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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Conservative Black Woman: Do You Love Obama More Than You Love America's Sovereignty?

"Do you think that is a preposterous question? If this question were posed a few short months ago, I would have thought so -- but no more. What's worse is that unless one avails themselves to alternative media sources they would have no idea that 'We the People' of the United States of America are in great danger of surrendering our sovereignty to an international entity. The warm and fuzzy phrase which is hallowed throughout the halls of academia and echoed during convocation ceremonies routinely of 'global citizenship' is about to become a reality for the United States of America. As much as it pains me to go all 'Alex Jones' on you this is true. In December of 2009 at the United Nations Climate Summit in Copenhagen, there is a very strong probability that President Obama will sign a treaty that will trump the powers of the US Constitution, if the signed treaty is ratified by the Senate."

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