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"If the government robs Peter to pay Paul, he can count on the continued support of Paul.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


"Your kids are taking drugs, going to parties, lying to you—looking for love in all the wrong places because they do not get it at home. They look for acceptance in friends, gangs, and bad guys! Why is it that many parents don’t know or don’t care where their kids are and what they might be doing? Recently, the news stations reported that a 14-year-old girl took some nude photos of herself and e-mailed them to her boyfriend. He in turn sent them to others and needless to say they are everywhere and she is now looking at going to prison. This is the perfect example of what has gone wrong with our entire country! WHERE is the parents’ responsibility in all of this? Just 2 years ago she was a twelve-year-old child, why would her parents give her a cell phone and let her have a boyfriend? Why would her parents not know what is going on their child’s life? When does responsibility for a child end with a parent? I say never! I blame the majority of America’s problems on dysfunctional, irresponsible parents! But is the problem way too big for anyone to fix?"

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