"In all fairness, it wasn’t HARD to be RIGHT in my prediction concerning Obama’s Presidency, even in its first 6 months, so I’m going to make yet another prediction:
"OBAMA WILL PROBABLY NOT FINISH HIS 4-YEAR TERM, at least not in a conventional way.
"He is such a political HORROR-SHOW, and so detrimental to the USA and his own Democratic Party, that the Democrats themselves will either FORCE him to resign or figure out a way to have him thrown out."
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
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Explain why I'm so full of crap.
One can only hope Obama does not finish 4 years, but that would put Biden in office (not sure if that's any better).
The US still at war, deeper in debt, more of an economic crisis, higher unemployment, more government spending, and now come higher taxes for the hard working class. But what counts is the US has a person of darker skin color for president, despite his lack of qualifications and credibility. (yeah right!)
If Obama's out, then Biden's in. If Biden's out, Pelosi's in. It's a no-win situation.
It's hard to comment without using profanity because you are such a total right wing red neck misinformed idiot using inuendo, misinformation, lies and totally false conclusions that it beggars the imagination. Without using profanity I simply say that you are a total f'ing idiot, and I can back up what I say which is more than you can.
To whom are you refering as a "total f'ing idiot."?
And please substantiate your contentions.
I totally agree with Howard. I did not vote for Obama and when he got in, I saw through his control of the government immediately. He is an arrogant, mentally ill narcissist and it's right in our faces what he is doing. He is destroying this country and I hope he is out before he spends more. We cannot afford him.
I would like a copy of your letter. It was excellent. I am sorry it has taken so long for Americans to figure out this horrible president and his cohorts.
Howard, you are a hate-monger.....and probably a racist. It takes a lot of energy to hold on to that much hate. Why not put that energy into something that helps our world, instead of tearing it down?? Like helping the people in Haiti? I feel sorry for you...you must have a miserable life.
Piece Said must be a black man...or just another dumb lib. We are so F**CKING tierd of you people using the "race card" because you have NO other excuses for this pathetic excuss for a president. I am a Dem but now very embarrassed I voted for this emtpy suit. Get a life and look at the FACTS.
I know there were a lot of Americans that saw right through what CHANGE Obama was going to bring to our wonderful country. I feel sorry for those who were fooled and from the comments on this blog are still deceived.
I think it is kind of funny that a guy who calls either a black man or another DUMB lib, would misspell so many words on his comment. Smart person, tired is not spelled tierd and empty is not spelled emtpy. I am a white educated woman and I would be embarrassed if I was you, Anonymous, especially when you can't spell and the program even tells you when you have misspelled a word and gives you a chance to correct it to at least make you sound a little smarter. btw I am a Republican and I am not a bit embarrassed that I voted for Obama. Thank you.
This guy's an angry right-winged racist who loves to complain because he can't do anything else successfully!
Barak Obama is like a large dose of colon blow. He will be around for four years, cleanse your bowels, treasury, and leave the democrats high and dry.
Don't think "all Americans" don't know what Obama is--he was going to lose the election until the bottom fell out of the economy, and to John McCain, one of the most inept campaigners in modern times. Obama will lose Congress in 11/10, and the Republican Congress will rescind his health care law--that is, if it passes in the first place!
You progressive whiners use emotional consensus as "facts", instead of real, objective facts. Americans are sick of your use of "political correctness" to label your opposition as racists, homophobes and troglodytes. Your perfidy is discovered folks; moderates don't buy into this crap anymore. Your only method of attacking conservatives has run it's course. And remember, progressives are wrong on every moral issue.
here we are simply trying to make America the best it can be and pleading with the Obama Zombies to wake up before it's too late- they all do the same thing-when confronted with truth and facts they start flinging the nasty remarks and insults to try to cover the fact that they are clueless as to what the truth really is (they are so lost, that like their party, they forgot where they came from to start with)
thier motto seems to be:
"when anyone says anything that may sound negative about Obama or the Democrats...
baffle them with BS and if that doesn't work then call them racist!"
if you read through the posts that's exactly what you see, the perfect example being the bully tactics heaped on Palin and her family-(so-called)liberals (a stupid name for a group who are anything but liberal when it comes to opinions other than their own) aren't capable of sticking to the facts...they have to try to decimate personally...that's how they work-exactly like the school yard bullies or Chicago thugs-(intelligent facts not needed when you start kicking someone till they bleed and you enjoy the perceived power it gives you)
I am just another bitter typical white person clinging to God & my guns.
I agree with Foxteeth. I've heard "facts and data will set you free". If you look at the facts, it is much like Howard wrote. Those who support Hussein Obama generally stay away from facts and data, and attack the person they don't agree with.
So for those who don't agree with Howard, that's great. But how about bringing some facts to the table, instead of making personal attacks on the posters who don't have the same inclusive opinion? That's evading the issue.
Howard, you sound like an angry man for having lost every political post you've run for. Nonetheless, get your facts straight; President Obama is and always will be more popular than President Bush was. Canada's right wing leader can't even get a majority
Hey white "educated" woman - if you're going to attack someone's intelligence based upon a couple of typos (and they are clearly typos, not spelling errors) you might want to make sure you get your grammar correct. Since that seems to be what you're concerned with, why don't you reread your post and check for errors - you've got a few. Your first sentence doesn't even make sense. Hey, at least you didn't misspell any words. Good thing the program let's you know about that sort of thing.
Furthermore, I am a Republican and I didn't vote for Obama. It is concerning to me that you don't regret your vote after his dismal and very telling first year. He is an embarrassment to our country and you should be embarrassed not only because you bought into the hype but because you now refuse to open your eyes to the truth. What has he accomplished? NOTHING. Nothing except continually apologize for the United States to the rest of the world, bow or cower to other world leaders (Jordan and China) alienate our allies (great job with Israel) and spend us into oblivion. And that's just the beginning. What, exactly, are you proud of? Oh, well there was the Peace Prize.
I don't feel the need to state my race since it will be assumed that because I'm a Republican and I dare to criticize Obama I must be white and I must be a racist.
hahaha wooow... that article and this website is fucking ridiculous and hilarious.
wow what a blatently misinformed article let us se some effing sources to your crazy statements next time.
Howard, thank you for your comentary on Obama. I couldn't have said it any better than you. Now I spend a lot of time praying to God that Obama doesn't totally wreck the USA and lead our country to ruin. I am working feaverishly to elect as many conservative members to the US house and senate as possible to derail Obama's plans of ruin for the USA. Tea Party to the rescue.
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