"Greenies loathe having ’Nazism’ attached to their cause – but that is exactly what it is… Fascism. Republicans (many of whom flew in formation with greenies to get their votes) in Congress now call the ridiculous green posturing, 'scientific fascism'. They might be hypocritical, but they are right. I know, because it is what I discovered when I researched my book. All the signs point in the direction of Marxism and Fascism.
"And Obama’s science Czar, John Holdren, is still hanging on for grim death, even though he is one of those caught in the CRU email records as a fraud. As is usual for serial liars, he casually says he will apologise IF the accusations can be proved to be true. He isn’t worried one little bit – why should he be worried when his boss gets away with his own deceptions? If a Kenyan with no documentation can get away with it, why can’t a poor excuse for a scientist? He will just brazen it out to the end.
"The same Guardian correspondent believes against all the cards stacked against greenism. If she’s not careful, the cards will collapse around her head. Better to leave the sinking ship now. She repeats old green foolishness, that the 'coal industry produces more gas emissions than any other fuel source.' Like all those who bleat to the same mantra, she does not stop to wonder just how any science can measure exactly who emits what carbon! It does not even occur to her. And that is a very sad indictment.
"However, Hansen is right on one thing: he hates cap-and-trade. He says it is the same as the old Catholic Indulgences: just pay some money and your sins are blotted out. Unfortunately, this one slender sliver of truth doesn’t save his hide as a scientist. Like someone who believes stinking pus is the sign of a clean wound, Hansen believes (or, more accurately, he says he believes) that by not stopping CO2 emissions the seas will rise dramatically. A UK court forced scientists to admit such an event is 'impossible', and the science behind the claim doesn’t exist… the stark sea-rise figures are a deliberate fraud put there by the IPCC!! (See my book). The IPCC slid the decimal point a few places to make a few centimetres (the usual sea rise figures) into anything up to twenty feet!! Yet, this ‘top scientist’ repeats what is a known fraud. Does he even know the IPCC has since changed the figures back to what they should be? I don’t think so.
"He also repeats the idea that humans are causing a rise in CO2 that is dangerous. Neither claim can be proved by science. It is all guesswork based on bad science."
Saturday, December 5, 2009
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