"The weeklong liberal’s lament seems to have started last Sunday with Arianna Huffington. While noting Obama’s televised address about Afghanistan, the liberal pundit stated that instead, the President should be addressing the nation about a 'jobs bill.' And with this, the unhinged Huffington then cried out 'Can someone in the White House Priorities Department please hit reboot?'
Well, a 'jobs bill' has already been thrust upon us. It was loosely referred to as an 'economic stimulus' bill, it had a staggering price tag of a reported $787 billion, it became law in February, it was lauded as a 'major legislative victory' for President Obama.
"And less than three weeks ago the Obama Administration was still crowing about the numbers of jobs that had either been 'created or saved' by that very stimulus bill.
"But things seem different now. To put it in contemporary liberal media terms, 'the narrative about Obama' has begun to change. And it seems that even the most ardent of Obama fans – that is, the American left wing -is waking up and realizing that the Nobel Peace Prize-winning man who some regard as quasi-deity, may nonetheless not know what he’s doing with economic policy."
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