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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Daniel Greenfield: Obama’s Hollywood Backers Stand Up for a Pedophile Rapist

"The Polanski case demonstrates the radical differences between absolute and relativist morality. Either rape is always wrong, or it’s only wrong when it’s 'rape-rape', as Whoopi Goldberg put it on the View. Either child abuse is always wrong, or it’s only wrong when you don’t have warm feelings toward the perpetrator. There are either absolute rights and wrongs. Or only things that are right or wrong depending on how you feel about those doing them. And that is the key point, without absolute morality, subjective morality in which there is one law for your allies and another for everyone else takes hold. We saw that same dual morality in action in the waning days of the Clinton Administration when formerly people who claimed to have no tolerance for sexual harassment, treated Bill Clinton as the victim, and his accusers as the criminals. Today those same people are at it again with Roman Polanski."

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