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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Joy Tiz: Et Tu, SNL?

"Those notororiously right- wing racists at SNL jumped the shark this past weekend, with a skit about the excruciatingly conspicuous roster of Obama’s failures. His plans for a 'change we can believe in' were always preposterous. Opening with his failure to secure the 2016 Olympic Games for Chicago, SNL’s Obama said it was just further proof that his detractors’ fears are unfounded: How could he transform the country into something resembling the former Soviet Union or Nazi Germany when he’s failed to accomplish anything at all? 'When you look at my record,' he said, 'it’s very clear what I’ve done so far, and that is nothing.'”


"Ending a love affair with a narcissist is even harder than ending a healthy relationship. Narcissists don’t take it well. As Bernard Goldberg put it, many Americans are 'dumb and in love' with Barack Obama. The true believers continue to pose as members of an objective media, all the while being led around by the nose by the New York Times.

"Directly challenging the true believer makes him dig his heels in deeper. The one truth about cults or mass movements is that the outcome depends on the character of the leader. When SNL begins to turn on their favorite liberal, take heed. As goes SNL, so goes the nation."

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