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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Southern Poverty Law Center: Liars Ca$hing in

"'The Southern Poverty Law Center, for the viewers who may not know it, is an organization that specializes in finding offenses that they can raise money around.....Morris Dees, who is the owner of it, if you'd like, I think, is nothing more than a scam artist.' C-SPAN Q&A Host: Brian Lamb Interview with Wesley Pruden, “Washington Times” Editor in Chief

"The misnamed Southern 'Poverty' Law Center is nothing of the sort. That organization is drowning in money.[1] Their 'leadership' doesn't give a ticker's damn about the U.S. Constitution. Morris Dees cares only for money and he's been raking it in for decades to support his lavish lifestyle. A lifestyle of sexual perversion (peeping on his naked 16-year old step daughter), sexual deviant (in bed with another man in front of his wife) and peddling 'intolerance' better than any snake oil salesman of the 19th Century."

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