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"If the government robs Peter to pay Paul, he can count on the continued support of Paul.

Friday, October 23, 2009


"Most Racists are the 95% of Black Inner City residents who have been misled to vote for the same Progressive Officials who are responsible for their deprivations and want them dead. It is sad reality, but a large percentage of inner city residents have been taught to blame and hate the White man by Marxist Parasites, such as elected officials, school teachers, ministers of black liberation theology, community organizers like ACORN, labor unions like SEIU, AFL-CIO, and organizations like The (New) Black Panthers, Nation of Islam, Rainbow Coalition, et al. These organizations and people are responsible for preaching hatred of our country, White people and the economic system that allows those so inclined to escape poverty, if they can survive the crime, and overcome the mismanaged and ineffective schools run by their own people. White racism does exist by the Elites, government officials and by those born with a silver spoon in their mouth, but they are also equally prejudiced against poor Whites. Many average white people do harbor resentment because of perceived preferential benefits for Blacks, and for crime rate in the Black community."

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