A confidential source passed this on to me:
A Guide for Aspiring Race Hustlers and Poverty Pimps:
How to be Black for Fun and Profit
Part 1
by Brother X
If you always wanted to be the kind of Black leader who cares only about your ego, your bank account, and your self-preservation above the needs of the community and want to make a fabulous living from the Black community and White guilt, then this is what you must do:
First of all, you must convince your constituency that all Whites will always do their best to hinder Black progress. There is no such thing as “The American Dream” for Blacks. You must convince them that Whites are always burning the midnight oil, always thinking of new, innovative, and creative ways to oppress your constituency. Always convince your constituency that all Whites in general are devils, unspeakably evil and always will be. Always give them the impression “Whitey’s gonna get you.”
Convince them that mass genocide, except by abortion, is very close around the corner. (Never attack the rich, white abortion industry! They may have the wrong skin color, but their green money is very good looking!) Keep your Black folk scared. Keep your Black folks angry! Encourage them to satisfy their thirst for an elusive “freedom” by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. Do not encourage them to struggle on a high plane of dignity and discipline. Never let them know there is such a thing called “personal responsibility,” which only can be a White man’s concept. Let them wallow in the valley of despair.
Keep your Black folks worked up! And you must show your constituency that you will always be their only friend and voice for them. You must always “romance” them, wine and dine them so to speak. Appeal to their egos. Make them feel superior to all other ethnic communities. Make them feel that the “outside communities” of all ethnic groups will never accept them. You must actually control and isolate your people, rather than really care about them. Do everything to make them feel good, to make them want to be “movin’ on up” just like The Jeffersons. Promise them a “piece of the pie.” Just like Jack Nicholson said to Tom Cruise in A Few Good Men, “You can’t handle the truth!” your constituency cannot handle the truth. The truth is they must stay on the “plantation.” You want them to be dependent on you. You want to be popular enough so that your word is law. People will do what you tell them to do on blind faith. People will vote the way you tell them to vote, sight unseen because you are their leader.
Let people believe that a victory for one Black is a victory for all Blacks, like when boxer Joe Lewis beat that white German years ago. It will make them feel good, but it may not necessarily change their own personal situation or their community. But change is not your concern. Making them feel good is your concern.
Remember, poverty is your best friend as long as it does not come to stay at your house. Just keep on demanding that the government do what it is not designed to do. Demand that the government end poverty NOW (ain’t gonna happen). If the masses of people found a way to get out of poverty, you would not be needed anymore. Your funding sources would dry up. You would be in the unfortunate position of having to find a real job. You are in this game for three things only – Reputation, Power, and Money.
Constantly make big threats to the media about “hell breaking loose” and brothers and sisters “finding freedom at home.” Make big demands and say if those demands are not met by a certain deadline, there will be “serious consequences.” Burn, baby burn! Two wrongs don’t make a right but it damn sure makes it even. Accuse the government of constantly attacking your constituency and keeping them in poverty. And if your feelings get hurt, cry “Racism!” Blame the White man at every opportunity. Also get on Black radio talk shows and blame every problem there is in the Black community on racism and the Republicans and say you are trying to get Black folks to wake up.
You should always demand that the federal, state, county, and city governments take the responsibility of solving all the problems of the Black community. Your constituency must believe that it is the government’s responsibility to provide jobs. They must believe it is the government’s responsibility to provide health care. They must believe it is the government’s responsibility to reduce crime. They must believe it is the government’s responsibility to provide housing. They must believe it is the government’s responsibility to keep on spending money on schools since lack of money is absolutely the only reason why Black children are not getting a good education. They must believe it is the government’s responsibility to end poverty. They must believe the solution to the ills of the Black community is “electing the right people.” If a young Black man from your constituency says that welfare is something “the White man owes me,” you have done your job well. Congratulations!
