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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Erik Rush: A nation of pigs

"So, Letterman's stinginess overcame his pride. Big deal. The man is obviously not stupid; he knew that progressives (like the majority of his audience) don't kick their own to the curb for that sort of thing; they exalt them. Whether he outed himself, or was betrayed by the blackmailer, it was a win-win situation for the late-night icon.

"In the case of Polanski, the concept of a klatsch of contemptible, insular libertines pleading the case of a pedophiliac rapist is simply beyond despicable; it reveals what depraved, loathsome creatures these people are, and illustrates in magnificent detail why their value system ought not only be eschewed by Americans at large, but demonstrably derided.

"While the political left has been busy neutralizing our liberties and compromising the U.S. abroad, progressives in government, the press and the entertainment media are transforming us into a nation of pigs – and altogether too many of us are not yet aware of it. Anything prurient goes, and the degree to which Americans' morality has already been undermined will likely take decades to repair as it is."

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