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"If the government robs Peter to pay Paul, he can count on the continued support of Paul.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Dennis Campbell: The left: woofing and barking like a pack of mutts

"Yes, the Left is very canine-like in that behavior, but sadly shares little else with the noble dog. While a dog is loyal, Leftists are prone to betrayal, as with Obama throwing — to use the vernacular — his long-time pastor and own grandmother under the bus.

"The love a dog displays is genuine, while the Left merely pretends to love those whose votes it craves, such as minorities and working people, while consistently instituting policies that make their lives worse.

"And if you kick a dog a few times, it is going to learn to avoid your foot, while Liberals are mostly incapable of learning from history — for example, unable to assimilate the truth that low taxes spur economic growth and high taxes stifle it.

"A dog also is willing to work for its room and board, eagerly offering its services as a guard, or sheepherder, or guide to the blind. Liberals generally want someone else to provide for their sustenance and shelter.

"So, clearly, Liberals are not nearly as smart as that four-legged critter reclining at your feet. And, frankly, a dog is much better company."

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