If you are in a city with a Black Mayor, a Black Congressman, a Black city manager, a Black superintendent of schools, a Black county treasurer, a Black chief of police, a Black fire chief, Blacks on the county Board of Supervisors, Blacks on the school board, etc., if there are any problems in those governments, find any White man somewhere to blame. Remember, our Black elected officials are NEVER to be held accountable, even if caught with $90,000 in their Louisiana home freezer. (The White man and slavery made him freeze his money.) They are innocent even if proven guilty.
Celebrate “diversity,” but never, ever tolerate diversity of thought or opinion. Only your opinion matters in the community. And yours is the only correct view.
On the subject of the media, whenever you are interviewed, remember, you are representing the authentic Black point of view. Say something controversial and when you are later challenged on it, say that your comments were taken out of context. Even better, blame the White establishment of trying to distort your message. Accuse them of always trying to get you and to take you down. You must be the “consummate victim.”
Call any White person who criticizes you or your Black friends a Nazi, Klan member, Aryan Nations member, cracker, Dixiecrat, honky conservative, or just a plain old White supremacist and do your best to keep them feeling guilty. Call all Black people who criticizes you house negroes, sellouts, Uncle Toms, whitewashes, sugarcanes, Oreo ™ cookies, coconuts, Uncle Toms, Trojan Horses, fades, bug-eyes, Judases, race traitors, handkerchief-head Negroes, Uncle Toms, self-haters, Uncle Toms, boot-lickers, wannabes, parasites, self-loathers, Uncle Toms, Sambos, Farinas, Stymies, Buckwheats, hyenas, wombats, weasels, Uncle Toms, brown pelicans, servants of the right-wing, Uncle Toms, or anything else you can think of that is a good insult. For example, if one has the name Ezola, call her “Ebola” or if she is named Condolezza, call her “Condemnesia.” Publicly accuse the feet-shuffling, sellout, disrespectful, self-hating Uncle Tom and Aunt Jemima, Stepin Fetchit sycophant, extremist, persona-non-grata Blacks who call themselves “conservatives” and who oppose you as being self-serving house-negro whores of the White establishment. If they call you on any facts you cannot dispute, ask them publicly “What are the White folks paying you to say all that?” to embarrass them. You completely must tarnish their reputations before any of your constituency takes what they say seriously. Some of them just may listen to them. Accuse them of having Messianic complexes and delusions of grandeur while saying “Yassa Massah! We’s good black folks. We sho’ gonna do whate’r yall say!” to their White puppet masters. Tell your constituency these sellouts are the “enemy within,” and they must be exposed and opposed vigorously. It is your duty to isolate them, And your constituency must never, ever in life accept them. You must always have people question their Blackness. Remember, dissent within the Black community you must never tolerate. Criticism from the White community you must never tolerate. Your constituency must know that to deviate from your standard doctrines is to “work against the Black race” and is contributing to their genocide. Freedom of thought must never be encouraged. You must make other Blacks afraid to openly express feelings other than your standard doctrine. Make them afraid to be called Uncle Toms. And you must never let anyone question your commitment to your constituency. You must be recognized as the Keeper of the Blackness.
When you talk to the media, exaggerate instances of racism. For example, if there was Black voter suppression in one election, for the next election, plan on mentioning unconfirmed reports of voter suppression in several states. Who will check you out? It makes for a good entertaining sound byte. The media will not hold you responsible for hearsay, and your constituency will love you for your “honest” vigilance. Besides those comments maybe forgotten. If not, at least you planted the seeds of suspicion.
If there have been overt cases of racism and genocide that does not serve your purpose in any way, like gun control laws that disarmed Blacks and not Whites over 100 years ago, or the Negro Project (endorsed by Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger) that sought to sterilize Black men in the south in the 30’s, Black slavery in Africa (which has been going on for 800 years), or the massacre of 800,000 Blacks by Blacks in Rwanda, ignore them. You are not interested in Black-on-Black genocide at all. Only White-on-Black genocide is a tragedy worthy of recognition. Blacks killing other Blacks is NEVER as bad as Whites killing Blacks. You need to high profile cases of White racism and genocide that will boost your reputation, power, and money. If anyone tries to make any useless cases of genocide public, tell them to back off. It is only working against your cause, which is reputation, power, and money.
