also raises revenue by increasing the Medicare payroll tax for those earning more than $200,000, plus a new 3.8 percent tax on unearned income for these earners. The bill also imposes new taxes on drug makers, medical device manufacturers and health insurers that are likely to be passed on to consumers.
(Source Washington Examiner)
DNC spends thousands on Pole Dancers
"the Democratic National Committee has been spending thousands of its own donor money on luxury hotels, limos and yes, scantily clad go-go dancers, FrumForum has discovered. Further, the DNC has been hiring White House helicopters for party use, while Steele fell into more hot water for even suggesting he might need a private jet. (snip) Put (sic) perhaps the most questionable expense was the DNC's use of the trappings of the White House for partisan purposes: $232,436.81 spent on White House helicopters and White House In-flight Services since August of last year."
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