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"If the government robs Peter to pay Paul, he can count on the continued support of Paul.

Monday, December 7, 2009


"Accuracy in Media never bought into the media-hyped theory. Over the years, under the leadership of AIM founder Reed Irvine, we held numerous panels at our conferences on the subject of how the 'science' behind the man-made global warming theory was being manipulated. Dr. S. Fred Singer was a regular speaker. In fact, our recent 40th anniversary conference had a panel discussion, 'Global Warming: Fact or Media Myth?,' featuring Lord Christopher Monckton, Marc Morano of Climate Depot, and Ann McElhinney, director of the powerful film, Not Evil Just Wrong.

"AIM published Jerry Carlson’s, Will Media Expose Global Warming Con Job?, in February 2008. Some of our other articles include, 'Media promote Global Warming Fraud' and Roger Aronoff’s 'Media Frenzy Over Global Warming.' and 'More Hot Air on Global Warming.'

"May I be permitted to say, 'We told you so.'”

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