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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Yid with Lid: Is Obama Trying to Emasculate Congress?

"Monday afternoon when the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) declared carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions a danger to public health (and said it will begin to draft and enforce regulations). Even the EPA realizes these moves will be a disaster for the US economy. It will also make it difficult for us as both what we exhale( CO2), and methane (the gas we expel from the other end), are on the EPA. So once again the govt is going after the people from every side possible.

"The EPA action was directed specifically toward congress.

"An Obama staffer -- speaking anonymously, of course -- told Fox News: 'If [Congress doesn't] pass [emissions-control] legislation . . . the EPA is going to have to regulate in this area. And it is not going to be able to regulate in a market-based way, so it's going to have to regulate in a command-and-control way.'

"Take that, separation of powers. So if doesn't believe it prudent to destroy the economy, or if they wanted to investigate climategate, or believe that global warming is a hoax, it doesn't matter because Barack Obama wants to be both the executive and legislative branches of the govt, all rolled up into one."

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