Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) released this statement on President Barack Obama’s announcement of his new strategy for Afghanistan.
“While I recognize the harsh realities of war and I applaud President Obama for his thorough review of United States Policy in Afghanistan - I must respectfully disagree with the President.
“His decision to implement yet another unnecessary and counterproductive escalation of troops in Afghanistan is disappointing.
“We can't continue to send more troops and expect different results. Our military is already stretched too thin. Afghanistan needs a political solution -- not a military one. Adding more troops won't change this important fact.
“We've been fighting for eight years, and our strategy isn't working. In fact, things are only getting worse -- we are seeing rising violence, surging drug production, and an increasingly corrupt central government.
“It is time to put an end to this conflict. But to do that we cannot continue to use a 20th century response to a 21st century problem. We must change our priorities to focus on a diplomatic solution.
“As we move forward in this process it is imperative that we have a complete debate on this escalation on the House floor. Additionally, I am prepared to offer my legislation HR 3699 which would prohibit funding for an escalation of troops as an amendment.”
Ms. Lee, did you not say months ago that "(Obama's) agenda is our (Congressional Black Caucus) agenda"?
As I always said. you all were never on his agenda.
Brother X says "Barbara Lee is RACIST for opposing Obama!"
1 comment:
Take this to the bank:
We will lose the war in Afghanistan. Just as in Iraq, every serviceman or woman who has died there has died for no reason. Russia and merrie old England learned this lesson a long time ago. You would think....Never mind.
Suffice to say, on my best day I do not receive one tenth of the information that President Obama receives. I don't read any of the Presidential Daily Briefings that are placed on his desk every morning. Obviously he is in possession of a wealth of intelligence that you and I are just not privy to. Maybe we should be giving him the benefit of the doubt - and I have been doing just that, I promise you. But from my vantage point it appears to me that this president has failed to learn the lessons that have been passed onto us down the decades by the administrations of Franklin Delano Rossevelt and Lyndon Baines Johnson - lessons involving bold action in times of economic crisis (more on that another day) and the utter folly of waging wars that cannot be won.
Let this be etched in stone:
Any country that would view its women as inferior beings not entitled to basic human rights is not worth one drop of ANYBODY'S blood.
I want to believe in this president. He is the chief executive I worked harder to elect than any other in my lifetime. I realize that it is simply far too early in this administration to write a final assessment of his term of office. That being said, my confidence in the Obama White House is ebbing rapidly. Where in the hell is all of this change I could believe in? Is the Bush Mob still in charge? What gives?
No, I am still exceedingly grateful that John McCain and Gidget von Braun did not win the election last year. Have another sip.
Tom Degan
Goshen NY
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