"Of course, the fact that the pro-choice crowd had made complete asses of themselves by hurling unfounded charges at the pro-life movement was quietly swept under the rug by their fellow degenerates in the media.
"Then came Friday. And the reason I urged caution in our reaction was because I knew, as we all know, that if we were to jump to a conclusion that eventually proved false, the magnanimous treatment shown our enemies in 1993 would not be shown to us today. Instead, the media would make sure we were soon rotating over a low flame
"But that concern is now gone. Prosecutors in Michigan have confirmed that, according to the suspect in custody, Jim was indeed targeted because of his pro-life activism. In a nutshell, an elderly man wearing leg braces and breathing through an oxygen tank was brutally murdered for protesting abortion on a public sidewalk.
"That leaves us with a very simple question. Simply put, will the responses to this killing match the responses we've seen in the past when some abortionist was shot. For example:
"Will the FBI launch an investigation to find links between the suspect and other pro-choice individuals or organizations?
"Will the United States Department of Justice try to establish that these killings were part of a larger pro-choice conspiracy?
"Will pro-choice organizations have their phones illegally tapped and their mail illegally opened by federal authorities?
"Will U.S. Marshals now be assigned to protect peaceful non-violent pro-lifers while they are exercising their First Amendment rights?
"Will Congress rush to pass new legislation that would protect people who exercise their constitutional right to protest abortion?
"Will pro-life protesters be given protective zones around themselves into which pro-choice activists may not legally enter?
"Will media pundits be suggesting that the heated rhetoric of the pro-choice movement is what led to these killings?
"Will any rabidly pro-choice media commentator be accused of creating the atmosphere that made such a killing inevitable?
"Will the Democratic Party's unwavering advocacy of abortion-on-demand be cited as a motivating factor for the shooter?
"Will those who call themselves pro-choice now be forever labeled, 'One of those fanatics who murder people they don't agree with'?
"Of course, we all know what the answer to each of these questions will be. We all know that the most likely response will be that the pro-life movement and the victim himself created the environment in which this killing occurred.
"You can count on it."
-- World Net Daily
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