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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Why Have We Not Heard Of This?

Multiple Claims Alleging Racism Filed Against Planned Parenthood

LOS ANGELES, August 19, 2004 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Planned Parenthood of Los Angeles is the subject of multiple complaints of racism filed with the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The formal complaints were filed by Afro-American and Latino employees. Specifically, several male employees have officially filed claims, or sworn affidavits, with the EEOC and California Fair Employment & Housing Administration. They allege that Planned Parenthood is controlled by white women who have created a hostile environment for male and minority employees.

According to one affidavit, a management employee of Planned Parenthood "used the word nigger directed to me. I am African and was shocked by her cultural insensitivity. I immediately placed my concerns in writing and requested disciplinary action with the human resources department at PPLA. Nothing ever happened to my complaint. In fact, I was later put on probation by a female supervisor and then terminated. . . . there appeared to be a damaging anti-male bias in the organization."

According to another statement, from a female PPLA contractor responsible for ensuring compliance with EEOC regulations, "[a corporate officer] initiated an investigation on the occasion of one of his employees being called a 'nigger' and he was prevented from finishing this investigation. The perpetrator of this ethnic slur . . . was never punished for this action. . . . [Planned Parenthood] posters showing males as irresponsible are prominently displayed throughout headquarters, one shows an African American leaving his child abandoned in the middle of an apartment, another shows all male US Supreme Court justices beating down on women's rights . . ." The affiant also mentioned that Planned Parenthood had posters criticizing President Bush and denouncing Reverend Jerry Falwell. Planned Parenthood is a nonprofit organization that is legally required to avoid political activity.

When asked about this case, Scott Lively, President of the Pro-Family Law Center said, "Considering the claim of liberals to hold a higher standard on racism, I'm appalled that a "liberal organization" based in one of the most "liberal" cities in the United States would be so cavalier about racial issues as to allow this type of insulting conduct to occur in its offices."Richard D. Ackerman, the lead attorney for two claimants, says, "This is a really sad state of affairs. It is unfortunate to find out that PPLA, as a self-proclaimed promoter of 'tolerance and diversity,' is engaging in what appears to be the most primitive form of hate against its own employees."

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