"President Obama promised 'transparency' and that any bill would be written in public. That was a lie. This monstrosity was hatched behind closed doors. Obama further promised that his health care initiative would not 'add a dime to the federal deficit,' which he has already tripled since taking office. It was another lie. No one can honestly believe that a gargantuan takeover of the nation's $2.5 trillion health care industry will save taxpayers money. No government program results in savings. Each one grows exponentially; creates dependent constituencies that lobby for yet more tax dollars; and empowers bureaucrats for whom mission failure ensures more staff, more money, and more power. There is simply no governing restraint such as a profit motive or anxious stockholders. The voters? Surely you jest. They are far, far away and kept in check by a compliant leftist media. At least, so far.
"Does anyone really believe that a government plan consisting of nearly two thousand pages will simplify things and leave us a freer people?"
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