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Monday, December 28, 2009

Are Black Voters For Obama Racists? (May 2008)

"But Obama’s color and the pride blacks take in making history tell only part of the story of why so many of them cheer him. Obama is a Democrat, and so are the overwhelming majority of black voters. They have given every Democratic presidential candidate and incumbent since Lyndon Johnson in 1964 a consistent, and at times off the chart, percentage of their votes. They gave Democratic presidential candidates Al Gore and John Kerry nearly 90 percent of their vote, and those were white Democrats. If Obama hadn’t come along, many would have been just as exuberant about Hillary Clinton, and they would have given her as big, if not bigger, a percent of their vote than Gore or Kerry got. In fact, given the love fest many blacks had with Bill Clinton – at least before his perceived early campaign racial mudsling at Obama – Hillary Clinton still might have gotten a respectable percentage of black votes."

Brother X says: "If there was no Obama, Hillary would have been our choice. She would have been the wife of our first black president Bill Clinton.
But since she ran against Obama, she was a white racist. How dare she run against the second first black president!"

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