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Monday, November 30, 2009

Humanist Organization Tries to Undermine Christmas with its “Godless” Campaign


Washington, DC – When most people are celebrating the Christmas spirit of joy and love, the American Humanist Association is playing the role of Scrooge by placing ads on buses in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco. The ads state “No God? …No Problem,” and feature an image of several people wearing Santa hats with the phrase, “Be good for goodness sake.”

The American Humanist Association is waging war against Christmas, but their temper tantrum is doomed to failure. An overwhelming percentage of people in America believe in God and celebrate Christmas. Rather than advance its “Godless” agenda, the American Humanist Association has shown just how far out of step it is with reality.

Liberty Counsel’s Friend or Foe Christmas Campaign is entering its seventh year. The campaign is designed to educate and, if necessary, to litigate to make sure that the Christian aspect of Christmas is not censored. The campaign has an impressive track record of success.

As part of the campaign, Liberty Counsel has included a “Naughty & Nice List” to help consumers make choices concerning their Christmas shopping. The Naughty & Nice list is posted at www.LC.org, and it lists retailers which censor and which honor Christmas.

On its website, www.LC.org, Liberty Counsel offers a Help Save Christmas™ action pack, which includes educational legal memoranda to accurately inform government officials, teachers, parents, students, private businesses, employees, and others that it is legal to celebrate Christmas.

Mathew D. Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel and Dean of Liberty University School of Law, remarked: “It is the ultimate ‘grinch’ to suggest there is no God during a holiday where millions of people around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. It is insensitive and mean. It is wrong to belittle Jews for celebrating Hanukkah during the holiday season, and it is wrong to offend all religions during Christmas. Christmas is a time of joy and hope, not a time for hate. Why believe in God? – Because Santa is not the only one coming to town.”

1 comment:

Ken said...

One thing is for certain; the ads are mere propaganda that answers to an argument that no one has made. The claim is not that atheists lack of morals but lack of moral premise, lack of ethos.
It is also a reprinting of their ads from last year: http://atheismisdead.blogspot.com/2008/11/another-atheist-charity-huge-success.html

Yet again, during a time of the year when people are generally more inclined towards charity—peace on earth and good will towards non-gender specific personages—atheists are busily collecting hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of dollars during a time of recession not in order to help anyone in real material need but in order to purchase bill boards and bus ads whereby they seek to demonstrate, to themselves, just how clever they are—need any more be said?