A Guide for Aspiring Race Hustlers and Poverty Pimps:
How to be Black for Fun and Profit
Part 1
by Brother X
If you always wanted to be the kind of Black leader who cares only about your ego, your bank account, and your self-preservation above the needs of the community and want to make a fabulous living from the Black community and White guilt, then this is what you must do:
First of all, you must convince your constituency that all Whites will always do their best to hinder Black progress. There is no such thing as “The American Dream” for Blacks. You must convince them that Whites are always burning the midnight oil, always thinking of new, innovative, and creative ways to oppress your constituency. Always convince your constituency that all Whites in general are devils, unspeakably evil and always will be. Always give them the impression “Whitey’s gonna get you.”
Convince them that mass genocide, except by abortion, is very close around the corner. (Never attack the rich, white abortion industry! They may have the wrong skin color, but their green money is very good looking!) Keep your Black folk scared. Keep your Black folks angry! Encourage them to satisfy their thirst for an elusive “freedom” by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. Do not encourage them to struggle on a high plane of dignity and discipline. Never let them know there is such a thing called “personal responsibility,” which only can be a White man’s concept. Let them wallow in the valley of despair.
Keep your Black folks worked up! And you must show your constituency that you will always be their only friend and voice for them. You must always “romance” them, wine and dine them so to speak. Appeal to their egos. Make them feel superior to all other ethnic communities. Make them feel that the “outside communities” of all ethnic groups will never accept them. You must actually control and isolate your people, rather than really care about them. Do everything to make them feel good, to make them want to be “movin’ on up” just like The Jeffersons. Promise them a “piece of the pie.” Just like Jack Nicholson said to Tom Cruise in A Few Good Men, “You can’t handle the truth!” your constituency cannot handle the truth. The truth is they must stay on the “plantation.” You want them to be dependent on you. You want to be popular enough so that your word is law. People will do what you tell them to do on blind faith. People will vote the way you tell them to vote, sight unseen because you are their leader.
Let people believe that a victory for one Black is a victory for all Blacks, like when boxer Joe Lewis beat that white German years ago. It will make them feel good, but it may not necessarily change their own personal situation or their community. But change is not your concern. Making them feel good is your concern.
Remember, poverty is your best friend as long as it does not come to stay at your house. Just keep on demanding that the government do what it is not designed to do. Demand that the government end poverty NOW (ain’t gonna happen). If the masses of people found a way to get out of poverty, you would not be needed anymore. Your funding sources would dry up. You would be in the unfortunate position of having to find a real job. You are in this game for three things only – Reputation, Power, and Money.
Constantly make big threats to the media about “hell breaking loose” and brothers and sisters “finding freedom at home.” Make big demands and say if those demands are not met by a certain deadline, there will be “serious consequences.” Burn, baby burn! Two wrongs don’t make a right but it damn sure makes it even. Accuse the government of constantly attacking your constituency and keeping them in poverty. And if your feelings get hurt, cry “Racism!” Blame the White man at every opportunity. Also get on Black radio talk shows and blame every problem there is in the Black community on racism and the Republicans and say you are trying to get Black folks to wake up.
You should always demand that the federal, state, county, and city governments take the responsibility of solving all the problems of the Black community. Your constituency must believe that it is the government’s responsibility to provide jobs. They must believe it is the government’s responsibility to provide health care. They must believe it is the government’s responsibility to reduce crime. They must believe it is the government’s responsibility to provide housing. They must believe it is the government’s responsibility to keep on spending money on schools since lack of money is absolutely the only reason why Black children are not getting a good education. They must believe it is the government’s responsibility to end poverty. They must believe the solution to the ills of the Black community is “electing the right people.” If a young Black man from your constituency says that welfare is something “the White man owes me,” you have done your job well. Congratulations!
If you are in a city with a Black Mayor, a Black Congressman, a Black city manager, a Black superintendent of schools, a Black county treasurer, a Black chief of police, a Black fire chief, Blacks on the county Board of Supervisors, Blacks on the school board, etc., if there are any problems in those governments, find any White man somewhere to blame. Remember, our Black elected officials are NEVER to be held accountable, even if caught with $90,000 in their Louisiana home freezer. (The White man and slavery made him freeze his money.) They are innocent even if proven guilty.
