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Monday, October 19, 2009

Herman Cain: Congress despairs when slaves can read

"We should not even have to petition Congress to read legislation before it takes a vote, nor should the public have to beg to see it for 72 hours. This is doubly insulting to the intelligence of the citizens of this country, and brazenly irresponsible on the part of the Democratic leaders in Congress.

"But here's why the resolution is needed. The 'stimulus bill' of 1,073 pages was voted on within 12 hours after it was made available to members of Congress. The 1,420-page "Cap & Trade & Tax & Kill" bill was passed in 16.5 hours. One version of the health-care deform legislation was passed out of committee in 14 hours.

"The next huge legislation will be the backroom consolidation of the five health-care Trojan horses voted out of committees, and Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats do not want us to know what's in the bill before they vote on it. Why?"

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