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"If the government robs Peter to pay Paul, he can count on the continued support of Paul.

Friday, October 16, 2009


"In 1776, the colonies rejected the European (nationalist) form of government. In the UNITED STATES, the people of the states ardently believed that their freedoms would be best protected if each of their agents (State and federal) possessed equal power to check the other against encroachments of power and freedom. This was the 'more perfect union' of the US Constitution. How could the founders have suggested that the US Constitution was a 'more perfect union' as a nationalist system, when the nationalist system was the very system they seceded from and rejected? That is nonsense!

"Ironically, the very document that was designed to perpetuate these principles of federalism has in fact been de-constructed to destroy those same principles, leaving us with the very form of government that our framers and the Constitution's ratifiers rejected. In the end, if the people of the states do not once again reject this national form of government and assert and defend the principles of federalism--the principles upon which America was founded--then this supposed federal power of constitutional 'construction' will in fact be our freedom's destruction."

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