Celebrate “diversity,” but never, ever tolerate diversity of thought or opinion. Only your opinion matters in the community. And yours is the only correct view.
On the subject of the media, whenever you are interviewed, remember, you are representing the authentic Black point of view. Say something controversial and when you are later challenged on it, say that your comments were taken out of context. Even better, blame the White establishment of trying to distort your message. Accuse them of always trying to get you and to take you down. You must be the “consummate victim.”
Call any White person who criticizes you or your Black friends a Nazi, Klan member, Aryan Nations member, cracker, Dixiecrat, honky conservative, or just a plain old White supremacist and do your best to keep them feeling guilty. Call all Black people who criticizes you house negroes, sellouts, Uncle Toms, whitewashes, sugarcanes, Oreo ™ cookies, coconuts, Uncle Toms, Trojan Horses, fades, bug-eyes, Judases, race traitors, handkerchief-head Negroes, Uncle Toms, self-haters, Uncle Toms, boot-lickers, wannabes, parasites, self-loathers, Uncle Toms, Sambos, Farinas, Stymies, Buckwheats, hyenas, wombats, weasels, Uncle Toms, brown pelicans, servants of the right-wing, Uncle Toms, or anything else you can think of that is a good insult. For example, if one has the name Ezola, call her “Ebola” or if she is named Condolezza, call her “Condemnesia.” Publicly accuse the feet-shuffling, sellout, disrespectful, self-hating Uncle Tom and Aunt Jemima, Stepin Fetchit sycophant, extremist, persona-non-grata Blacks who call themselves “conservatives” and who oppose you as being self-serving house-negro whores of the White establishment. If they call you on any facts you cannot dispute, ask them publicly “What are the White folks paying you to say all that?” to embarrass them. You completely must tarnish their reputations before any of your constituency takes what they say seriously. Some of them just may listen to them. Accuse them of having Messianic complexes and delusions of grandeur while saying “Yassa Massah! We’s good black folks. We sho’ gonna do whate’r yall say!” to their White puppet masters. Tell your constituency these sellouts are the “enemy within,” and they must be exposed and opposed vigorously. It is your duty to isolate them, And your constituency must never, ever in life accept them. You must always have people question their Blackness. Remember, dissent within the Black community you must never tolerate. Criticism from the White community you must never tolerate. Your constituency must know that to deviate from your standard doctrines is to “work against the Black race” and is contributing to their genocide. Freedom of thought must never be encouraged. You must make other Blacks afraid to openly express feelings other than your standard doctrine. Make them afraid to be called Uncle Toms. And you must never let anyone question your commitment to your constituency. You must be recognized as the Keeper of the Blackness.
When you talk to the media, exaggerate instances of racism. For example, if there was Black voter suppression in one election, for the next election, plan on mentioning unconfirmed reports of voter suppression in several states. Who will check you out? It makes for a good entertaining sound byte. The media will not hold you responsible for hearsay, and your constituency will love you for your “honest” vigilance. Besides those comments maybe forgotten. If not, at least you planted the seeds of suspicion.
If there have been overt cases of racism and genocide that does not serve your purpose in any way, like gun control laws that disarmed Blacks and not Whites over 100 years ago, or the Negro Project (endorsed by Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger) that sought to sterilize Black men in the south in the 30’s, Black slavery in Africa (which has been going on for 800 years), or the massacre of 800,000 Blacks by Blacks in Rwanda, ignore them. You are not interested in Black-on-Black genocide at all. Only White-on-Black genocide is a tragedy worthy of recognition. Blacks killing other Blacks is NEVER as bad as Whites killing Blacks. You need to high profile cases of White racism and genocide that will boost your reputation, power, and money. If anyone tries to make any useless cases of genocide public, tell them to back off. It is only working against your cause, which is reputation, power, and money.
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