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Saturday, November 7, 2009

Ellis Washington: Why Obama can't go to Berlin

"President Obama is Machiavellian to the core, and like Machiavelli, who said in his infamous book 'The Prince' (1513) the end justifies the means, likewise Obama will do nothing that won't further his political agenda to 'remake America' in his own Marxist image. Going to Berlin won't deify Obama, it will reveal him. Furthermore, he knows that whatever words he would say in Berlin would pale in comparison to the words JFK said in Berlin in June 1963 and especially Ronald Reagan's prophetic rhetoric uttered before the Brandenburg Gate on June 12, 1987 – 'Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!'– just two years before the fall of the evil Soviet Empire.

"Moreover, the dirty little secret about the Democratic Party, Barack Obama and his fascist minions in the White House is that they were on the wrong side of history. Liberals did not cheer when the Berlin Wall fell. Obama and his socialist colleagues in the academy, in the media, in Hollywood did not have a party of jubilee as the people did in East Berlin, in Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Lithuania, Georgia, Ukraine, Czechoslovakia and in numerous other former Soviet-bloc countries. Reagan's words, 'Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!' literally freed hundreds of millions of people from the bondage of communist dictatorships all over the world.

"Regarding the artistic and Hollywood community, I read an interesting story about the Wende Museum in Los Angeles and its failed efforts to erect a portion of Berlin wall as an art exhibit. Here is an excerpt of the narrative from the article:

The concrete wall that divided the city of Berlin for 28 years is suddenly splitting a segment of Los Angeles' art community just as the 20th anniversary of the wall's falling nears.

The trouble began earlier this month when the Wende Museum installed several segments of the original Berlin Wall on Wilshire Boulevard.

Kent Twitchell, whose larger-than-life paintings cover entire walls and sides of freeways, said he planned to "bookend" two sections of the wall with portraits of President John F. Kennedy, who denounced the barrier in a Berlin speech in 1963, and President Ronald Reagan, who famously demanded, "Tear down this wall!" shortly before it came down in 1989.

But as he rushed to finish the portraits, Twitchell said he was told by organizers that he could leave one of the paintings in his studio: There was no room for both.

"They said there would only be room for one and they just assumed it would be Kennedy," the disappointed artist said this week as he continued to work at putting the final touches on the Reagan one.

"Stalin would be proud of the censorship tactics by the commissars of art and the useful idiots of the Hollywood left, for they are continuing his ignoble legacy 56 years after his death by 'disappearing' the great President Ronald Reagan from our national memory at the Wende Museum.

"Returning to why Obama can't go to Berlin, his only concern is puffing up his own massive ego. A trip to Berlin to celebrate the fall of communism in Eastern Europe simply does not fit the template of what motivates our Narcissist-in-Chief, which can be encapsulated in this phrase – How can I be praised?"

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