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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Obama's Ex-Doctor Knocks Obamacare

"On Thursday, July 30, 2009, advocates for a Single Payer Healthcare system (Medicare Expanded for All) stormed Capitol HIll, in Washington, D.C. This date marks the 44th birthday of the Medicare program. Taxis circled Capitol Hill with Single Payer signs hanging from their windows; cup cakes and birthday cards were delivered by activists to each Congressional office; and rousing speech making took place at the Upper Senate Park, just south of the U.S. Capitol.

"One of the speakers at the rally was Dr. David L. Scheiner of Chicago. He was President Barack Obamas personal physician for 22 years before he took office. Dr. Scheiner took strong exception to the President's current healthcare reform proposal. The doctor also endorsed the Single Player system as embodied in HR 676.
For background on Single Payer, see: http://www.healthcare-now.org and
http://singlepayeraction.org and http://md.pnhp.org and
http://www.prosperityagenda.us/ In the House of Representatives, Single Payer advocates are pushing HR 676; and in the U.S. Senate--S 70"

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