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Friday, November 13, 2009

Berkley Students Threaten to Resist Origin Giveaway

Some students aren't too happy that 170,000 copies of a special edition of Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species will be freely given away at 100 top U.S. universities this November. One student wrote: "efforts at UC Berkeley will be met with unilateral resistance." An atheist added: "You people are the scum of the earth. Your introduction is nothing but lies, misquotations, misrepresentations, slander and bias. I am personally donating every penny I can afford to help release a bible with a 100 page Introduction doing the same thing, we will hand this out at all your top religious universities and churches around the nation. If there was a hell you people would rot in it for eternity. With the utmost contempt, Shawn Truesdell." See http://www.livingwaters.com/origin "Press kit" for textual, audio, and video sound bites.

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