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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Black Slaves & Crabs TODAY!


"Sean D talking about the 'slave mentality' that's STILL prevelant TODAY!! Whenever you try to do better for yourself (or your family), the Black crabs (Niggers, Niggas, or however you want to twist the N-Word!) TRY TO pull you down. Everything positive is ALWAYS equated to being WHITE and everything negative & DUMBED DOWN is ALWAYS coupled with Blackness (thank you B.E.T. for keeping the negative stereotypes alive!). F*ck this modern day Slave Mentality...don't let the 'crabs' keep you from doing whatever you want to do. Niggers, Niggas, Niggaz, (DELETED) ALL THAT...same shit no matter who says it. This ignorant mentality has to stop!!!!"

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