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Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Numbers Don't Don't Add Up

The President told Americans that he must have a Stimulus Package to keep unemployment around 8% which would help him create and save some three million jobs.

The mere fact that unemployment has risen to almost 10% negates any possibility of saving or creating any jobs, and by his own estimates it means the Stimulus did not or has not as of this date, worked. So the $240,000 figure that is often quoted for creating each of the 650,000 jobs, was virtually spent to create or save no jobs. There were no gains in employment only net losses based on his own figure of keeping unemployment at 8%.

Simple math also tells us that if it cost taxpayers $24,000 for each person who took advantage of the Cash For Clunkers programs, we would have been better off (or cheaper) to just give the cars away. The numbers just don't add up.

Again, let's look at numbers. If the Declaration of Independence only consisted of one page and the Constitution of the United States only four pages, the 1964 Civil Rights Act only eight pages and the Social Security Act only 64 pages (as some news agencies report), why did it take 1,990 pages to put together a government program that would simply:

a. Cover Pre-existing illnesses
b. Prevent persons from being dropped from insurance
c. Give insurance to the un-insured
d. And Reduce premiums

Again, the numbers just don't add up. If this is all the new program is going to do, why do you need 1,990 pages to say this, particularly when you look at other major programs that were thoroughly explained with under 100 pages. What's really in this bill?

Rev. Wayne Perryman

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