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Saturday, January 23, 2010

A New Alinsky Rule – 'Exploit the Children'

"And here is what this organizer was recorded saying to his troops on how to stifle the opposition:

”'If they stand up and start asking questions and you’re in that area, simply stand up, and start yelling, "health care now, health care now, health care now." Yes. You people, why won’t you then simply stand up, "health care now, health care now" until they get frustrated.'

"The Obama forces are getting desperate. They are using Saul Alinsky’s tactics for radicals against sincere Americans concerned with the direction in which Obama is taking the country.

"This is right out of Alinsky Rules Eight and Twelve: 'Attack, attack, attack from all sides, never giving the reeling organization a chance to rest, regroup, recover and re-strategize…Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.'
"While his supporters take the low road, President Obama intends to rise above the fracas (or so it seems) by delivering a prime-time propaganda piece (oops- TV address) before a joint session of Congress. He is trying to erase the effects of a month of town hall protests and a multitude of objections to his program with a grand sweeping 'rhetorical flourish,' to borrow one of his pet phrases.

"The President is also hoping to influence voters through their children. This is a version of Alinsky’s Rule Eight – 'As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new.' The children are Obama’s new flank, as he delivers a broadcast live via the White House’s Web site to the nation’s school children just a day before his address to Congress.

"Schools are being strongly encouraged to have their students watch the speech and have been given training materials to use with the kids as a follow-up. Students will be asked to ponder such questions as: 'What specific job is he asking me to do? Is he asking anything of anyone else? Teachers? Principals? Parents? The American people?'

"With their parents watching the President’s prime time speech on health care the following night, will it be a mere coincidence if their kids start bugging them about what they plan to do to help the President?

"It looks like Obama is adding another rule to the Alinsky set: 'Exploit the children to sell your arguments.'

"It is time to counter by employing Alinsky’s Rule Eleven- 'The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.'

"The opposition needs to field the strongest, most articulate opponent of Obamacare they have, to immediately follow Obama’s speech and to challenge him to a subsequent one-on-one, no-holds barred debate of the issues on prime-time TV. Lets see how good the President is when he is forced to face his opposition directly."

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