"What luck for the rulers that men do not think." -Adolf Hitler
"I will bring this war to an end in 2009. So don’t be confused." -- Senator Barack Obama

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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Nader on Obama: "A Frightened Man" -- "Very Disappointing"

"Nader's main gripe is that Obama has 'turned his back on the very people' who voted him into office, imploring the President to invite representatives of consumer, environmental and worker groups to the White House -- 'as they elbow their way between the hordes of corporate execs, speculators and criminals that have received invitations there.'"

Check out the comments too:

"I am one of the lefties who voted him in office (and donated hundreds to his campaign). I am furious at Obama's support of the financial oligarchy and recently dropped my democratic party registration. I will never vote for the lesser of two evils again."

"100% agree with Nader. I voted for Obama, if he doesn't passes health care bill for 45 million american without insurance and doesn't brings a change for the common people, I will not vote for dems in 2010. BTW, that doesn't mean I will vote for ignorant GOP. Obama is portraying himself as a weak preseident and I won't vote period."

"Obama watched a college football game last night. This morning he was awarded the Heisman Trophy."

"The Great Hope turns out to be just a shell with eloquence at a time when Americans were grasping at straws. The really sad part is that if Obama does not live up to even half of his potential the far right will get to say " I told you so". Have corporate and banking criminals been punished? No. Has healthcare been solved or at least a solution started? No. Are we still at war? Yes. Is the economy better? No. I wish Obama would stop making speeches and get stuff done. He can sure talk the talk but so far can't walk the walk."


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