"The high priest of Copenhagen and Hollywood is the Oscar, Grammy and Nobel Prize winning patron saint of global calamity, Al Gore. He claims the planet 'has a fever.' He doesn’t talk about the fact that he is on his way to becoming a billionaire via his carbon offset businesses and government connections.
"Yet he jets around the world never disclosing his blatant conflicts of interest while preaching that we ought to lower our standard of living.
"Meanwhile Gore and his wife Tipper, whose children all live elsewhere, live in a sprawling 20-room mansion outside of Nashville that uses 20 times the national average in electricity, including an indoor pool costing $500/month to heat.
"Gore purchased 'green' electricity in 2007 to deflect some of this criticism and lower his costs and his carbon footprint, still far larger than what he’s preaching.
"Another global warming alarmist, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. vociferously condemned coal-produced electricity yet aggressively campaigned against a Cape Cod wind farm that would generate carbon-free electricity because the windmills were a bit too close to the Kennedy compound in Hyannis Port.
"Celebrities and politicians alike justify their huge carbon footprints by buying carbon credits or offsets. Many of the companies engaged in selling these paper indulgences have been shown to be scams.
"But scams can alleviate liberal guilt, especially in Hollywood.
"Film and television production requires sets that are constructed and then destroyed, cameras and lights which consume large amounts of energy, large trucks that are used to transport sets and crew and thousands of pages of dialogue are printed.
“'The Day After Tomorrow,' the film that showed Al Gore’s prediction for the world, had to be 'carbon-neutral.' So Fox paid $200,000 for a reforestation project to offset some 10,000 tons of carbon emissions. Then the studio was free to dirty up the atmosphere without guilt.
"Ecology is the new virtue of the celebrity class. Except what is embraced is merely a virtual virtue, one where image is the goal rather than meaningful action.
"Celebrity President Barack Obama who is also known as the great green leader had a St. Louis chef flown 850 miles just to make pizza at the White House.
"Environmental activist/actor John Travolta likes to fly five private planes, including a commercial Boeing 707. He churns out hundreds of tons of carbon emissions every year.
"Laurie David, who used her ex-husband, Larry David’s money to finance Al Gore’s Oscar winning work of fiction, 'An Inconvenient Truth,' now flies around in a Gulfstream private jet, and has built a second home at Martha’s Vineyard that is 25,000 square feet. Hope she bought lots of Al Gore indulgences.
"By the way, it has been estimated that a midsized Gulfstream jet uses the same amount of fuel for one coast to coast flight as the largest Hummer does in a whole year.
"George Clooney made it a point to be seen driving an electric car that gets 135 miles to the gallon but then he hops on a private jet to Asia and Europe.
"Sheryl Crow advocated the use of one square of toilet paper per bathroom visit. She led a 'Stop Global Warming' concert tour across America, but although she travelled in a biodiesel tour bus, she had a 30-person entourage that followed her in a fleet of 13 gas-guzzling vehicles.
"Barbra Streisand has a $22,000-a-year sprinkler bill and demands 120 bath towels at each of her appearances. And Norman Lear who sponsored those ads to make people in Middle America feel guilty about driving SUV's has a garage that holds 21 cars.
"These religious ministers of the environmental faith may not practice what they preach, but are quite enthusiastic about legislating their form of eco-morality."
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