"In the past politicians have tried segregation, redistricting and voter suppression as solutions… but none of those are enough at a national level. Nationalized health care however can effectively kill two birds with one stone, by getting rid of some of the elderly, and giving youth voters a new shiny toy that only works so long as they don’t use it. And of course giving back to Obama’s core demographic of corrupt unions, in this case the corrupt Marxist thugs of SEIU.
"Now most people living in countries with national health care plans like having them… so long as they don’t actually have to use them very much. Nationalized health care works best as a safety net for those who need the occasional doctor’s visit or treatment for a broken leg after an accident. The more services they need however, the worse their experience becomes. And the largest and heaviest users of health care services are usually the elderly.
"Health care rationing, by both private and government plans, depends on providing a base of basic services to the most people, while trying to ration the more expensive services needed for patients with more serious health conditions. It’s easy enough to pay for the occasional dentist’s visit, mammogram or to set a broken leg… and it’s even profitable, because both business and government have a financial interest in healthy workers. The government however has much less interest in the health of seniors when it begins to require spending thousands on expensive drugs, major surgeries and regular nursing care.
"When the Czars used to travel to see Russia, their subordinates would go before them erecting two dimensional facades of villages in order to create the illusion of a thriving peasantry. These villages were known as Potemkin villages after the Russian minister who originated the clever notion. Even with the rise of Communism, Potemkin villages continued to be constructed to hide the dismal truth. Even when Nixon visited Russia in 1972, he encountered more Potemkin villages. But when he overflew the sites he saw that the facades were nothing more than an illusion.
"ObamaCare is a giant Potemkin village. It looks good from the outside, until you actually need it, and then like all national health care programs, it does its best to get rid of you. And it is designed to look good to younger voters who will need it the least and therefore have the least negative encounters with it, while shoving the elderly into the refuse bin. Like a mirage, it provides a glittering image of food and water, but when you step forward and reach for it, you come up with nothing but handfuls of desert sand.
"In any rationing scheme the elderly will get the knife in a system that is designed primarily to offer HealthCare Lite. The result creates two kind of voters, satisfied voters and dead voters… which is a can’t lose proposition. Either you don’t need health care very much but are pleased to have it available if you need it, or you do need health care and then you’ll probably be too busy writing letters and challenging the authorities to have any time left for politics anyway. Until you’re finally hospitalized, put on a limited care plan and your IV drop gets disconnected. It’s the European approach now being exported to America."
Thursday, October 15, 2009
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