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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Joy Tiz: Obama-Soros Health Crimes

"Soros’ depraved attitude toward his father’s will to live was not the only catalyst for his Death Project. It was also stoked by the abject failure of Hillarycare; another odious and ill-conceived program that was fortunately derailed as soon as the public found out what it was. Soros, determined not to let that happen again, set about bankrolling the inglorious McCain-Feingold bill, a campaign finance 'reform' law that nobody but Soros wanted. Using phony research polls, Soros was able to sell the hoax that the American people were desperate for campaign finance reform.

"When President Obama-Soros commandeers our health care system, aided by congress, be wary of jargon like 'involuntary euthanasia.' We dodged a bullet with the demolition of Hillarycare, only to find ourselves facing something even more malevolent. As baby boomers age, there is no question that demand for health care services will outstrip supply. At the same time, nationalizing health care creates little incentive for talented students to endure the rigors of medical school, internships and residencies. The rationing of health care is inevitable."

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