"What luck for the rulers that men do not think." -Adolf Hitler
"I will bring this war to an end in 2009. So don’t be confused." -- Senator Barack Obama

"If you don't like Obama, you is a racist!" -- Kelonda

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"If the government robs Peter to pay Paul, he can count on the continued support of Paul.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Newsmax: Turning Point: Couric Rips Obama

"Couric said on 'CBS Evening News' that Americans are growing 'disenchanted' with Obama and are openly questioning his credibility.

"'Is the honeymoon over?' anchor Couric said at the beginning of her correspondent’s report.

"'Although President Obama has been in office less than a year, many Americans are growing disenchanted with his handling of the enormous problems he and the country are facing, from healthcare to unemployment to Afghanistan.

"'His poll numbers are sliding, and at least one poll shows his job approval rating has fallen, for the first time, below 50 percent.'

"Correspondent Chris Reid chimed in: 'The president is getting battered on everything from the economy to foreign policy. Some polls show Americans are increasingly questioning his credibility.'

"The report asserted that while Obama talks about dealing with unemployment, which is over 10 percent and expected to rise, he has developed 'no new ideas' for dealing with the problem."

Hope and Change. Hope and Change.Hope and Change.Hope and Change.Hope and Change.Hope and Change.Hope and Change.Hope and Change.Hope and Change.Hope and Change.Hope and Change.Hope and Change.Hope and Change.Hope and Change.Hope and Change.Hope and Change.Hope and Change.Hope and Change.Hope and Change.Hope and Change.Hope and Change.Hope and Change.Hope and Change.Hope and Change.Hope and Change.Hope and Change.Hope and Change.Hope and Change.Hope and Change.Hope and Change.Hope and Change.Hope and Change.Hope and Change.Hope and Change.Hope and Change.Hope and Change....ad nausem.

I have to say it again...I told you that you would get better change from a Coke Machine.

Vote for Coke.

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