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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Something I Wrote to MSNBC

First check out this video:

I tried to contact MSNBC:


I have some questions for her. Please tell her she is wacked out on her statements of the Tea Parties.

Racism? I'm black and from Chicago, the most segregated city in the North. When I was younger in the 60's, a large stone came through our house because we moved into a new neighborhood. (By the way, these were not the "racist Republicans.") These were all white Democrats. Were not the white Democrats supposed to love black people? I have experienced racism up close and personal many times in Chicago, all white Democrats, even on a daily basis at one time. I have even been "Heil Hitlered" in by Neo-Nazis.

When it comes to racism, I was out on the playing field getting knocked down for years. She was sitting in the nosebleed section of the bleachers just watching and eating hotdogs and going home unscathed. Her attempt to somehow sympathize with black people is very pathetic and very phony. She is only fooling herself with her rhetoric.

Racism is only a nice spectator sport for her.

If she really cared about black people, she would have been outraged about the four black students shot in New Jersey where she is from. Three of them died. But I did not hear a sound from her. As a matter of fact, here is what I found on Google: "Your search - 'Janeane Garofalo' 'black students shot' - did not match any documents." It was on the news everyplace. What is she doing to stop the deliberate destruction of the black community? Her actions speak so loud I cannot hear a word she says.

She benefits from the same white privilege that she pretends she is against. How clever. I know blacks much better than her and we can see that through that phoniness, but she cannot. She is completely blind yet touts herself as an expert in racial relations.

If you can give her my phone number I would appreciate it. It is (phone number). She needs to learn what racism is about from one who has experienced it and knows more about it than she would care to know.

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